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2008-11-15  No. 1  Garfield in Haiku
2008-11-17  No. 2  Garfield Plus Garfield
2008-11-22  No. 3  Recursive Garfield
2008-11-24  No. 4  Choose Your Own Garfield
2008-11-25  No. 5  Qwantzfield
2008-11-28  No. 6  Silent-Era Garfield
2008-12-02  No. 7  Mystical Garfield
2008-12-04  No. 8  Mix-n-Match Recaption Garfield
2008-12-05  No. 9  Colour-Averaged Garfield: 2007
2008-12-08  No. 10  Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel
2008-12-09  No. 11  Garfield on a Neutron Star
2008-12-10  No. 12  The Garfield & Poochie Show
2008-12-11  No. 13  Garfocal
2008-12-15  No. 14  Ellen
2008-12-17  No. 15  Garfield Divided by Garfield
2008-12-19  No. 16  Uncomfortably Close Garfield
2008-12-22  No. 17  The Garfield Code
2008-12-24  No. 18  Garfield/Jon Reversal
2008-12-26  No. 19  Garfield Divided by Garfield
2008-12-29  No. 20  Colour-Averaged Garfield: 1978
2008-12-31  No. 21  NESfield
2009-01-02  No. 22  Garfield-Star Runner
2009-01-05  No. 23  Garfield Zen
2009-01-07  No. 24  Garfield meets mezzacotta
2009-01-09  No. 25  Reversed Garfield
2009-01-12  No. 26  Polar Coordinate Transform Garfield
2009-01-14  No. 27  Garfield Meets Zeus
2009-01-16  No. 28  Garfield Without Words
2009-01-19  No. 29  Circumference of Garfield
2009-01-21  No. 30  Garfield in Microgravity
2009-01-23  No. 31  Garfield in Wonderland
2009-01-26  No. 32  Garfield Without Words
2009-01-28  No. 33  Garfield's D-Leif Rag
2009-01-30  No. 34  Steganographic Garfield
2009-02-02  No. 35  Garfield #1 Gold Foil Embossed Collector's Edition
2009-02-04  No. 36  Garfield: The Video Game
2009-02-06  No. 37  Gadjifantolim
2009-02-09  No. 38  Garfield Rescue!
2009-02-11  No. 39  Garfield on a Postcard
2009-02-13  No. 40  Recursive Thinking Garfield
2009-02-16  No. 41  Irregularfield
2009-02-18  No. 42  36×10 Garfield
2009-02-20  No. 43  Fourier Transformed Garfield
2009-02-23  No. 44  Garfield Retold
2009-02-25  No. 45  Plush Garfield
2009-02-27  No. 46  Garfield's Inferno
2009-03-02  No. 47  Layered Garfield
2009-03-04  No. 48  Garfield Minus Jon
2009-03-06  No. 49  Andy Warfield
2009-03-09  No. 50  Reversed Garfield
2009-03-11  No. 51  Dark Side of the Lasagne
2009-03-13  No. 52  Plush Garfield
2009-03-16  No. 53  Garfield Minus Jon
2009-03-18  No. 54  Censored Garfield
2009-03-20  No. 55  Zoomed-out Garfield
2009-03-23  No. 56  Derivative of Garfield
2009-03-25  No. 57  No Time for the Dog!
2009-03-27  No. 58  867-5309/Jonny
2009-03-30  No. 59  CAD + Garfield
2009-04-01  No. 60  Garfish
2009-04-03  No. 61  Garfield at Night
2009-04-06  No. 62  Flea Grid
2009-04-08  No. 63  John, Paul, George, and Ringo (and Garfield and Odie)
2009-04-10  No. 64  Garfield ∩ Garfield
2009-04-13  No. 65  xkcfield
2009-04-15  No. 66  Broken Vertical Hold Garfield
2009-04-17  No. 67  Signal to Noise
2009-04-20  No. 68  Welsh Sound Effect Garfield
2009-04-22  No. 69  Garfield Minus Garfield, Value Added: Help Me Do Nothing
2009-04-24  No. 70  Reversed Garfield - Variant
2009-04-27  No. 71  Garfield Minus Garfield, Value Added: Woo, woo, woo
2009-04-29  No. 72  Meditations on Garfield
2009-05-01  No. 73  Garfield Minus Garfield, Value Added: Mysterious
2009-05-04  No. 74  Plush Garfield: Reproportioned Jon
2009-05-06  No. 75  Liz Minus (Garfield and Jon)
2009-05-08  No. 76  Identity Function Garfield
2009-05-11  No. 77  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Jon
2009-05-13  No. 78  Garfield & Hobbes
2009-05-15  No. 79  Liz and Jon's Father Minus Jon but Plus Each Other
2009-05-18  No. 80  Zero Function Garfield
2009-05-20  No. 81  James A. Garfield
2009-05-22  No. 82  xkcd minus Garfield
2009-05-25  No. 83  Garfield minus xkcd
2009-05-27  No. 84  Garfield minus Jon plus Calvin
2009-05-28  No. 85  Paintfield
2009-05-29  No. 86  Garfield's Other Dog
2009-06-01  No. 87  Square Root of ((Minus Garfield) Squared)
2009-06-03  No. 88  Mezzacotta Garfield
2009-06-04  No. 89  Garfield Minus More Garfield Than Ever
2009-06-05  No. 90  Garfield Meets "Happiness is a Warm Puppy"
2009-06-08  No. 91  Imaginary Garfield: Mousey
2009-06-10  No. 92  The Guy Who Can't Draw Garfield
2009-06-11  No. 93  Garfield Top Twenty
2009-06-12  No. 94  Garfield Minus Everybody Else
2009-06-15  No. 95  Imaginary Garfield: Mouser
2009-06-17  No. 96  Garfield Minus Everything Else
2009-06-18  No. 97  Imaginary Garfield: Coffee Party
2009-06-24  No. 98  Exquisite Garfield
2009-06-25  No. 99  Pimp My Garfield
2009-06-26  No. 100  Recursive Garfield Redux
2009-06-29  No. 101  Garfield Retold Retold
2009-06-30  No. 102  Pulp Media Garfield
2009-07-01  No. 103  Garfield Divided by Cloverfield
2009-07-02  No. 104  Garfield Minus Characters
2009-07-03  No. 105  Politigarfield
2009-07-06  No. 106  Jon
2009-07-07  No. 107  Birthday Garfield
2009-07-08  No. 108  Goldfield
2009-07-09  No. 109  April of No Sundays Collection
2009-07-10  No. 110  Garfield IN SPACE!
2009-07-13  No. 111  Why So Serious?
2009-07-14  No. 112  Barfield
2009-07-15  No. 113  Sunday Every Day
2009-07-16  No. 114  Why So Serious? - Take 2
2009-07-17  No. 115  Trichromatic Garfield
2009-07-20  No. 116  Spacious Garfield
2009-07-21  No. 117  Why So Serious? - Take 3
2009-07-22  No. 118  Cold-Warm Involution Garfield
2009-07-23  No. 119  Frozen Garfield
2009-07-24  No. 120  Dissociated Garfield
2009-07-27  No. 121  A Softer Cat
2009-07-28  No. 122  Lolfield
2009-07-29  No. 123  Cyclops Garfield
2009-07-30  No. 124  Krazy minus Kat
2009-07-31  No. 125  Mix and Match Garfield
2009-08-03  No. 126  Garfield Plus i times Odie
2009-08-04  No. 127  A Week in a Day
2009-08-05  No. 128  Garfield Minus (Garfield Minus Garfield)
2009-08-06  No. 129  Frank Miller's Garfield
2009-08-07  No. 130  Square Roots of Garfield
2009-08-10  No. 131  Garfield: Lost in Translation Minus Garfield
2009-08-11  No. 132  Jon Loses His Lunch
2009-08-12  No. 133  Garklife
2009-08-13  No. 134  9 Garfield Lane
2009-08-14  No. 135  The Happiest Dog in the World
2009-08-17  No. 136  Jon's Boo-Boo
2009-08-18  No. 137  Sixth Roots of Garfield
2009-08-19  No. 138  Realfield
2009-08-20  No. 139  A Strip. With. A Snail.
2009-08-21  No. 140  Garfield Plus Tree
2009-08-24  No. 141  Garfield Recoloured
2009-08-25  No. 142  Bob and George featuring Odie
2009-08-26  No. 143  A Little Something Different
2009-08-27  No. 144  Garfield vs. the Laugh-Out-Loud Cats
2009-08-28  No. 145  Garfield Negative Space
2009-08-31  No. 146  Mezzafield
2009-09-01  No. 147  Garfield's Contractual Requirement
2009-09-02  No. 148  An Unguarded Hamburger
2009-09-03  No. 149  House of Garfields
2009-09-04  No. 150  Is that just cool or what?
2009-09-07  No. 151  Talking Garfield
2009-09-08  No. 152  . . .
2009-09-09  No. 153  Garfield Is the Perfect Disguise
2009-09-10  No. 154  Garf-life
2009-09-11  No. 155  It's Just One of Those Days
2009-09-14  No. 156  Square Root of Negative Garfield
2009-09-15  No. 157  Garfield Meets Unauthorised Calvin
2009-09-16  No. 158  Minus Garfield
2009-09-17  No. 159  urururururururur
2009-09-18  No. 160  (Garfield minus Jon) Divided by Garfield
2009-09-21  No. 161  Concerned Garfield
2009-09-22  No. 162  Garfield Retold Minus Garfield
2009-09-23  No. 163  Meta-Garfield
2009-09-24  No. 164  Jon's Chat Screen
2009-09-25  No. 165  Polterfield
2009-09-28  No. 166  Fun With Hair Day
2009-09-29  No. 167  Why So Serious? - Final Take
2009-09-30  No. 168  Indexed Colour Garfield
2009-10-01  No. 169  The Bunny Slipper Diet
2009-10-02  No. 170  Ledge
2009-10-05  No. 171  Choose Your Own Punchline
2009-10-06  No. 172  Jon: Jon Minus Minus Mouse Catching
2009-10-07  No. 173  Comic Without Garfield
2009-10-08  No. 174  Jon: Jon's Snapped Mind
2009-10-09  No. 175  Garfield Really Minus Garfield
2009-10-12  No. 176  Garfield with Bad Words
2009-10-13  No. 177  Reversed Garfield, and ditto Jon
2009-10-14  No. 178  Darkfield
2009-10-15  No. 179  Garfield Minas Garfield
2009-10-16  No. 180  Garfield Cross Section A
2009-10-19  No. 181  Jon Roughs It
2009-10-20  No. 182  Boomtown Cats
2009-10-21  No. 183  Little Garfield Lost
2009-10-22  No. 184  Garfield Cross Section B
2009-10-23  No. 185  Humans Are Nice
2009-10-26  No. 186  Garfield Cross Section C
2009-10-27  No. 187  Pokemon Orange
2009-10-28  No. 188  Impressionist Garfield
2009-10-29  No. 189  Hark! A Vagrant Minus Garfield!
2009-10-30  No. 190  Garfield of the Old Republic
2009-11-02  No. 191  Garfield Miners Garfield
2009-11-03  No. 192  Garfield Mosaic
2009-11-04  No. 193  The Angriest Cat in the World
2009-11-05  No. 194  New Perspective
2009-11-06  No. 195  Jonfield
2009-11-09  No. 196  Beware of Giygas
2009-11-10  No. 197  Jon: Nap Attack
2009-11-11  No. 198  Variations on a Haircut #1
2009-11-12  No. 199  Garfield Replacement
2009-11-13  No. 200  Gar Field
2009-11-16  No. 201  thegarfieldian
2009-11-17  No. 202  Gravfield
2009-11-18  No. 203  Shadow Garfield
2009-11-19  No. 204  The Cat
2009-11-20  No. 205  Variations on a Haircut #2
2009-11-23  No. 206  Jon: Nap Attack for Salt
2009-11-24  No. 207  Reversed Text Garfield
2009-11-25  No. 208  Garfield Mosaic 2
2009-11-26  No. 209  Odiefield
2009-11-27  No. 210  Garfieldarama
2009-11-30  No. 211  Antiderivative of Square Root of Minus Garfield
2009-12-01  No. 212  (Re)create with Garfield!
2009-12-02  No. 213  All-Star Garfield and Odie The Wonder Dog
2009-12-03  No. 214  Garfield at 56kbps
2009-12-04  No. 215  Garfield + 24 Years
2009-12-07  No. 216  "I Wanna be the Garfield" by Square Root of Castlevania
2009-12-08  No. 217  Talking Scale Minus Garfield... ?
2009-12-09  No. 218  Garfield Music
2009-12-10  No. 219  Gracefield
2009-12-11  No. 220  Mirror-Image Garfield
2009-12-14  No. 221  Replaced
2009-12-15  No. 222  Blue Screen of Garfield
2009-12-16  No. 223  Mirrored Garfield
2009-12-17  No. 224  Garfield as a Number
2009-12-18  No. 225  Jon - Why Jon Can't Go Grocery Shopping
2009-12-21  No. 226  Fluffy
2009-12-22  No. 227  Less Humour, More Story!
2009-12-23  No. 228  Nagging Feeling
2009-12-24  No. 229  Fridge Logic
2009-12-25  No. 230  Just Look At That Gorgeous Garfield
2009-12-28  No. 231  Garfield Minas Tirith
2009-12-29  No. 232  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Outside Panel Frames
2009-12-30  No. 233  Garfield/3
2009-12-31  No. 234  The Vampire Garfield Chronicles
2010-01-01  No. 235  Moooo
2010-01-04  No. 236  Garfield Cross Section D
2010-01-05  No. 237  The Computer is Your Friend
2010-01-06  No. 238  Continuity: Positive
2010-01-07  No. 239  Unprovoked
2010-01-08  No. 240  Jon - The Prisoner
2010-01-11  No. 241  Continuity: Negative
2010-01-12  No. 242  Advantages to Growing Older
2010-01-13  No. 243  A Nightmare on Elm Street
2010-01-14  No. 244  Jon the Clueless Witness
2010-01-15  No. 245  Candid Camera Garfield
2010-01-18  No. 246  Head to Tail
2010-01-19  No. 247  Oh Snap!
2010-01-20  No. 248  Catchless Garfield
2010-01-21  No. 249  garfield minus.
2010-01-22  No. 250  Garfapteryx
2010-01-25  No. 251  Beware
2010-01-26  No. 252  Grey
2010-01-27  No. 253  Garfloraled, Part 1
2010-01-28  No. 254  Almost Everywhere Zero Garfield
2010-01-29  No. 255  Fun With Hair Day Minus Garfield
2010-01-30  No. 256  It's an Old, Old World
2010-01-31  No. 257  Rice
2010-02-01  No. 258  Garfloraled, Part 2
2010-02-02  No. 259  Garfield Shrink & Re-enlarge, Part 1
2010-02-03  No. 260  Garfield - Schrödinger's Cat
2010-02-04  No. 261  Garfield Shrink & Re-enlarge, Part 2
2010-02-05  No. 262  Jon, Paranoid
2010-02-06  No. 263  Garfield Shrink & Re-enlarge, Part 3
2010-02-07  No. 264  JPEGarfield
2010-02-08  No. 265  Garfield Shrink & Re-enlarge, Part 4
2010-02-09  No. 266  Mirror Universe Garfield
2010-02-10  No. 267  Garfloraled, Part 3
2010-02-11  No. 268  Garfield Linus Garfield
2010-02-12  No. 269  Morbid Garfield
2010-02-13  No. 270  RPGarfield
2010-02-14  No. 271  Elvield
2010-02-15  No. 272  Grinfield
2010-02-16  No. 273  Night Garfield
2010-02-17  No. 274  Schrödinger's Cat: Reloaded
2010-02-18  No. 275  One Small Push...
2010-02-19  No. 276  Small Talk
2010-02-20  No. 277  Many-Worlds Garfield
2010-02-21  No. 278  Garfield Dream
2010-02-22  No. 279  Vertical Garfield
2010-02-23  No. 280  Yoda Garfield
2010-02-24  No. 281  Breaking the 4th Wall
2010-02-25  No. 282  Anaglyphfield
2010-02-26  No. 283  Free Floating Garfield
2010-02-27  No. 284  Cats of the Old Republic
2010-02-28  No. 285  Gallagherfield
2010-03-01  No. 286  Lemmy Arbuckle Minus Garfield
2010-03-02  No. 287  Delta Garfield
2010-03-03  No. 288  Garbert, Evil Director of Human Resources
2010-03-04  No. 289  Jon Snapped
2010-03-05  No. 290  Create.swf Garfield
2010-03-06  No. 291  Pictures for Sad Kittens
2010-03-07  No. 292  Clobberin' Time
2010-03-08  No. 293  i
2010-03-09  No. 294  Tung
2010-03-10  No. 295  Feet
2010-03-11  No. 296  Nermal Minus Garfield
2010-03-12  No. 297  Garfield versus Odie's Dark Abyss of a Soul
2010-03-13  No. 298  A Bomb
2010-03-14  No. 299  2 Panel Garfield
2010-03-15  No. 300  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Speech Bubbles
2010-03-16  No. 301  Ask Dr. Stupid
2010-03-17  No. 302  Looky Looky
2010-03-18  No. 303  Möbius Strip
2010-03-19  No. 304  Mr. Wolverine
2010-03-20  No. 305  Hey Evelyn, Nice Shot
2010-03-21  No. 306  Garfield Minus Food
2010-03-22  No. 307  Subliminal Garfield
2010-03-23  No. 308  Window Blind Story
2010-03-24  No. 309  Calm Break
2010-03-25  No. 310  Garfield, 2 Seconds Out-of-Sync
2010-03-26  No. 311  Fishy Story
2010-03-27  No. 312  The End of the Universe I: Heat Death
2010-03-28  No. 313  Shifting Mid-Point
2010-03-29  No. 314  Reversed Strip
2010-03-30  No. 315  Garfield Epic #1
2010-03-31  No. 316  Garfield/0
2010-04-01  No. 317  The Thing
2010-04-02  No. 318  Garfield in Haiku 2
2010-04-03  No. 319  Garfield Epic #2
2010-04-04  No. 320  The End of the Universe II: The Big Rip
2010-04-05  No. 321  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus James A. Garfield
2010-04-06  No. 322  The Cat Who Says "Ni!"
2010-04-07  No. 323  Accidental Garfield
2010-04-08  No. 324  Garfield Epic #3
2010-04-09  No. 325  Reproduction of a Fictional Strip
2010-04-10  No. 326  Garfield Times Garfield
2010-04-11  No. 327  AverageGarfield
2010-04-12  No. 328  Garfield of Leaves
2010-04-13  No. 329  Smile
2010-04-14  No. 330  Garfield
2010-04-15  No. 331  A Garfield World
2010-04-16  No. 332  Garfield Linus Garfield, Part 2
2010-04-17  No. 333  RobLiefield
2010-04-18  No. 334  Shedding
2010-04-19  No. 335  Garfield Linux Garfield
2010-04-20  No. 336  TV Moth
2010-04-21  No. 337  Garfield Sinus Garfield
2010-04-22  No. 338  Hubert & Reba
2010-04-23  No. 339  Déjà vu all over again
2010-04-24  No. 340  Blindsided
2010-04-25  No. 341  Stay Calm!
2010-04-26  No. 342  Good ol' Garfield Brown
2010-04-27  No. 343  Garfield Undergoes Chickification
2010-04-28  No. 344  The Necronomicon
2010-04-29  No. 345  The Garfield Conspiracy
2010-04-30  No. 346  iField
2010-05-01  No. 347  Accessorize
2010-05-02  No. 348  Up To Something
2010-05-03  No. 349  Alternate Garfield
2010-05-04  No. 350  Subliminal Revealed Garfield
2010-05-05  No. 351  Height-Mapped Garfield
2010-05-06  No. 352  Garfield, Minus, Garfield
2010-05-07  No. 353  Little Sandwich
2010-05-08  No. 354  Garfield Minus Monster
2010-05-09  No. 355  Blue Mouse Group
2010-05-10  No. 356  Beam Garfield
2010-05-11  No. 357  Odie Minus Garfield
2010-05-12  No. 358  Anorexic Garfield
2010-05-13  No. 359  Noirfield
2010-05-14  No. 360  Blasphemous Garfield
2010-05-15  No. 361  For Science!
2010-05-16  No. 362  Bored Garfield
2010-05-17  No. 363  Garfield minus Jon minus Speech Bubbles
2010-05-18  No. 364  Keep Off the Grass
2010-05-19  No. 365  Birthday
2010-05-20  No. 366  Jon's Point of View
2010-05-21  No. 367  ASCIIfield
2010-05-22  No. 368  Height-Mapped Garfield #2
2010-05-23  No. 369  Wilhelm Scream-field
2010-05-24  No. 370  sudoGarfield
2010-05-25  No. 371  Entertainment System
2010-05-26  No. 372  Manga Garfield
2010-05-27  No. 373  Bored Garfield: 2
2010-05-28  No. 374  A Visit from Cousin Kenny
2010-05-29  No. 375  One Over Garfield: 1
2010-05-30  No. 376  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Six
2010-05-31  No. 377  Destructive Garfield
2010-06-01  No. 378  Jon, Jon, Jon
2010-06-02  No. 379  Chicken Trying to Gargle a Bowling Ball
2010-06-03  No. 380  Cube Root of Garfield
2010-06-04  No. 381  Lost in Translation Garfield
2010-06-05  No. 382  Ice, Ice, Garfield
2010-06-06  No. 383  One Over Garfield: 2
2010-06-07  No. 384  Garfield Midas Garfield
2010-06-08  No. 385  Ticket Out Of Here
2010-06-09  No. 386  Garfield Minus Everything
2010-06-11  No. 388  Garfield Squared
2010-06-12  No. 389  Darkerfield
2010-06-13  No. 390  Garfield Lino Garfield
2010-06-14  No. 391  Digital Garfield
2010-06-15  No. 392  Changefield
2010-06-16  No. 393  ASCIIfield Mark II
2010-06-17  No. 394  Changes Everything
2010-06-18  No. 395  One Over Garfield: 3
2010-06-19  No. 396  Garfield Minus Hallucinations
2010-06-20  No. 397  R.I.P.
2010-06-21  No. 398  Garfield Linus Garfield, Part 3
2010-06-22  No. 399  Digital Grey 'n' Dull
2010-06-23  No. 400  e to the Garfield
2010-06-24  No. 401  Width
2010-06-25  No. 402  Garfield Minus Pooky
2010-06-26  No. 403  Half-Panelled Garfield
2010-06-27  No. 404  Changefield #2
2010-06-28  No. 405  A Good Meal
2010-06-29  No. 406  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Garfield's Dialogue
2010-06-30  No. 407  One Over Garfield: 4
2010-07-01  No. 408  Erasure
2010-07-02  No. 409  Remote
2010-07-03  No. 410  Deep Throat Diet Check
2010-07-04  No. 411  Garfield Linus Garfield, Yet Again
2010-07-05  No. 412  Evil Jon
2010-07-06  No. 413  Changefield #3
2010-07-07  No. 414  National World International Fridgeday
2010-07-08  No. 415  Log(Garfield)
2010-07-09  No. 416  Uh-oh, Here Comes Jon
2010-07-10  No. 417  Extinction
2010-07-11  No. 418  Real Horror Show
2010-07-12  No. 419  Garfield Lisa
2010-07-13  No. 420  The Princess Garfield
2010-07-14  No. 421  Garfield Muniz Garfield
2010-07-15  No. 422  Garfield EXTREMELY Minus Garfield, More so Than Ever Before!
2010-07-16  No. 423  Harmony
2010-07-17  No. 424  Garfield Minus G,a,r,f,i,e,l,d
2010-07-18  No. 425  Garfield is Strange
2010-07-19  No. 426  Sense of Scale
2010-07-20  No. 427  Clive
2010-07-21  No. 428  Stripefield
2010-07-22  No. 429  Garfield at the Zoo
2010-07-23  No. 430  Igorfield
2010-07-24  No. 431  Cube of Garfield
2010-07-25  No. 432  Karate
2010-07-26  No. 433  Sin(Garfield)
2010-07-27  No. 434  Garfield Field
2010-07-28  No. 435  Jon Plus Cohen
2010-07-29  No. 436  Garfield sin-1(1)
2010-07-30  No. 437  Nermal, the World's Cutest Kitten!
2010-07-31  No. 438  Garfield Over Zero
2010-08-01  No. 439  Garfield, Infinite Canvas, and The Game of Life, Part I
2010-08-02  No. 440  Garffiti
2010-08-03  No. 441  Garfield Mimas Garfield
2010-08-04  No. 442  Rube Goldfield
2010-08-05  No. 443  Garfield on Facebook
2010-08-06  No. 444  dleifraG
2010-08-07  No. 445  Computer Science: A Garfield Introduction
2010-08-08  No. 446  Sound of Garfield
2010-08-09  No. 447  Garfield as Haikuist
2010-08-10  No. 448  Garfield, Infinite Canvas, and The Game of Life, Part II
2010-08-11  No. 449  Kawaii Garfield
2010-08-12  No. 450  Odie (In the Name of Love)
2010-08-13  No. 451  Garfield Plus Sufferin' Jon
2010-08-14  No. 452  Sorted Garfield
2010-08-15  No. 453  M|A|R|R|F|I|E|L|D
2010-08-16  No. 454  OmahaField
2010-08-17  No. 455  Conway's Game of Garfield
2010-08-18  No. 456  srOMG
2010-08-19  No. 457  Ordered Garfield
2010-08-20  No. 458  Manga Garfield 2 - The End
2010-08-21  No. 459  Communication Failure
2010-08-22  No. 460  Garfield Miley Cyrus Garfield
2010-08-23  No. 461  Lasagna Cat: The Comic
2010-08-24  No. 462  Garfield Plus Beats in the Beat Panel
2010-08-25  No. 463  Monday's Child
2010-08-26  No. 464  Garfield Plus Bill Nye, The Science Guy
2010-08-27  No. 465  Collaborative Cat Skinning
2010-08-28  No. 466  Garfield is Always Watching You
2010-08-29  No. 467  Garfield Minus Absolutely Everything
2010-08-30  No. 468  Un-Kawaii Garfield
2010-08-31  No. 469  Jon in Wonderland
2010-09-01  No. 470  The Dead Future
2010-09-02  No. 471  Garfield Minun Garfield
2010-09-03  No. 472  Yodafield
2010-09-04  No. 473  Arcsin(Garfield)
2010-09-05  No. 474  Garfield Mynas Garfield
2010-09-06  No. 475  Blockland Multiplied by Garfield
2010-09-07  No. 476  Monday Morning Workday Blues
2010-09-08  No. 477  Waiting for Garfield
2010-09-09  No. 478  Garfield [something that sounds a bit like "minus"] Garfield
2010-09-10  No. 479  3-Bit Garfield
2010-09-11  No. 480  Kanine Kamikaze
2010-09-12  No. 481  ガーフィールド
2010-09-13  No. 482  Jon's Horoscope
2010-09-14  No. 483  Imaginary Garfield: Humouring
2010-09-15  No. 484  Spoilerwarningfield
2010-09-16  No. 485  Garfield Minus Fly
2010-09-17  No. 486  Garfield Linus Garfield, Once More With Feeling
2010-09-18  No. 487  Garfield Linus Garfield, Oh What The Heck
2010-09-19  No. 488  Garfield By Numbers
2010-09-20  No. 489  Black shOps
2010-09-21  No. 490  Garfy Peyton's Frying Seacus
2010-09-22  No. 491  Garfield Meme Garfield
2010-09-23  No. 492  Orangutanfield
2010-09-24  No. 493  Recursive Nightmare
2010-09-25  No. 494  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Jon Plus Doc Boy
2010-09-26  No. 495  Garfield's Birthday
2010-09-27  No. 496  A Message to You, Odie
2010-09-28  No. 497  Garfield Minus Linus Garfield
2010-09-29  No. 498  Blindfolded
2010-09-30  No. 499  Smalltalk
2010-10-01  No. 500  A Garfield Upon the Deep
2010-10-02  No. 501  Garfield Linus Garfield, Et Tu Brute?
2010-10-03  No. 502  Garfield Minus Jon, Plus Dr. Eggman
2010-10-04  No. 503  Garfield Plus Jim Davis' Ego
2010-10-05  No. 504  Lazy Coach
2010-10-06  No. 505  Realist Garfield
2010-10-07  No. 506  Whatever Happened to Lyman?
2010-10-08  No. 507  Jon's Favourite Shirt
2010-10-09  No. 508  Things that Bump Map in the Night
2010-10-10  No. 509  Imaginary Garfield: Bath Time
2010-10-11  No. 510  Garfield Pine Nuts Garfield
2010-10-12  No. 511  Garfield Plus 88 mph
2010-10-13  No. 512  Drugs Will Ruin Your Brain
2010-10-14  No. 513  Garfield (Rescued Chilean) Miners Garfield
2010-10-15  No. 514  Brickfield
2010-10-16  No. 515  Garfield Dies
2010-10-17  No. 516  Garfield Minos Garfield
2010-10-18  No. 517  Jon's Bad Memory
2010-10-19  No. 518  Farmer's Market
2010-10-20  No. 519  More Than One Way to Collaboratively Skin a Cat
2010-10-21  No. 520  Garfield Minix Garfield
2010-10-22  No. 521  Nightmare Fuel Garfield
2010-10-23  No. 522  Garfield plus obfuscated perl code
2010-10-24  No. 523  Melt
2010-10-25  No. 524  Garfield Mines Garfield
2010-10-26  No. 525  Exasperation
2010-10-27  No. 526  Garfield Leaves Garfield
2010-10-28  No. 527  A Ad Fee Floorings Quits Rumor
2010-10-29  No. 528  Garfield CAPTCHA
2010-10-30  No. 529  Garfield Haiku Part 2
2010-10-31  No. 530  The Way of Weigh
2010-11-01  No. 531  Garfield plus obfuscated perl code minus Garfield
2010-11-02  No. 532  ¡Mexicano Garfield!
2010-11-03  No. 533  StinkoGarfield
2010-11-04  No. 534  MS Paint Garfield
2010-11-05  No. 535  Imaginary Garfield: Diet
2010-11-06  No. 536  Animated Jon
2010-11-07  No. 537  Magic with Garfield
2010-11-08  No. 538  Jon Gets Introspective
2010-11-09  No. 539  Garfield Menus Garfield
2010-11-10  No. 540  Garfieldmachine
2010-11-11  No. 541  Frank Miller's All Star Garfield
2010-11-12  No. 542  Mischief
2010-11-13  No. 543  Garfield the Addict (Warning: Contains Drug Reference)
2010-11-14  No. 544  Zalgo Garfield
2010-11-15  No. 545  Chauvinism
2010-11-16  No. 546  Random Fun Garfield
2010-11-17  No. 547  Garfield Linus Arbuckle
2010-11-18  No. 548  Grawfield
2010-11-19  No. 549  The Bayeaux Garfield
2010-11-20  No. 550  Homeopathic Garfield
2010-11-21  No. 551  Garfield Minus Garfield
2010-11-22  No. 552  Butterfield
2010-11-23  No. 553  Disgusting Garfield
2010-11-24  No. 554  Garbert
2010-11-25  No. 555  Imaginary Garfield: Night
2010-11-26  No. 556  Cross-section of Garfield
2010-11-27  No. 557  Eyeballfield
2010-11-28  No. 558  Garfield The Square Root Of Minus Garfield Garfield
2010-11-29  No. 559  Pietfield
2010-11-30  No. 560  One is a Genius, the Other's Insane
2010-12-01  No. 561  Fork in the Road!
2010-12-02  No. 562  Garfield Miners Garfield, take 2
2010-12-03  No. 563  Gustaf som Gustaf
2010-12-04  No. 564  Changefield #4: Genesis
2010-12-05  No. 565  Colonel Beltfield
2010-12-06  No. 566  Wither, Garfield?
2010-12-07  No. 567  Garfield Happily Lost in Translation (Japanese)
2010-12-08  No. 568  Interactive Garfield
2010-12-09  No. 569  Optical Illusion Garfield
2010-12-10  No. 570  Garfield Iris Garfield
2010-12-11  No. 571  Dream Me a Dream
2010-12-12  No. 572  Imaginary Garfield: Warmth
2010-12-13  No. 573  Christmas Lights
2010-12-14  No. 574  Dleifrag Sunim Dleifrag
2010-12-15  No. 575  Love Letters
2010-12-16  No. 576  Garfield Minus Sarcasm
2010-12-17  No. 577  They Just Won't Stop!
2010-12-18  No. 578  Zalgo Garfield 2
2010-12-19  No. 579  Basic Mathematics
2010-12-20  No. 580  Yes, Garfield, That's Exactly What They Did
2010-12-21  No. 581  End of the Worldfield
2010-12-22  No. 582  Vuvuzela Garfield
2010-12-23  No. 583  Monday, 2 Years Later
2010-12-24  No. 584  No Hug
2010-12-25  No. 585  It's the Thought That Counts
2010-12-26  No. 586  Garfield Dromiceiomimus Garfield
2010-12-27  No. 587  Blind Sided
2010-12-28  No. 588  Scale
2010-12-29  No. 589  The Dark Side of The Cookie
2010-12-30  No. 590  Townshend Garfield Townshend
2010-12-31  No. 591  f-1(Jon)
2011-01-01  No. 592  Gustaf som Gustaf: Something Fishy
2011-01-02  No. 593  Garkenstein
2011-01-03  No. 594  Garfield (St.) Linus Garfield
2011-01-04  No. 595  Garfield Gets the Food
2011-01-05  No. 596  Garfield the Narcissist
2011-01-06  No. 597  Spider
2011-01-07  No. 598  Garfield, His Royal Highness, Garfield
2011-01-08  No. 599  I Can Hear You
2011-01-09  No. 600  Square Root of Minus Heathcliff
2011-01-10  No. 601  Outfield
2011-01-11  No. 602  Strong Coffee
2011-01-12  No. 603  Garfield Minesweeper Garfield
2011-01-13  No. 604  Garfield Plus Jon Plus Jon Plus Jon
2011-01-14  No. 605  Mr Grumpy
2011-01-15  No. 606  Miscommunication
2011-01-16  No. 607  Another Garfield Minus Garfield (Minus Odie)
2011-01-17  No. 608  Karvinen
2011-01-18  No. 609  Amoeba-Man
2011-01-19  No. 610  Random No Sundays
2011-01-20  No. 611  Garfield Minuet Garfield
2011-01-21  No. 612  Jon's Punishment
2011-01-22  No. 613  Constantly Changing
2011-01-23  No. 614  Garfield Garfield Garfield
2011-01-24  No. 615  The Great Gatsfield
2011-01-25  No. 616  A New Punchline
2011-01-26  No. 617  Orange Cat Exchange Program
2011-01-27  No. 618  Garfield My Nose Garfield
2011-01-28  No. 619  Garf At Your Own Joke
2011-01-29  No. 620  Garfield Lines Garfield
2011-01-30  No. 621  Garfield Manus Garfield
2011-01-31  No. 622  Garfield Swinub Garfield
2011-02-01  No. 623  Garfield Mimes Garfield
2011-02-02  No. 624  Garfield Springsteen Garfield
2011-02-03  No. 625  Garfield Skynet Garfield: Judgment Day
2011-02-04  No. 626  Garfheid
2011-02-05  No. 627  Garfield Minus Any Kind Of Artistic Talent
2011-02-06  No. 628  Garfield on Cable TV
2011-02-07  No. 629  Percentiles of Garfield: 2009
2011-02-08  No. 630  Dinosaur Garfield
2011-02-09  No. 631  Liz
2011-02-10  No. 632  Richard Garfield
2011-02-11  No. 633  Percentiles of Square Root of Minus Garfield
2011-02-12  No. 634  Garfield Plus Jon
2011-02-13  No. 635  Garfield Minus Liz
2011-02-14  No. 636  Hermanfield
2011-02-15  No. 637  Doc as Doc
2011-02-16  No. 638  Racine carrée de Garfield moins
2011-02-17  No. 639  Modes of Garfield: 1978-2010
2011-02-18  No. 640  We Don't Speak Cat
2011-02-19  No. 641  ¡Garfield Mexicano, La Versión Mejorada!
2011-02-20  No. 642  The Pacifist Cat
2011-02-21  No. 643  Bored
2011-02-22  No. 644  Garfield Minus Controversy
2011-02-23  No. 645  Cloak of Garfield Impersonation FAIL
2011-02-24  No. 646  Cold Call
2011-02-25  No. 647  Garfield Plus High Art Minus Good Taste
2011-02-26  No. 648  Jon's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
2011-02-27  No. 649  Garfield QR Code
2011-02-28  No. 650  Odie's Secret to Happiness
2011-03-01  No. 651  The Sinister Mind of Odie Arbuckle
2011-03-02  No. 652  Conway's Game of Death
2011-03-03  No. 653  Googley-eyed Garfield, Extended Version
2011-03-04  No. 654  Splut!
2011-03-05  No. 655  Ennuifield
2011-03-06  No. 656  Veterans/Memorial Day Garfield
2011-03-07  No. 657  "Garfield Minus Garfield" Plus Garfield
2011-03-08  No. 658  Shipping
2011-03-09  No. 659  International Klein Blue Garfield
2011-03-10  No. 660  Frankenstein's Garfield
2011-03-11  No. 661  Simon
2011-03-12  No. 662  Grinfield II
2011-03-13  No. 663  A Human Woman
2011-03-14  No. 664  Garfbert
2011-03-15  No. 665  Lean on Me
2011-03-16  No. 666  3:16
2011-03-17  No. 667  Honeysuckle Garfield
2011-03-18  No. 668  Garfield Minus Two Panels
2011-03-19  No. 669  Birthdays
2011-03-20  No. 670  Spell-checked Garfield
2011-03-21  No. 671  Burrows-Wheeler transformed Garfield
2011-03-22  No. 672  Dismal February
2011-03-23  No. 673  Garfield!
2011-03-24  No. 674  Marvel-field
2011-03-25  No. 675  Jon and Lyman #1: How it began
2011-03-26  No. 676  Reversed Punchline Garfield
2011-03-27  No. 677  Random Garfield Collection
2011-03-28  No. 678  Student Garfield
2011-03-29  No. 679  A Square Root of Minus Garfield
2011-03-30  No. 680  Garfield, Supported by Keyboard Cat
2011-03-31  No. 681  The Lone Hamburger
2011-04-01  No. 682  European Nermal
2011-04-02  No. 683  Grinfield III
2011-04-03  No. 684  It's A Slippery Slope Garfield Minus Garfield
2011-04-04  No. 685  Natural Log of Garfield
2011-04-05  No. 686  Garfield Gets Fuzzy
2011-04-06  No. 687  Garfield plus Brevity(?)
2011-04-07  No. 688  Jon's New Cologne
2011-04-08  No. 689  How to Get Jon Arrested
2011-04-09  No. 690  Wilhelm Scream-field: A Day in the Life
2011-04-10  No. 691  Burrows-Wheeler transformed Garfield II: Pixels
2011-04-11  No. 692  Jon's Birthday
2011-04-12  No. 693  Garfield in Reverse is Good
2011-04-13  No. 694  Jon and Lyman #2: Movie?
2011-04-14  No. 695  Garfield vs. Garfield
2011-04-15  No. 696  Colour-Averaged Garfield: January 2007
2011-04-16  No. 697  Abu Ghraibfield
2011-04-17  No. 698  Square Food of My Nice Garfield
2011-04-18  No. 699  Learfield
2011-04-19  No. 700  We Needed Some Change
2011-04-20  No. 701  Garfield in Red
2011-04-21  No. 702  Garfield Minus Oxygen
2011-04-22  No. 703  Hacked Off
2011-04-23  No. 704  Mission Statement
2011-04-24  No. 705  Hockey Theme
2011-04-25  No. 706  Jon and Lyman #3: Movie
2011-04-26  No. 707  Not a Without My Cake
2011-04-27  No. 708  Gravity Switch
2011-04-28  No. 709  Beware of Cat
2011-04-29  No. 710  Texture Quilted Garfield
2011-04-30  No. 711  Violating the Geneva Convention
2011-05-01  No. 712  Don't look at me before I have my morning coffee
2011-05-02  No. 713  Garfield Abridged
2011-05-03  No. 714  Garfield Minus Any Kind Of Artistic Talent Two
2011-05-04  No. 715  Pay Attention
2011-05-05  No. 716  Jon and Lyman #4: The roll
2011-05-06  No. 717  Garfield - Garfield = SKYNET
2011-05-07  No. 718  Enemy Party
2011-05-08  No. 719  Garfield Chamberlain Garfield
2011-05-09  No. 720  The Fly, Part I
2011-05-10  No. 721  Garfield Plagiarises Peanuts
2011-05-11  No. 722  Found by: Zalgo
2011-05-12  No. 723  Garfield Inverse Garfield
2011-05-13  No. 724  Kill Liz
2011-05-14  No. 725  Homicidal Garfield
2011-05-15  No. 726  Jim Davis's Breakdown
2011-05-16  No. 727  Garfield of Theseus
2011-05-17  No. 728  Clowns
2011-05-18  No. 729  Garfield le Chat
2011-05-19  No. 730  The Fly, Part II
2011-05-20  No. 731  Jon Gets a Date
2011-05-21  No. 732  Garfield Fortress 2
2011-05-22  No. 733  Badly Translated Garfield
2011-05-23  No. 734  Funky Winkerfield
2011-05-24  No. 735  Square Root of Garfield Multiplied by B.C.
2011-05-25  No. 736  Garfoot
2011-05-26  No. 737  Woo Woo Woo!
2011-05-27  No. 738  Jon and Lyman #5: Scary TV show
2011-05-28  No. 739  Coffee!
2011-05-29  No. 740  Garfield Minus European Ancestry
2011-05-30  No. 741  The Inverse of Negative Garfield Squared
2011-05-31  No. 742  Dilbfield
2011-06-01  No. 743  Garfield Goes Green
2011-06-02  No. 744  Garfield Plagiarises Peanuts - Again
2011-06-03  No. 745  Jon Uncovered
2011-06-04  No. 746  Silent Jon
2011-06-05  No. 747  Chaotic Garfield
2011-06-06  No. 748  A New Angle
2011-06-07  No. 749  Manga Garfield 3: Black Humour
2011-06-08  No. 750  Jon and Lyman #6: Scary Newspaper (or Vengeance)
2011-06-09  No. 751  Loneliness
2011-06-10  No. 752  Garfield in Plaid
2011-06-11  No. 753  Missing Setup
2011-06-12  No. 754  Less Story, More Humour
2011-06-13  No. 755  Comic in a Blender
2011-06-14  No. 756  Garfield Minus Cooking
2011-06-15  No. 757  Jon Arbuckle 2001 Random Montage
2011-06-16  No. 758  Lyman Rieserv
2011-06-17  No. 759  Actually Chaotic Garfield
2011-06-18  No. 760  Jon and Lyman #7: How it ended
2011-06-19  No. 761  None so Blind as Who Won't See
2011-06-20  No. 762  A Small World
2011-06-21  No. 763  Out of Character Garfield
2011-06-22  No. 764  Smile.cat
2011-06-23  No. 765  Jon the Angry Flower
2011-06-24  No. 766  Wordlefield
2011-06-25  No. 767  Changefield #5: Fern Comics
2011-06-26  No. 768  Yecch!
2011-06-27  No. 769  The Lyman Bones
2011-06-28  No. 770  Garfield Stanton Friedman Garfield
2011-06-29  No. 771  Blame
2011-06-30  No. 772  Garfield = Mass Times Acceleration
2011-07-01  No. 773  Centrefurld
2011-07-02  No. 774  Blender Reblended
2011-07-03  No. 775  Life on MarsField
2011-07-04  No. 776  Leanfield
2011-07-05  No. 777  Blend with Glue
2011-07-06  No. 778  Our Cow Runneth Over
2011-07-07  No. 779  Making Garfield Slightly Worse
2011-07-08  No. 780  Killing Lyman
2011-07-09  No. 781  Plunged
2011-07-10  No. 782  Two-Eyed Man is King of the Blind
2011-07-11  No. 783  Blending the Fourth Wall
2011-07-12  No. 784  Centrefold, Updated
2011-07-13  No. 785  Turgarfieldkey
2011-07-14  No. 786  Transplanted Punchline Garfield
2011-07-15  No. 787  Jon Minus Companionship
2011-07-16  No. 788  Blame II
2011-07-17  No. 789  Cthulhu Dreamin'
2011-07-18  No. 790  Garfield Plus Penultimate Lengthened Gutter
2011-07-19  No. 791  Blender Mystery
2011-07-20  No. 792  West End Garfield
2011-07-21  No. 793  Twelve-Year Turbulence
2011-07-22  No. 794  Clone
2011-07-23  No. 795  Garfield Cubed
2011-07-24  No. 796  Minefield
2011-07-25  No. 797  Garfield Minus Pudding Pops
2011-07-26  No. 798  Four Panel Garfield
2011-07-27  No. 799  Dear Diary
2011-07-28  No. 800  Garfield Hypercubed
2011-07-29  No. 801  Garfield, Scorcese Style
2011-07-30  No. 802  Less Chaotic Garfield
2011-07-31  No. 803  Stuck
2011-08-01  No. 804  Fern Comics 2
2011-08-02  No. 805  Garfy Cat
2011-08-03  No. 806  Scunthorpe Garfield
2011-08-04  No. 807  Garfield Plus Meme
2011-08-05  No. 808  Cham-Pain
2011-08-06  No. 809  Let Sleeping Cats Lie
2011-08-07  No. 810  Murderous Jon
2011-08-08  No. 811  Minefield #2
2011-08-09  No. 812  Self-advertisement
2011-08-10  No. 813  Babelfishfield
2011-08-11  No. 814  Joy!
2011-08-12  No. 815  Garfield Plus Terminator
2011-08-13  No. 816  Jon's Revenge
2011-08-14  No. 817  Blender, from New York, it's Saturday Night!
2011-08-15  No. 818  Jumpy Cat
2011-08-16  No. 819  Mirror Universe Garfield
2011-08-17  No. 820  A Blend of Change
2011-08-18  No. 821  Minefield #3
2011-08-19  No. 822  NESField 2 (Final Fantasy - Garland + Garfield)
2011-08-20  No. 823  Cerebus Meets Garfield
2011-08-21  No. 824  Cat Food
2011-08-22  No. 825  Garfield Plus Circumstantial Evidence
2011-08-23  No. 826  Garfield's Theatres
2011-08-24  No. 827  Garfield Word Cloud
2011-08-25  No. 828  Invisifield and the Pudding Cup
2011-08-26  No. 829  Garfield, Starring Jon Cryer
2011-08-27  No. 830  Garfield Bookplug Garfield
2011-08-28  No. 831  Nightmare Minus Garfield (and Odie)
2011-08-29  No. 832  Garfield Plus Old Age
2011-08-30  No. 833  Can You Draw Me?
2011-08-31  No. 834  Redactedfield
2011-09-01  No. 835  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Pickles
2011-09-02  No. 836  I could tell at once that you were a bender
2011-09-03  No. 837  Minefield #4
2011-09-04  No. 838  Guiso de Carne
2011-09-05  No. 839  Overly Long Walk
2011-09-06  No. 840  Of Mice and Garfield
2011-09-07  No. 841  Positive Garfield
2011-09-08  No. 842  Wallpaper
2011-09-09  No. 843  Steakfield
2011-09-10  No. 844  Garfield Routine
2011-09-11  No. 845  Garfield as a Penguin
2011-09-12  No. 846  The Day Before Garfield Got Cancelled
2011-09-13  No. 847  First We Take Manhattan...
2011-09-14  No. 848  Swiss Army Knife
2011-09-15  No. 849  Square Root of Minus Garfield's Hue
2011-09-16  No. 850  Present 4 Nermal
2011-09-17  No. 851  Jon's World
2011-09-18  No. 852  Tulip Tiptoe
2011-09-19  No. 853  Oops
2011-09-20  No. 854  Nose Pencils
2011-09-21  No. 855  Transplanted Punchline Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #1)
2011-09-22  No. 856  Tragedy
2011-09-23  No. 857  Gayfield
2011-09-24  No. 858  Garfield With Even More Inappropriate Sound Effect
2011-09-25  No. 859  Limerickfield
2011-09-26  No. 860  Garfield Photonovel
2011-09-27  No. 861  I Dreamed a Dream
2011-09-28  No. 862  Garfield Didn't Know
2011-09-29  No. 863  Meme Blender
2011-09-30  No. 864  C n s n nt f ld
2011-10-01  No. 865  Hypno
2011-10-02  No. 866  Minefield #5
2011-10-03  No. 867  Garfield's Error Theatre
2011-10-04  No. 868  Most Accidents Happen In The Home
2011-10-05  No. 869  Garfmeme^2
2011-10-06  No. 870  Leaf Grid
2011-10-07  No. 871  Beware of Apteryx
2011-10-08  No. 872  Garfield minus G@rf131d
2011-10-09  No. 873  Pity about the rest
2011-10-10  No. 874  The only way Garfield will ever eat a mouse
2011-10-11  No. 875  Arugulafield
2011-10-12  No. 876  My Little Garfield
2011-10-13  No. 877  Garfield's Dog Day
2011-10-14  No. 878  Grew
2011-10-15  No. 879  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus John Garfield
2011-10-16  No. 880  Sadisticfield
2011-10-17  No. 881  Garfield Plus Futurama
2011-10-18  No. 882  Blender v2.5
2011-10-19  No. 883  Inverfield
2011-10-20  No. 884  Dewey Readmore Books
2011-10-21  No. 885  Square Root of Minus Garfield's Hue 2
2011-10-22  No. 886  Kierkegaarfield
2011-10-23  No. 887  Complex Square Root of Minus Garfield
2011-10-24  No. 888  Strange Neighbourhood
2011-10-25  No. 889  The Cat Who Saw Everything Twice
2011-10-26  No. 890  Spot The Difference With Garfield
2011-10-27  No. 891  More Nose Pencils
2011-10-28  No. 892  Transplanted Sight Gag Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #2)
2011-10-29  No. 893  Heavy Package
2011-10-30  No. 894  Potty Humour
2011-10-31  No. 895  Sunday Minefield Sunday
2011-11-01  No. 896  Toil
2011-11-02  No. 897  Splash
2011-11-03  No. 898  Kierkegaarfield 2
2011-11-04  No. 899  Garfa-Shave
2011-11-05  No. 900  Freedom's Waiting, Part 1
2011-11-06  No. 901  Memes are Constantly Changing
2011-11-07  No. 902  Spot The Difference With Garfield 2
2011-11-08  No. 903  Mystery Garfield Theater 3000
2011-11-09  No. 904  Garfield's Error Theatre #2
2011-11-10  No. 905  Butterfield
2011-11-11  No. 906  Garfield Doors
2011-11-12  No. 907  Garfield Minus 2/3 Garfield, Minus Borders
2011-11-13  No. 908  Garfield's Orrery Theater
2011-11-14  No. 909  Patterns that Repeat
2011-11-15  No. 910  Making Garfield Slightly Worse Via Penultimate Beat Panel (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #3)
2011-11-16  No. 911  Uh Oh, Here Comes Jon 2
2011-11-17  No. 912  Bearly Funny
2011-11-18  No. 913  Snowman Power
2011-11-19  No. 914  Yawn - Bat
2011-11-20  No. 915  Splash Splash
2011-11-21  No. 916  Bronyfield
2011-11-22  No. 917  Ordinary Blender
2011-11-23  No. 918  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Pooky
2011-11-24  No. 919  Garfield Plus Willpower
2011-11-25  No. 920  Freedom's Waiting, Part 2
2011-11-26  No. 921  Escalators
2011-11-27  No. 922  Does it Blend?
2011-11-28  No. 923  It's the old Garfield gag
2011-11-29  No. 924  Crossfield
2011-11-30  No. 925  Garfield the Wizard
2011-12-01  No. 926  Jon Gets on With Life
2011-12-02  No. 927  Dog of a Thousand Faces
2011-12-03  No. 928  Garfield Minus Garfield Cubed
2011-12-04  No. 929  Orson and Friends
2011-12-05  No. 930  Constance Garnett
2011-12-06  No. 931  Garfield Plus Garfield Plus Garfield
2011-12-07  No. 932  Garfield plus Updated Palaeontology
2011-12-08  No. 933  Garf-Bit Theater
2011-12-09  No. 934  Suicide Bomber Garfield
2011-12-10  No. 935  Garfield plus Transplanted Dialogue
2011-12-11  No. 936  Gurfaild
2011-12-12  No. 937  Less is More
2011-12-13  No. 938  U.S. Acres Plus Spontaneous Garfield
2011-12-14  No. 939  Garfield's Hoarder Theatre
2011-12-15  No. 940  The Gift of Embarassing Clairvoyance
2011-12-16  No. 941  The Very Last Garfield Minus Garfield Strip
2011-12-17  No. 942  Batmanfield
2011-12-18  No. 943  Spoot!
2011-12-19  No. 944  Two Words from Our Sponsors
2011-12-20  No. 945  In which Jon has glued a frozen pudding pop to his face
2011-12-21  No. 946  One Panel Garfield
2011-12-22  No. 947  Dull and Repetitive
2011-12-23  No. 948  Goatfield
2011-12-24  No. 949  Gerald Scarfield
2011-12-25  No. 950  Christmasfield
2011-12-26  No. 951  Turkey-Flavoured Blend
2011-12-27  No. 952  Dog of a Thousand Faces v.2
2011-12-28  No. 953  Garfield Bizarro Minus Garfield
2011-12-29  No. 954  Back To The Beginning
2011-12-30  No. 955  A Word from Paws, Inc.
2011-12-31  No. 956  Social Learning Garfield
2012-01-01  No. 957  What the Spider Saw
2012-01-02  No. 958  Edward Goreyfield
2012-01-03  No. 959  The Twenty-Nine Year Reflection
2012-01-04  No. 960  Gluefield #443
2012-01-05  No. 961  Geocached Garfield
2012-01-06  No. 962  Punchline collation
2012-01-07  No. 963  Jon's New Outfit
2012-01-08  No. 964  SLURRP!
2012-01-09  No. 965  Hospital Hallucination
2012-01-10  No. 966  Pan of Lasagna
2012-01-11  No. 967  Loud Commercial
2012-01-12  No. 968  Spell Check
2012-01-13  No. 969  Garfield Minus (Garfield Plus Jon)
2012-01-14  No. 970  Lady of Spain
2012-01-15  No. 971  The Day After the Meme
2012-01-16  No. 972  Jon Bieber
2012-01-17  No. 973  Large Petshop of Horrors
2012-01-18  No. 974  Gamefield
2012-01-19  No. 975  Garfield's Poetry Theatre
2012-01-20  No. 976  Fun With Auxiliary Verbs
2012-01-21  No. 977  Talk
2012-01-22  No. 978  Penultimate Beat Panel ×2 (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #4)
2012-01-23  No. 979  Lostfield
2012-01-24  No. 980  Garfield Plus Even Better Updated Palaeontology
2012-01-25  No. 981  Torch of Garfield
2012-01-26  No. 982  Background Blender
2012-01-27  No. 983  The colourist - unaware or more aware than us all?
2012-01-28  No. 984  Simon and Garfield
2012-01-29  No. 985  Garfield Times GARFIELD
2012-01-30  No. 986  My Little Garfield 2
2012-01-31  No. 987  Garfield plus Updated Palynology
2012-02-01  No. 988  Spider Hair
2012-02-02  No. 989  Garfield's New Catchphrase
2012-02-03  No. 990  Garfield's Horror Heater
2012-02-04  No. 991  Swedish Chefield
2012-02-05  No. 992  Paging Santa
2012-02-06  No. 993  Garfield Kills Hitler
2012-02-07  No. 994  Garfield vs. Laser
2012-02-08  No. 995  Swanfield
2012-02-09  No. 996  Garfield Plus Cthulhoo = Garfield Minus Garfield
2012-02-10  No. 997  Garfield Dies 3
2012-02-11  No. 998  Horror Theatre: Blender Pudding Pops!
2012-02-12  No. 999  The Physical Impossibility of Garfield in the Mind of Someone Living
2012-02-13  No. 1000  1000th Root of Minus Garfield
2012-02-14  No. 1001  Party Like it's #999
2012-02-15  No. 1002  Garfachu #1
2012-02-16  No. 1003  Genre Savvy Garfield
2012-02-17  No. 1004  Garfield Plus Seriousness
2012-02-18  No. 1005  IWWfield
2012-02-19  No. 1006  NES Garkenstein
2012-02-20  No. 1007  Invisible Jon
2012-02-21  No. 1008  Garfo Marx
2012-02-22  No. 1009  Garfield Plus Superlatively Updated Palaeontology
2012-02-23  No. 1010  Lyman Minus Lyman
2012-02-24  No. 1011  Subverted Trope
2012-02-25  No. 1012  Beedlefield
2012-02-26  No. 1013  The Clean Shirt
2012-02-27  No. 1014  Plagiarism
2012-02-28  No. 1015  A Bet
2012-02-29  No. 1016  Beware of CATS
2012-03-01  No. 1017  Freaky Jon
2012-03-02  No. 1018  Cut and Paste Comic
2012-03-03  No. 1019  Penguin Turns the Table
2012-03-04  No. 1020  Jon Minus Blender
2012-03-05  No. 1021  Sir Nicholas Serota Makes a Syndication Decision
2012-03-06  No. 1022  Tilable Garfield
2012-03-07  No. 1023  Pokémon Speak
2012-03-08  No. 1024  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Casper
2012-03-09  No. 1025  Garfield Plagiarises Peanuts - Yet Again
2012-03-10  No. 1026  Are You My Mummy?
2012-03-11  No. 1027  Starfield
2012-03-12  No. 1028  Seven More No Sundays
2012-03-13  No. 1029  Mirror Garfield
2012-03-14  No. 1030  Out of Order
2012-03-15  No. 1031  Garfield's Fantasy Theatre
2012-03-16  No. 1032  Into The Background
2012-03-17  No. 1033  Garfield Candy
2012-03-18  No. 1034  Jaggerfield
2012-03-19  No. 1035  Smile
2012-03-20  No. 1036  Changefield #6: Amazing World Of Garfield
2012-03-21  No. 1037  She Makes Me Wanna Garfield
2012-03-22  No. 1038  Excuuuuuuuuse Me, Garfield
2012-03-23  No. 1039  Ionfield
2012-03-24  No. 1040  About Time
2012-03-25  No. 1041  Pooch Cafield
2012-03-26  No. 1042  Garfield's Corer Theatre
2012-03-27  No. 1043  Elephant Talk
2012-03-28  No. 1044  Kiss Transfer
2012-03-29  No. 1045  The First Thing You Said
2012-03-30  No. 1046  Continuity Fixed Garfield
2012-03-31  No. 1047  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Catface
2012-04-01  No. 1048  Garflare
2012-04-02  No. 1049  Garfield's Meme Theatre
2012-04-03  No. 1050  Garfield Plus Censored Violence
2012-04-04  No. 1051  Second Opinion
2012-04-05  No. 1052  Sock Puppet Minus Garfield
2012-04-06  No. 1053  Calvin And Garfield
2012-04-07  No. 1054  Gar-Lightfield
2012-04-08  No. 1055  Blender 3D
2012-04-09  No. 1056  Pony Friends
2012-04-10  No. 1057  Bunfield
2012-04-11  No. 1058  Wordpadfield
2012-04-12  No. 1059  Loraxfield
2012-04-13  No. 1060  Joni Arbuckle
2012-04-14  No. 1061  Art as Garfield as Art
2012-04-15  No. 1062  Jon, Creative?
2012-04-16  No. 1063  An American Tale
2012-04-17  No. 1064  Square Root of Minus Garfield
2012-04-18  No. 1065  Garfield's Blunder Theatre
2012-04-19  No. 1066  Wallfield
2012-04-20  No. 1067  Barfield, Sunday Edition
2012-04-21  No. 1068  The Sixth Day
2012-04-22  No. 1069  Fall of Flies
2012-04-23  No. 1070  Fridge Climb
2012-04-24  No. 1071  Unbelievable
2012-04-25  No. 1072  Famous First Words
2012-04-26  No. 1073  Derpyfield
2012-04-27  No. 1074  Garfield Minus Panel Boundaries
2012-04-28  No. 1075  Then, After That...
2012-04-29  No. 1076  Brickfield 2
2012-04-30  No. 1077  36×10 Garfield 2
2012-05-01  No. 1078  Six-Fingered Man
2012-05-02  No. 1079  Garfield Garfield Meta-Garfield
2012-05-03  No. 1080  If on a summer's night a cartoonist
2012-05-04  No. 1081  Garfield Gets It Backwards
2012-05-05  No. 1082  Today, the World...
2012-05-06  No. 1083  Garfield Before Swine
2012-05-07  No. 1084  Garfield Plus Crazy Frog
2012-05-08  No. 1085  Garfield Defends Good Music
2012-05-09  No. 1086  The Ugly Garfield
2012-05-10  No. 1087  Know Your Rights
2012-05-11  No. 1088  No Bleep, Sherlock... er Garfield
2012-05-12  No. 1089  Life Minus Pudding Pops
2012-05-13  No. 1090  A Birthday Tradition
2012-05-14  No. 1091  Like Colour to the Blind
2012-05-15  No. 1092  How do you like them petunias?
2012-05-16  No. 1093  Team Garfield 2
2012-05-17  No. 1094  Coffee Kills
2012-05-18  No. 1095  Garfield & I in a little toy shop
2012-05-19  No. 1096  Meet the Garfheads
2012-05-20  No. 1097  What Happened in the February 22, 1981, Comic Strip
2012-05-21  No. 1098  Hit Dog
2012-05-22  No. 1099  Prevue Garfied
2012-05-23  No. 1100  Attack of the Memes
2012-05-24  No. 1101  Drawrof
2012-05-25  No. 1102  Randomiser
2012-05-26  No. 1103  Pingasfield
2012-05-27  No. 1104  2field
2012-05-28  No. 1105  Meet the Garfheads 2
2012-05-29  No. 1106  D'oh, Nuts!
2012-05-30  No. 1107  Gallusfield
2012-05-31  No. 1108  Express Yourself
2012-06-01  No. 1109  Burgerfield
2012-06-02  No. 1110  Hobby Attire
2012-06-03  No. 1111  Scarred for Life
2012-06-04  No. 1112  The Sinister Mind of Odie Arbuckle, pt 2
2012-06-05  No. 1113  No Breathing
2012-06-06  No. 1114  Coffee Kills 2
2012-06-07  No. 1115  Weegeefield
2012-06-08  No. 1116  Interrupted Satellite Signal Garfield
2012-06-09  No. 1117  'Lawsey' Explained
2012-06-10  No. 1118  Jon's Twilight Saga
2012-06-11  No. 1119  Garfield with Nouns Replaced With "Cat"
2012-06-12  No. 1120  Double Date
2012-06-13  No. 1121  Uncomfortable Truth Garfield
2012-06-14  No. 1122  Poo
2012-06-15  No. 1123  Eek!
2012-06-16  No. 1124  I Ain't Got Nobody
2012-06-17  No. 1125  3×2field
2012-06-18  No. 1126  Advanced Blender
2012-06-19  No. 1127  Happy Birthday, Garfield a.k.a. Garfield's Hidden Object Game
2012-06-20  No. 1128  Fanon
2012-06-21  No. 1129  Garfield Plus Red Eye Remover
2012-06-22  No. 1130  Ahaafield
2012-06-23  No. 1131  Garfield's Hallucinations (Warning: contains drug reference)
2012-06-24  No. 1132  Incomplete Garfield
2012-06-25  No. 1133  Square Root of Mezzacotta
2012-06-26  No. 1134  GARF
2012-06-27  No. 1135  Wagner's Ringtone
2012-06-28  No. 1136  Mighty Thor
2012-06-29  No. 1137  Garfield the Fantastic
2012-06-30  No. 1138  Cute Things Exploding - Nermal
2012-07-01  No. 1139  Sliding Doorsfield
2012-07-02  No. 1140  Honkexp
2012-07-03  No. 1141  Longevity
2012-07-04  No. 1142  Frozen Pudding Pops Ringtone, Smashed!
2012-07-05  No. 1143  Bitshiftfield
2012-07-06  No. 1144  Lipogrammatic Pumpkin-and-Black Cat
2012-07-07  No. 1145  (Licki)tung
2012-07-08  No. 1146  Flamethrower
2012-07-09  No. 1147  Garfield's Crap Past the Radar Theatre
2012-07-10  No. 1148  Truth-Enhanced Garfield
2012-07-11  No. 1149  Garfield's Point of View
2012-07-12  No. 1150  Who Killed Garfield Palmer?
2012-07-13  No. 1151  Mystery Food
2012-07-14  No. 1152  It.
2012-07-15  No. 1153  Square Root of (Literal) Minus Garfield
2012-07-16  No. 1154  The Entertainer
2012-07-17  No. 1155  Computer Garfield
2012-07-18  No. 1156  Game Boy Garfield
2012-07-19  No. 1157  Jon Learns Something Online
2012-07-20  No. 1158  Family Garfield
2012-07-21  No. 1159  Another Garfield Minus Garfield - Value Added
2012-07-22  No. 1160  Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
2012-07-23  No. 1161  Draw Some Garfield
2012-07-24  No. 1162  Garfield Retold Retold Retold
2012-07-25  No. 1163  Garfield Retold's Retelling Retold
2012-07-26  No. 1164  Barneyfield
2012-07-27  No. 1165  Arrrfield
2012-07-28  No. 1166  Jon Forgot Lasagna Thursday Twice
2012-07-29  No. 1167  Metajoke Garfield
2012-07-30  No. 1168  Who Killed Garfield Palmer? Part 2
2012-07-31  No. 1169  Jon as an Ant
2012-08-01  No. 1170  Updates
2012-08-02  No. 1171  Lunafield
2012-08-03  No. 1172  You're Gonna Lose That Garfield
2012-08-04  No. 1173  In Your Ear
2012-08-05  No. 1174  Metamorfield
2012-08-06  No. 1175  Una traducción al español de la primera tira de Garfield cómic, que data. . .
2012-08-07  No. 1176  The Murderous Dog
2012-08-08  No. 1177  Ambigrammatical Garfield
2012-08-09  No. 1178  Draw Me
2012-08-10  No. 1179  Obvious Crossover (Hägar the Horrible)
2012-08-11  No. 1180  Vikingfield
2012-08-12  No. 1181  Square Root of Minecraft Garfield
2012-08-13  No. 1182  Dead Body
2012-08-14  No. 1183  Garfield's Silent Theatre
2012-08-15  No. 1184  Old and Inferior
2012-08-16  No. 1185  The Latin Root of Minus Garfield
2012-08-17  No. 1186  Manga Nermal
2012-08-18  No. 1187  Plus chat change, plus c'est la męme chose
2012-08-19  No. 1188  Y Combinator Garfield
2012-08-20  No. 1189  Minus Garfield Reversed
2012-08-21  No. 1190  Joy and Horror
2012-08-22  No. 1191  Bryan Adams-field
2012-08-23  No. 1192  Screaming Minus Garfield
2012-08-24  No. 1193  Garfield Minus Phone
2012-08-25  No. 1194  Spot The Difference With Garfield 3
2012-08-26  No. 1195  No Questions Asked
2012-08-27  No. 1196  Anonyfield
2012-08-28  No. 1197  LOGIC
2012-08-29  No. 1198  Comments on a Garfield Postcard
2012-08-30  No. 1199  Garfield's Character
2012-08-31  No. 1200  Garfield Linguam Latinam Loquitur
2012-09-01  No. 1201  Garfield Minus Any Kind of Artistic Talent 3
2012-09-02  No. 1202  Garfield Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition
2012-09-03  No. 1203  Daft Punk-field
2012-09-04  No. 1204  The Times They Are-a Changin'
2012-09-05  No. 1205  Does Anyone Really Know What Time It Is, Garfield?
2012-09-06  No. 1206  Rare Sentence Garfield
2012-09-07  No. 1207  Sardi's this Ain't
2012-09-08  No. 1208  Horror Theatre: Jon, the Blender Prophet, episode 2
2012-09-09  No. 1209  The Sad, Lonely Journey of a Garfield Comic Strip
2012-09-10  No. 1210  De-Fence
2012-09-11  No. 1211  Happy Birthday, Sucker
2012-09-12  No. 1212  Big Society Garfield
2012-09-13  No. 1213  Square Root of Minecraft Garfield Minus Garfield
2012-09-14  No. 1214  Garfield Minus Mice
2012-09-15  No. 1215  Constantly Changing V2.0
2012-09-16  No. 1216  Tracheostofield
2012-09-17  No. 1217  Dog-Eating Treets
2012-09-18  No. 1218  Garfield Retelling Clarified
2012-09-19  No. 1219  Retold Retelling of Garfield Retold's Retelling
2012-09-20  No. 1220  Square Root of Minus eBay
2012-09-21  No. 1221  Poorly Received Garfield
2012-09-22  No. 1222  Separation
2012-09-23  No. 1223  Dark Side of the Lasagne 2
2012-09-24  No. 1224  Awful Show
2012-09-25  No. 1225  Garfield Plus Original Three Nicktoons
2012-09-26  No. 1226  Lioness Garfield
2012-09-27  No. 1227  Garfield Plus Proper Structure
2012-09-28  No. 1228  Garfield Plus Superlatively Updated Palaeontology Plus "Funny"
2012-09-29  No. 1229  Total Substitution Garfield
2012-09-30  No. 1230  Better Latin Garfield
2012-10-01  No. 1231  Mime Wasting Time!
2012-10-02  No. 1232  Canary Tale
2012-10-03  No. 1233  Duncan GoNuts
2012-10-04  No. 1234  Screen Capture
2012-10-05  No. 1235  Obvious Crossover (Wolverine)
2012-10-06  No. 1236  Garfield's Science Fiction Theatre
2012-10-07  No. 1237  SASE Garfield
2012-10-08  No. 1238  Ugly Fish
2012-10-09  No. 1239  Camptown Garfield
2012-10-10  No. 1240  Garfield Automatic Response Garfield
2012-10-11  No. 1241  The Picnic Panic
2012-10-12  No. 1242  One Little Letter
2012-10-13  No. 1243  Spot The Difference With Garfield 4
2012-10-14  No. 1244  Measure for Measure
2012-10-15  No. 1245  Reversed
2012-10-16  No. 1246  Jungle
2012-10-17  No. 1247  Black Eyed Garfield
2012-10-18  No. 1248  Garfield Times Garfield Times 2
2012-10-19  No. 1249  Elevenfield
2012-10-20  No. 1250  Garfield's Horror Theatre Plus Actual Horror
2012-10-21  No. 1251  Unusually Recoloured Garfield
2012-10-22  No. 1252  Stay In Character, Garfield
2012-10-23  No. 1253  We Got the Beat(s)
2012-10-24  No. 1254  U.S. Blues
2012-10-25  No. 1255  Garfield for Dogs
2012-10-26  No. 1256  Garfield Plus Crazy Frog 2
2012-10-27  No. 1257  Imaginary Jon: Catburger
2012-10-28  No. 1258  Return of Mind Screwfield
2012-10-29  No. 1259  Every Fish on Earth
2012-10-30  No. 1260  Obvious Crossover (Homer Simpson)
2012-10-31  No. 1261  Garfield Doesn't Care Any More
2012-11-01  No. 1262  Switching Places That Seem Ambiguous Unless Last Panel is Shown
2012-11-02  No. 1263  Garfield's Radio Theatre
2012-11-03  No. 1264  Primordial Ooze
2012-11-04  No. 1265  Spite Unseen
2012-11-05  No. 1266  How the House Got Rid of the Mouse
2012-11-06  No. 1267  Forbidden Cat
2012-11-07  No. 1268  Popsickle
2012-11-08  No. 1269  Square Root of Chocolate Pudding
2012-11-09  No. 1270  N+7 Garfield
2012-11-10  No. 1271  Goofless Garfield
2012-11-11  No. 1272  Jon's Chat Screen 2
2012-11-12  No. 1273  Contuinityfield
2012-11-13  No. 1274  Garfield Didn't Do It
2012-11-14  No. 1275  Square Root of Minus The Arbuckle Family in Reruns
2012-11-15  No. 1276  Clothes
2012-11-16  No. 1277  Booby Trapped
2012-11-17  No. 1278  Common Sentence Garfield
2012-11-18  No. 1279  Jon Speaks his Mind
2012-11-19  No. 1280  Inconsistent Background Garfield
2012-11-20  No. 1281  Donut Wars
2012-11-21  No. 1282  GaRFCeld
2012-11-22  No. 1283  Mr. Arbuckle's Cat
2012-11-23  No. 1284  Jon's Chat Screen 3
2012-11-24  No. 1285  Internet Phones
2012-11-25  No. 1286  947f13ld
2012-11-26  No. 1287  Omeglefield
2012-11-27  No. 1288  Latin Square of Minus Garfield
2012-11-28  No. 1289  MailBox
2012-11-29  No. 1290  UNCE UNCE UNCE UNCE
2012-11-30  No. 1291  Squeezedfield
2012-12-01  No. 1292  Seafood Can Be Hazardous To Your Health
2012-12-02  No. 1293  Garfstuck
2012-12-03  No. 1294  Com c w thout tt s om 's N m
2012-12-04  No. 1295  Randomiser 2
2012-12-05  No. 1296  Multiple Meowka Mix
2012-12-06  No. 1297  Garfield Flipped
2012-12-07  No. 1298  Squeezedfield - Vertical
2012-12-08  No. 1299  Accidental Garfield?
2012-12-09  No. 1300  Falling Garfield Fixed
2012-12-10  No. 1301  Over Andover MN
2012-12-11  No. 1302  Garfield Plus Quality Control
2012-12-12  No. 1303  One-Piecers
2012-12-13  No. 1304  Scared Jon
2012-12-14  No. 1305  Byrdfield
2012-12-15  No. 1306  Aresquay Ootray of Inusmay Arfieldgay
2012-12-16  No. 1307  Conscience
2012-12-17  No. 1308  Scat Talkin'
2012-12-18  No. 1309  Sychronised Garfield and U.S. Acres
2012-12-19  No. 1310  Inappropriately Timed Car Horn is Inappropriate
2012-12-20  No. 1311  Don't make me kill you
2012-12-21  No. 1312  Dumbfield Instead of Darkfield
2012-12-22  No. 1313  Dumbfield and Darkfield
2012-12-23  No. 1314  Garfield Minus Record Player
2012-12-24  No. 1315  Won't Get Fooled Acane
2012-12-25  No. 1316  Spot The Difference With Garfield 5
2012-12-26  No. 1317  Jon's Chat Screen 4
2012-12-27  No. 1318  Stay In Character, Garfield: The Redux
2012-12-28  No. 1319  Take That
2012-12-29  No. 1320  Is that good acting?
2012-12-30  No. 1321  Garfield Minus Garfield - Value Added: Salad
2012-12-31  No. 1322  The Last SRoMG Strip
2013-01-01  No. 1323  The Mailman's Dog
2013-01-02  No. 1324  Glue is for Saturday
2013-01-03  No. 1325  Birthdayfield
2013-01-04  No. 1326  Deltafield
2013-01-05  No. 1327  Love, Pastries, Action, and Pudding
2013-01-06  No. 1328  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Good Reasons
2013-01-07  No. 1329  Poke-G
2013-01-08  No. 1330  Choose Your Own Garfield #2
2013-01-09  No. 1331  Favourite Person
2013-01-10  No. 1332  Bad Mood Guacamole Garfield
2013-01-11  No. 1333  Jon Entertains Himself
2013-01-12  No. 1334  Donutshave
2013-01-13  No. 1335  Jon's Chat Screen X
2013-01-14  No. 1336  Caesarfield
2013-01-15  No. 1337  Woo Fusion
2013-01-16  No. 1338  It doesn't matter what the ring tone is
2013-01-17  No. 1339  Bad Mood Clam Dip Garfield
2013-01-18  No. 1340  Kill the President
2013-01-19  No. 1341  Sunday Every Day #2
2013-01-20  No. 1342  Lampshadefield
2013-01-21  No. 1343  Foreshadowing
2013-01-22  No. 1344  Even Cleverbot doesn't like him...
2013-01-23  No. 1345  The Gar(field) Side
2013-01-24  No. 1346  Mailman's Revenge
2013-01-25  No. 1347  Bad Mood Wasabi Garfield
2013-01-26  No. 1348  Uncomfortable Truthsfield
2013-01-27  No. 1349  Garfield in Haiku Once Again
2013-01-28  No. 1350  Garfield Plus Updated Palaeontology Minus Dinosaurs
2013-01-29  No. 1351  Constant Turmoil
2013-01-30  No. 1352  Role-reversed Garfield
2013-01-31  No. 1353  Donut Wars, Continued
2013-02-01  No. 1354  Derivative of (Garfield minus Characters minus Background minus Props minus World minus Date)
2013-02-02  No. 1355  Can't Stop Thinking About It
2013-02-03  No. 1356  It Burns
2013-02-04  No. 1357  Garfieldseed
2013-02-05  No. 1358  No Sense of Scale
2013-02-06  No. 1359  Donut Wars: The Sueing Saga
2013-02-07  No. 1360  Leopard Skin
2013-02-08  No. 1361  Jon's "Chat" Screen
2013-02-09  No. 1362  Garfield Plus Square Root of Winnie the Pooh
2013-02-10  No. 1363  Freight Train Garfield
2013-02-11  No. 1364  Garfield Made Slightly Disturbing
2013-02-12  No. 1365  Even More Classified Garfield
2013-02-13  No. 1366  The Scream
2013-02-14  No. 1367  Garfield Minus Humour
2013-02-15  No. 1368  Change the Channel
2013-02-16  No. 1369  Take That, Scrappy!
2013-02-17  No. 1370  Dark Side of the Lasagne 3: The Continuing Reign of Terror
2013-02-18  No. 1371  The Most Horrific Theatre of All
2013-02-19  No. 1372  Gunpoint
2013-02-20  No. 1373  Terrible Quality Birthday Thing
2013-02-21  No. 1374  Dinner
2013-02-22  No. 1375  Predictions
2013-02-23  No. 1376  Lumpy Back
2013-02-24  No. 1377  Odiefield 2
2013-02-25  No. 1378  Scale Land
2013-02-26  No. 1379  Kooloo-Limpahfield
2013-02-27  No. 1380  Garfield of Dreams
2013-02-28  No. 1381  You Sunk My Battleship
2013-03-01  No. 1382  Garfield Beat Garfield
2013-03-02  No. 1383  Of Spiders and Woodstock
2013-03-03  No. 1384  Jon's Dinner Plate
2013-03-04  No. 1385  Fernfield
2013-03-05  No. 1386  The Steak is (not)? a Lie!
2013-03-06  No. 1387  Clip Artfield
2013-03-07  No. 1388  HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA
2013-03-08  No. 1389  Present Tense
2013-03-09  No. 1390  Garfield, Prince of Denmark
2013-03-10  No. 1391  Garfield's Masterpiece Theatre
2013-03-11  No. 1392  Spot the Difference with Garfield 6
2013-03-12  No. 1393  Cat Among the Pidgins
2013-03-13  No. 1394  Unfini
2013-03-14  No. 1395  That Might Could May Possibly To an Extent Be What She Said
2013-03-15  No. 1396  Jon's Chat Screen Negativia
2013-03-16  No. 1397  Spot the Difference
2013-03-17  No. 1398  Steak Sauce
2013-03-18  No. 1399  Indestructible Phone
2013-03-19  No. 1400  Crying Over Spoiled Milk
2013-03-20  No. 1401  The Cat Who Walked Through...
2013-03-21  No. 1402  Changefield #7
2013-03-22  No. 1403  Penguin Eater
2013-03-23  No. 1404  Garfield Pulled From the Trash
2013-03-24  No. 1405  Fine Line of Rope
2013-03-25  No. 1406  Parthenon Model
2013-03-26  No. 1407  Mean
2013-03-27  No. 1408  Ordinaryfield
2013-03-28  No. 1409  Pick Your Mediocre Poison
2013-03-29  No. 1410  Jon's Chat Screen Negativia Cellphone Remix
2013-03-30  No. 1411  Wonderfield
2013-03-31  No. 1412  The Doughnut Wars Odyssey
2013-04-01  No. 1413  Catamari
2013-04-02  No. 1414  Time Bomb
2013-04-03  No. 1415  Garfield In Reality
2013-04-04  No. 1416  Left-Hand Traffic
2013-04-05  No. 1417  Bingo
2013-04-06  No. 1418  Garfield Minus Music
2013-04-07  No. 1419  Grafield & Maynard
2013-04-08  No. 1420  Garfield Plus Updated Palaeontology Minus Dinosaurs Plus Corrected Biogeography
2013-04-09  No. 1421  Two Often Used Square Root Of Minus Garfield Memes Combined To Make a Strip of Square Root. . .
2013-04-10  No. 1422  Not Funny
2013-04-11  No. 1423  Blowing Out the Bomb
2013-04-12  No. 1424  Garfield's POV
2013-04-13  No. 1425  Garfield Minus Enthusiasm
2013-04-14  No. 1426  Donut Pop
2013-04-15  No. 1427  Garfield Around the Web WTF
2013-04-16  No. 1428  Nick-ah-low-dee-yun!
2013-04-17  No. 1429  Average Garfield 2012
2013-04-18  No. 1430  Zadie Smithfield
2013-04-19  No. 1431  Lovesick
2013-04-20  No. 1432  Covered Up
2013-04-21  No. 1433  Garfield 2.0
2013-04-22  No. 1434  I Love Lasagna
2013-04-23  No. 1435  Garfield plus Jon plus Liz plus Sherlock text messages
2013-04-24  No. 1436  Clever Use of Symbolism
2013-04-25  No. 1437  Garfield Turns Into A Dog
2013-04-26  No. 1438  Corrected Cheese Garfield
2013-04-27  No. 1439  Genre Awarenessfield
2013-04-28  No. 1440  I seek originality! But a meme will do
2013-04-29  No. 1441  Colour, Coming Through
2013-04-30  No. 1442  Donutception, Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Donut (Wars)
2013-05-01  No. 1443  Square Root of Garfield Multipled by Calvin and Hobbes
2013-05-02  No. 1444  Fresh as a Daisy
2013-05-03  No. 1445  Backfield
2013-05-04  No. 1446  Garfield plus Backgrounds
2013-05-05  No. 1447  Cluster Bomb
2013-05-06  No. 1448  Cat Food
2013-05-07  No. 1449  Garfield in Red II
2013-05-08  No. 1450  Nail
2013-05-09  No. 1451  Viking Resemblance
2013-05-10  No. 1452  Names
2013-05-11  No. 1453  Reverse Change
2013-05-12  No. 1454  Gaston's Chat Room
2013-05-13  No. 1455  Frenchfield
2013-05-14  No. 1456  Walk This Way
2013-05-15  No. 1457  Garfield plus Calvin's Snowmen
2013-05-16  No. 1458  Minimalist Donut Wars
2013-05-17  No. 1459  Last Night's Date
2013-05-18  No. 1460  Garfield is Apathetic
2013-05-19  No. 1461  Garfield Made Slightly Disturbing 2
2013-05-20  No. 1462  Darkfield: Odie and the Murder
2013-05-21  No. 1463  Garfield Minus Theory of Mind
2013-05-22  No. 1464  Cooler
2013-05-23  No. 1465  Another Uncanny Ability of Writers
2013-05-24  No. 1466  April of No Sundays: 2006
2013-05-25  No. 1467  Hat?
2013-05-26  No. 1468  Pinky and the Garfield
2013-05-27  No. 1469  NESField 3
2013-05-28  No. 1470  Semanticfield
2013-05-29  No. 1471  Sbod the Dibberence wid Garbield
2013-05-30  No. 1472  Schrödinner
2013-05-31  No. 1473  The Webcomic That Lived on the Internet, Behind a Pop-Up, Next to the Scroll Bar, and to the Left of. . .
2013-06-01  No. 1474  NOT(Garfield)
2013-06-02  No. 1475  Happy Thoughts
2013-06-03  No. 1476  Simple Re-contextualization
2013-06-04  No. 1477  Jonfield
2013-06-05  No. 1478  Happy Blender
2013-06-06  No. 1479  Changefield #8
2013-06-07  No. 1480  Back to the Present
2013-06-08  No. 1481  Guitar-Playing Cat
2013-06-09  No. 1482  Munch Munch
2013-06-10  No. 1483  Burial
2013-06-11  No. 1484  GoComicsfield
2013-06-12  No. 1485  Angst
2013-06-13  No. 1486  Pierre Menard, Author of Garfield
2013-06-14  No. 1487  Blubber Lumps! They're chewy!
2013-06-15  No. 1488  Garfield Timus Garfield
2013-06-16  No. 1489  Interesting commercial
2013-06-17  No. 1490  Donut Wars in Soviet Russia
2013-06-18  No. 1491  Collagefield
2013-06-19  No. 1492  Sock Drawer
2013-06-20  No. 1493  Fair (Dinkum) Root of Minus Garfield
2013-06-21  No. 1494  Garfield in 2053
2013-06-22  No. 1495  Dark Re-contextualisation
2013-06-23  No. 1496  Garthenon (or The Epic of Garfield)
2013-06-24  No. 1497  Proved His Point
2013-06-25  No. 1498  I Am the Very Model of a Cartoon Individual
2013-06-26  No. 1499  Going with the Flow
2013-06-27  No. 1500  Unrealfield
2013-06-28  No. 1501  Blah
2013-06-29  No. 1502  Less Disturbing Recontextualisation
2013-06-30  No. 1503  Garfield Miserables Garfield
2013-07-01  No. 1504  More Sociable Garfield
2013-07-02  No. 1505  Polyphemus's Donut
2013-07-03  No. 1506  Garfield's Sophisticated Taste
2013-07-04  No. 1507  There Goes All the "Garfield Is Dead" Theories
2013-07-05  No. 1508  Garfield in 2053, Part 2
2013-07-06  No. 1509  Good One
2013-07-07  No. 1510  Per-Month Average Garfield 2012
2013-07-08  No. 1511  Garfield Minus Dinosaurs Plus Timey Wimey Ball
2013-07-09  No. 1512  Sophisticated Tastes
2013-07-10  No. 1513  Squarus Rootus
2013-07-11  No. 1514  Reunion
2013-07-12  No. 1515  Garfield Thinker Garfield
2013-07-13  No. 1516  Take this
2013-07-14  No. 1517  Emotional Breakdownfield
2013-07-15  No. 1518  Beautiful Inlawfield
2013-07-16  No. 1519  Spot The Difference With Garfield's... Toes?
2013-07-17  No. 1520  Garfield Plus an Actual Pepper
2013-07-18  No. 1521  Godotfield
2013-07-19  No. 1522  Entropy
2013-07-20  No. 1523  Catsup
2013-07-21  No. 1524  Skeleton in the Closet
2013-07-22  No. 1525  Into the Future
2013-07-23  No. 1526  Garfield in 2053, Part 3
2013-07-24  No. 1527 
2013-07-25  No. 1528  Tiberiumfield
2013-07-26  No. 1529  Alternianfield
2013-07-27  No. 1530  Silence Speaks Louder than Words
2013-07-28  No. 1531  Uvula
2013-07-29  No. 1532  Misanthropic Garfield
2013-07-30  No. 1533  Garfield's Memory
2013-07-31  No. 1534  Lyman?
2013-08-01  No. 1535  Colour-Averaged Garfield: 2053
2013-08-02  No. 1536  Got Milk?
2013-08-03  No. 1537  Garfield Made Slighty Disturbing 3
2013-08-04  No. 1538  Curiosity
2013-08-05  No. 1539  Early Christmas present
2013-08-06  No. 1540  Donut Symbolism
2013-08-07  No. 1541  Empire of Garfield
2013-08-08  No. 1542  The World Revolves Around Garfield
2013-08-09  No. 1543  Horsefield
2013-08-10  No. 1544  Complete Monster Jon
2013-08-11  No. 1545  Mook
2013-08-12  No. 1546  Fan Dumbfield
2013-08-13  No. 1547  Garfijldo
2013-08-14  No. 1548  Jon Tries to Cope
2013-08-15  No. 1549  Backfield Minus Back
2013-08-16  No. 1550  Figured It Out
2013-08-17  No. 1551  Garfield Minus Character Visuals
2013-08-18  No. 1552  Garfield Plus Corrected Biogeography Minus Palaeontology and Dinosaurs Plus Subtlety
2013-08-19  No. 1553  Timeless Cereal
2013-08-20  No. 1554  Somebody Stop Him
2013-08-21  No. 1555  Blue Monday
2013-08-22  No. 1556  Garfield's Haruhi Theatre
2013-08-23  No. 1557  A Week of Garfield
2013-08-24  No. 1558  Insanity
2013-08-25  No. 1559  Garfield Plus Oobi
2013-08-26  No. 1560  May of No Sundays 2013
2013-08-27  No. 1561  All Along the Watchtower
2013-08-28  No. 1562  License Number
2013-08-29  No. 1563  Rare Sentence Garfield #2
2013-08-30  No. 1564  Forced Meme/Lovely Fire
2013-08-31  No. 1565  Donut Wars: Donuttate
2013-09-01  No. 1566  Cut & Pastefield
2013-09-02  No. 1567  (Not so) Hidden Message
2013-09-03  No. 1568  Just as Planned
2013-09-04  No. 1569  Grafield Plus Dynamite
2013-09-05  No. 1570  Suspicions
2013-09-06  No. 1571  Gimpfield
2013-09-07  No. 1572  DED
2013-09-08  No. 1573  We've Got Donut Sign
2013-09-09  No. 1574  Memorable Record
2013-09-10  No. 1575  Photo-Shopped
2013-09-11  No. 1576  Rights & Wrongs
2013-09-12  No. 1577  Scary Jon
2013-09-13  No. 1578  Toilet Humour
2013-09-14  No. 1579  Garfield Minecraft Garfield
2013-09-15  No. 1580  Up Harass
2013-09-16  No. 1581  Garfield Meets Tardarsauce
2013-09-17  No. 1582  Plant Come On
2013-09-18  No. 1583  1978field
2013-09-19  No. 1584  Reverse Alphabetical Ordering
2013-09-20  No. 1585  Gaardvark
2013-09-21  No. 1586  Brewing Up With Jon Arbuckle
2013-09-22  No. 1587  That's why
2013-09-23  No. 1588  Lasagnas & Litterboxes
2013-09-24  No. 1589  Cat Memes
2013-09-25  No. 1590  Actual Happy Thoughts
2013-09-26  No. 1591  Donut Wars: Chowder Edition
2013-09-27  No. 1592  Jon's Shocking Reveal!
2013-09-28  No. 1593  All Your Garfield Are Belong To Us
2013-09-29  No. 1594  Unpopular Opinion Garfield
2013-09-30  No. 1595  Violence-Free Garfield
2013-10-01  No. 1596  Exchange Program
2013-10-02  No. 1597  Self-Deprecating Humour?
2013-10-03  No. 1598  Garfield Dies (again)
2013-10-04  No. 1599  Trust
2013-10-05  No. 1600  Cat Years
2013-10-06  No. 1601  Mariofield
2013-10-07  No. 1602  Dialogue Swap: English vs. Spanish
2013-10-08  No. 1603  Garfield Minus an S and a T
2013-10-09  No. 1604  Bees!
2013-10-10  No. 1605  Garfield Linus Garfield- The Prequel
2013-10-11  No. 1606  Garfield Linus Garfield: The Next Generation
2013-10-12  No. 1607  Life with Linus
2013-10-13  No. 1608  Impressions
2013-10-14  No. 1609  Doctor WhoField
2013-10-15  No. 1610  Garfield Who
2013-10-16  No. 1611  GarfIED
2013-10-17  No. 1612  More Sophisticated Garfield
2013-10-18  No. 1613  Catch the Durian
2013-10-19  No. 1614  Transactions of the Garfield Paleontological Society, Volume II
2013-10-20  No. 1615  Unsolved Mysteries part 2.
2013-10-21  No. 1616  Just to Clear Things Up
2013-10-22  No. 1617  One Panel Garfield
2013-10-23  No. 1618  Garfield Can't Stop
2013-10-24  No. 1619  Shelter Stories
2013-10-25  No. 1620  Gayfield
2013-10-26  No. 1621  Sekifield
2013-10-27  No. 1622  Bauzafield
2013-10-28  No. 1623  Donut Chivalry
2013-10-29  No. 1624  Died in the Donut War
2013-10-30  No. 1625  Donut Wars Made Even More Disturbing
2013-10-31  No. 1626  Garfield Meets The Thin Man
2013-11-01  No. 1627  Garfield in 2053, Part 4
2013-11-02  No. 1628  Garfield plus Health and Safety
2013-11-03  No. 1629  GarfieldSBAHJ
2013-11-04  No. 1630  Garf Side of the Horse
2013-11-05  No. 1631  Sex & drums & rock 'n' rollfield
2013-11-06  No. 1632  And I Must Scream
2013-11-07  No. 1633  De-Wrench
2013-11-08  No. 1634  Just Look At That Gorgeous Garfield
2013-11-09  No. 1635  Skelefield
2013-11-10  No. 1636  Super Meat Field
2013-11-11  No. 1637  Garfield Off-Script
2013-11-12  No. 1638  One Warped Wish
2013-11-13  No. 1639  Nothing
2013-11-14  No. 1640  The Garfield Channel
2013-11-15  No. 1641  Shakesfield
2013-11-16  No. 1642  Choice Words
2013-11-17  No. 1643  Garfield: 2053-11-28
2013-11-18  No. 1644  Therapy
2013-11-19  No. 1645  Reason #1 This Day Can Get Better
2013-11-20  No. 1646  Fifth Anniversary
2013-11-21  No. 1647  Reality
2013-11-22  No. 1648  Terran Empire
2013-11-23  No. 1649  Mega Garfield's Planet
2013-11-24  No. 1650  Cartoon Network
2013-11-25  No. 1651  Jon's Birthday
2013-11-26  No. 1652  Jon Ate Garfield
2013-11-27  No. 1653  Killer Smile
2013-11-28  No. 1654  Straw
2013-11-29  No. 1655  Garfield Groundhog Day Garfield
2013-11-30  No. 1656  Really Misanthropic Garfield
2013-12-01  No. 1657  Donut Wars: Toxicity
2013-12-02  No. 1658  Pinkerfield
2013-12-03  No. 1659  Gladosfield
2013-12-04  No. 1660  3-Bit RGBfield
2013-12-05  No. 1661  Skelefield 2
2013-12-06  No. 1662  Real Life Garfield
2013-12-07  No. 1663  World-Class Pancake Flipper
2013-12-08  No. 1664  Hello Garfield
2013-12-09  No. 1665  Omnomfield
2013-12-10  No. 1666  Grafield Minus Grafield
2013-12-11  No. 1667  Shiny Teeth
2013-12-12  No. 1668  Flanfield
2013-12-13  No. 1669  Might as well talk to a wall
2013-12-14  No. 1670  Obvious Crossover (Mr. Spock)
2013-12-15  No. 1671  Garfield Plus Doonesbury Minus Newspapers
2013-12-16  No. 1672  Square Root of Billy Brick
2013-12-17  No. 1673  Inverted Backfield
2013-12-18  No. 1674  Garfield Minus Subtlety
2013-12-19  No. 1675  Cubefield
2013-12-20  No. 1676  Dark Nightmarefield
2013-12-21  No. 1677  What's Wrong With the World
2013-12-22  No. 1678  Jon's Chat Screen Negativia Reversed Peanuts Garfield Remix Remix
2013-12-23  No. 1679  Verin's Chat Screen
2013-12-24  No. 1680  Cartoon Ducks
2013-12-25  No. 1681  Nedroidfield
2013-12-26  No. 1682  Through the Fourth Wall
2013-12-27  No. 1683  Grimdull Garfield
2013-12-28  No. 1684  Good Dog
2013-12-29  No. 1685  Garfield Plus MS Paint Colours
2013-12-30  No. 1686  Ted Turner's Garfield
2013-12-31  No. 1687  2012-12-21
2014-01-01  No. 1688  Uncle Forrest
2014-01-02  No. 1689  I Want Everyone In It! (aka: Continuity Nod)
2014-01-03  No. 1690  Garfield's History of the Triad
2014-01-04  No. 1691  Garfield sings The Beatles #1
2014-01-05  No. 1692  Garfield Saves Dinner
2014-01-06  No. 1693  Web Affair
2014-01-07  No. 1694  Cornfield
2014-01-08  No. 1695  Mildly Obscure Reference Time!
2014-01-09  No. 1696  Double Shred
2014-01-10  No. 1697  What the ****?
2014-01-11  No. 1698  Cat Cookie Report
2014-01-12  No. 1699  Garfood
2014-01-13  No. 1700  Spotting the Difference
2014-01-14  No. 1701  Kiss Me Fat Cat
2014-01-15  No. 1702  Humorous
2014-01-16  No. 1703  Galloping Alien
2014-01-17  No. 1704  Shifting Mid-Point 2
2014-01-18  No. 1705  Invisible Cat
2014-01-19  No. 1706  Hug Day
2014-01-20  No. 1707  Evolution
2014-01-21  No. 1708  Parallel Universe
2014-01-22  No. 1709  Garfield Made Slightly Disturbing: Garfield's Shocking Discovery
2014-01-23  No. 1710  Ignorant Garfield
2014-01-24  No. 1711  The Product of Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes over Happy Days
2014-01-25  No. 1712  Tie Stain
2014-01-26  No. 1713  Bit Glitchfield
2014-01-27  No. 1714  Nonchalant
2014-01-28  No. 1715  That Ham in the Fridge
2014-01-29  No. 1716  Presidential Campaign
2014-01-30  No. 1717  Disgustfield
2014-01-31  No. 1718  Garfield Past and Future
2014-02-01  No. 1719  You know, Jon...
2014-02-02  No. 1720  Popcorn Advice
2014-02-03  No. 1721  Obvious Crossover (Dukey Test)
2014-02-04  No. 1722  Jon's Worries Come To Pass
2014-02-05  No. 1723  Perecfield
2014-02-06  No. 1724  Jon Tries to Kill Garfield
2014-02-07  No. 1725  Alive or Dead
2014-02-08  No. 1726  Sign-Up Now for Only $19.99 a Month!
2014-02-09  No. 1727  Tom Waitsfield
2014-02-10  No. 1728  Garfield and the Oobleck
2014-02-11  No. 1729  Garfield Shrink & Re-enlarge, Literally
2014-02-12  No. 1730  Fat Guy's Small Eyes
2014-02-13  No. 1731  Die with a T
2014-02-14  No. 1732  Bang-ana
2014-02-15  No. 1733  Family Hat
2014-02-16  No. 1734  Garfield for the Gold
2014-02-17  No. 1735  Playing Possum
2014-02-18  No. 1736  Garfield Minus "The"
2014-02-19  No. 1737  Garfield plus Lyman Hall
2014-02-20  No. 1738  Saturday Night of the Living Blender
2014-02-21  No. 1739  What Time is it?
2014-02-22  No. 1740  Garfield's 75th Birthday
2014-02-23  No. 1741  Another Fine Mess
2014-02-24  No. 1742  Odie Minus Everyone Else
2014-02-25  No. 1743  Acid Balloon
2014-02-26  No. 1744  The Melancholy/Disappearance of Garfield's Haruhi Theatre
2014-02-27  No. 1745  Jon Arblanka
2014-02-28  No. 1746  Garfield Minus Christmas Tree Plus Bored
2014-03-01  No. 1747  Garfield Plus Weedles
2014-03-02  No. 1748  The Wolf Dog
2014-03-03  No. 1749  Garfield Hates Christmas
2014-03-04  No. 1750  French
2014-03-05  No. 1751  Finch
2014-03-06  No. 1752  Clive Again
2014-03-07  No. 1753  Past in Flux
2014-03-08  No. 1754  Less Morbid Than It Looks
2014-03-09  No. 1755  Going to the Beach
2014-03-10  No. 1756  The X-Fields
2014-03-11  No. 1757  Garfield's Odyssey
2014-03-12  No. 1758  Belching Contest
2014-03-13  No. 1759  Fly Fusion
2014-03-14  No. 1760  Gotta Dance
2014-03-15  No. 1761  Static
2014-03-16  No. 1762  Mirror Barking
2014-03-17  No. 1763  Garfield Irish Garfield (St. Patrick’s Day Special)
2014-03-18  No. 1764  Baby, It's Cold Inside
2014-03-19  No. 1765  Skinfield
2014-03-20  No. 1766  la garfild.
2014-03-21  No. 1767  Garfield's Color Theater
2014-03-22  No. 1768  Square Root Of Minus Grandpa
2014-03-23  No. 1769  Slowfield
2014-03-24  No. 1770  Empirical
2014-03-25  No. 1771  Garfield Hat Pirates (Or: 'One Garfield')
2014-03-26  No. 1772  Garfield Surrenders to the Mice
2014-03-27  No. 1773  Is Everything Better With Monkeys?
2014-03-28  No. 1774  Garfield versus Zombies
2014-03-29  No. 1775  Garfield Plus Mutilation
2014-03-30  No. 1776  A Tiger in the House
2014-03-31  No. 1777  Calvin Makes a SRoMG Strip
2014-04-01  No. 1778  Grafield Minus Garfield
2014-04-02  No. 1779  Letter to Santa
2014-04-03  No. 1780  Flandrefield
2014-04-04  No. 1781  Standing Tall
2014-04-05  No. 1782  Garfield Plus The Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual
2014-04-06  No. 1783  Garfield's Past Made Disturbing
2014-04-07  No. 1784  Complex Little Creatures
2014-04-08  No. 1785  Fan FictionField
2014-04-09  No. 1786  Garfield Plus Cartoon Bomb (And Minus Four and a Half Panels)
2014-04-10  No. 1787  Fake-Out Steak-Out Break-Out
2014-04-11  No. 1788  Growing the Beard
2014-04-12  No. 1789  Flubber
2014-04-13  No. 1790  Square Root of Negative Over the Hedge?
2014-04-14  No. 1791  Miscalculation
2014-04-15  No. 1792  Insert Your Own Take That Here
2014-04-16  No. 1793  ... Backfield
2014-04-17  No. 1794  Kitty Treats
2014-04-18  No. 1795  Inverse Opinion
2014-04-19  No. 1796  Medleyfield
2014-04-20  No. 1797  Down, Down
2014-04-21  No. 1798  Do Wah Diddy Diddy
2014-04-22  No. 1799  Infinite Scrolling
2014-04-23  No. 1800  Waluigi Time
2014-04-24  No. 1801  Good Housekeeping
2014-04-25  No. 1802  A More Subtle Crossover
2014-04-26  No. 1803  Garfield Plus Clive
2014-04-27  No. 1804  Comic Of A Thousand Punchlines
2014-04-28  No. 1805  Garfield plus Labour Retention
2014-04-29  No. 1806  Shy Guy Field
2014-04-30  No. 1807  Thrill Seekers
2014-05-01  No. 1808  Mutagenfield
2014-05-02  No. 1809  Game Developer Garfield
2014-05-03  No. 1810  Reedfield
2014-05-04  No. 1811  Tempting Fate
2014-05-05  No. 1812  Jon plus #epicfail
2014-05-06  No. 1813  Subversion
2014-05-07  No. 1814  Garfield and the Cursed Mirror
2014-05-08  No. 1815  Sock Puppet Minus Garfield 2
2014-05-09  No. 1816  Tuna the Garfield
2014-05-10  No. 1817  1988 to 1979
2014-05-11  No. 1818  Jon's Evolution in Reverse (including Garfield)
2014-05-12  No. 1819  Meta Mid-Point
2014-05-13  No. 1820  xkcd Randomiser
2014-05-14  No. 1821  Shifting Mid-Point 3
2014-05-15  No. 1822  The Return of the King
2014-05-16  No. 1823  Their Name Starts With C-A-T And Contains 'Leopard', So It's Only Natural, Really
2014-05-17  No. 1824  Mailman's Wallet
2014-05-18  No. 1825  A Strip Of Square Root of Minus Garfield That Happened
2014-05-19  No. 1826  Forgot About Those
2014-05-20  No. 1827  Calvin And Garfield
2014-05-21  No. 1828  Even Higher
2014-05-22  No. 1829  Sophisticated
2014-05-23  No. 1830  Squigglefield
2014-05-24  No. 1831  These Doughnuts Are Great!
2014-05-25  No. 1832  Depressed
2014-05-26  No. 1833  Novocaine
2014-05-27  No. 1834  Lost Two Men
2014-05-28  No. 1835  Garfield Is Unfunny
2014-05-29  No. 1836  Club Penguinfield
2014-05-30  No. 1837  Recapfield
2014-05-31  No. 1838  Garfield in LA
2014-06-01  No. 1839  Garfield Plus Grammar Nazi
2014-06-02  No. 1840  Garfield Minus Jon's Mother
2014-06-03  No. 1841  Fair Exchange
2014-06-04  No. 1842  Denied
2014-06-05  No. 1843  30 Garf
2014-06-06  No. 1844  Grammy-Winning Garfield
2014-06-07  No. 1845  Fat and Proud
2014-06-08  No. 1846  Paws Inc.'s Own Square Root of Minus Garfield
2014-06-09  No. 1847  Bioluminescencefield
2014-06-10  No. 1848  Garfield Plus Mr. Potato Head
2014-06-11  No. 1849  Sour Milk-Chan
2014-06-12  No. 1850  Garfield Minus Nermal Plus Nergal
2014-06-13  No. 1851  Gym Class Garfield
2014-06-14  No. 1852  Spot the Difference with Garfield: Driver's License Edition
2014-06-15  No. 1853  Metajoke Garfield 2
2014-06-16  No. 1854  Make No Bones About It
2014-06-17  No. 1855  Failed Selfish Thinking
2014-06-18  No. 1856  Garfield and Jon Plus 23 Years
2014-06-19  No. 1857  Spot the Difference with Garfield & Liz
2014-06-20  No. 1858  Wrench Wench
2014-06-21  No. 1859  Vegan Garfield
2014-06-22  No. 1860  I know that was then but it could be againfield
2014-06-23  No. 1861  Vertical Sundays
2014-06-24  No. 1862  Past In Flux Redux
2014-06-25  No. 1863  Engineer has Tools
2014-06-26  No. 1864  Volatile Odie Minus Everyone Else
2014-06-27  No. 1865  Gar*PYOO*Garfield
2014-06-28  No. 1866  Gone Fishin'
2014-06-29  No. 1867  Silent and Physical
2014-06-30  No. 1868  Oboy!
2014-07-01  No. 1869  Slow in more ways than one
2014-07-02  No. 1870  Particle Man
2014-07-03  No. 1871  Jon's Perception
2014-07-04  No. 1872  Garfield Plus Brewster Rockit
2014-07-05  No. 1873  Changefield #9
2014-07-06  No. 1874  Dark Side of the Lasagne: Aftermath
2014-07-07  No. 1875  Blender Meme Minus Blender and Internal Monologue
2014-07-08  No. 1876  Sockets
2014-07-09  No. 1877  Garfield Minus 1981 Plus 1992
2014-07-10  No. 1878  Tanukifield
2014-07-11  No. 1879  Awkward Pause
2014-07-12  No. 1880  Killer Odie
2014-07-13  No. 1881  Obvious Advertising
2014-07-14  No. 1882  Jon Minus Half of His Teeth
2014-07-15  No. 1883  Saturday Night Surprise
2014-07-16  No. 1884  Hilarious in Hindsight
2014-07-17  No. 1885  Cold Nose
2014-07-18  No. 1886  Donut Wars... and Zoidberg
2014-07-19  No. 1887  Irregularfield 2
2014-07-20  No. 1888  Thin and Proud
2014-07-21  No. 1889  Garfield Manny’s (Picture) Garfield
2014-07-22  No. 1890  One-Wayfield
2014-07-23  No. 1891  Subtly Less Subtle Garfield
2014-07-24  No. 1892  Whistle-blower
2014-07-25  No. 1893  Moussacre
2014-07-26  No. 1894  Garfevolution
2014-07-27  No. 1895  Surprise Surprise
2014-07-28  No. 1896  Jim Davis as Jon (Happy Birthday, Jim Davis)
2014-07-29  No. 1897  JonShocked Infinite
2014-07-30  No. 1898  Super Odie 64
2014-07-31  No. 1899  Rodents of Unusual Size
2014-08-01  No. 1900  The Madness of the Orange Cat
2014-08-02  No. 1901  Jon Skywalker vs Darth Garfield
2014-08-03  No. 1902  Garfield comic by Skye
2014-08-04  No. 1903  Teasing Reflection
2014-08-05  No. 1904  Jon Plus Sock Puppet Account
2014-08-06  No. 1905  Steamed Beats
2014-08-07  No. 1906  Racine carrée de Garfield moins: par deux
2014-08-08  No. 1907  Donut eat that!
2014-08-09  No. 1908  One Panel Garfield 3
2014-08-10  No. 1909  Garfield's Certainly Changed
2014-08-11  No. 1910  Never Finish What They Start
2014-08-12  No. 1911  Huge Ugly Heads
2014-08-13  No. 1912  Sudden Bellybutton
2014-08-14  No. 1913  Garfield Plus Cleaning Supplies
2014-08-15  No. 1914  Ron Swansonfield
2014-08-16  No. 1915  Lightning
2014-08-17  No. 1916  Spacious Garfield II
2014-08-18  No. 1917  Garfield in 2053, Part 7
2014-08-19  No. 1918  Invisible Ball
2014-08-20  No. 1919  Cookiefield
2014-08-21  No. 1920  Winter Wrap Up
2014-08-22  No. 1921  Garfield Plus A Single Speech Balloon
2014-08-23  No. 1922  House Cleaner part 3
2014-08-24  No. 1923  The Automatic Colouriser Takes Over (aka Garfield minus Jim Davis)
2014-08-25  No. 1924  The Dark World of the Dog
2014-08-26  No. 1925  Pasta Freak
2014-08-27  No. 1926  Decaffeinated
2014-08-28  No. 1927  All in a Name
2014-08-29  No. 1928  And so it begins...
2014-08-30  No. 1929  The Pudding Pop Horror
2014-08-31  No. 1930  Double the Chins
2014-09-01  No. 1931  Garfield Minus Enthusiasm for Garfield
2014-09-02  No. 1932  Garfield in Spanish
2014-09-03  No. 1933  Lucky Day
2014-09-04  No. 1934  Garfield Linus Garfield, Catholic Edition
2014-09-05  No. 1935  Garfield's Hungry
2014-09-06  No. 1936  SRoMG Compilation
2014-09-07  No. 1937  Kitty Corliss
2014-09-08  No. 1938  Inani-mates
2014-09-09  No. 1939  Followup
2014-09-10  No. 1940  Garfield Plus an Even Spicier Pepper
2014-09-11  No. 1941  Click
2014-09-12  No. 1942  This Is Garfield Calling Orson
2014-09-13  No. 1943  Fatter and Prouder
2014-09-14  No. 1944  Trees are Constantly Changing
2014-09-15  No. 1945  Hug?
2014-09-16  No. 1946  Garfield Mynocks Garfield
2014-09-17  No. 1947  Obliquefield
2014-09-18  No. 1948  Panelfield
2014-09-19  No. 1949  CENSORED
2014-09-20  No. 1950  Jon Is Not Totally Rad
2014-09-21  No. 1951  Desperation
2014-09-22  No. 1952  Reflect Upon the Past
2014-09-23  No. 1953  Reincarnated Garfield
2014-09-24  No. 1954  Potted Humour
2014-09-25  No. 1955  Garfield: The Last Bird-sledder
2014-09-26  No. 1956  The Dangers of Deep Sleep
2014-09-27  No. 1957  Garfield Minus Garfield, but More Honest
2014-09-28  No. 1958  Shifting Mid-Point 4
2014-09-29  No. 1959  The Wise Man Of The Mountain
2014-09-30  No. 1960  Colour-averaged average strips
2014-10-01  No. 1961  Duckfield
2014-10-02  No. 1962  What If Garfield Can Talk
2014-10-03  No. 1963  Heel-Face Garfield
2014-10-04  No. 1964  Flimsy Table
2014-10-05  No. 1965  Nothing
2014-10-06  No. 1966  In Character Garfield
2014-10-07  No. 1967  Negative Jon's Donut
2014-10-08  No. 1968  Garfield's Not Moving!!
2014-10-09  No. 1969  A Jon of Another Colour
2014-10-10  No. 1970  Ready Set Roll
2014-10-11  No. 1971  You Know WHO ELSE Is Slow!?
2014-10-12  No. 1972  EEE-EEE
2014-10-13  No. 1973  Garfield on Twitter
2014-10-14  No. 1974  Advantages to Growing Older... with an Idea
2014-10-15  No. 1975  A Brief Zoology Lesson
2014-10-16  No. 1976  Rice Cakes, or: How Garfield Somehow Has Simultaneously More And Less Imagination Than Jon
2014-10-17  No. 1977  New World Empire
2014-10-18  No. 1978  0th Birthday Special
2014-10-19  No. 1979  1st Birthday Special: Rocket Garfield
2014-10-20  No. 1980  2nd Birthday Special: Print, Cut Out, and Solve
2014-10-21  No. 1981  3rd Birthday Special: Metal Garfield Solid
2014-10-22  No. 1982  4th Birthday Special: Fire Safety Hazard
2014-10-23  No. 1983  5th Birthday Special: Early Surprise
2014-10-24  No. 1984  6th Birthday Special: Cooler Than a Rubber Chicken
2014-10-25  No. 1985  7th Birthday Special: Vanishing Surprise
2014-10-26  No. 1986  8th Birthday Special: Double Birthday Cake Special
2014-10-27  No. 1987  9th Birthday Special: Word Weirding
2014-10-28  No. 1988  10th Birthday Special: The Orange (Photo) Album
2014-10-29  No. 1989  11th Birthday Special: High Concept
2014-10-30  No. 1990  12th Birthday Special: Fridgefield
2014-10-31  No. 1991  13th Birthday Special: Inhale
2014-11-01  No. 1992  14th Birthday Special: Black Moon
2014-11-02  No. 1993  15th Birthday Special: Fifteen Candles
2014-11-03  No. 1994  16th Birthday Special: Surprise Package
2014-11-04  No. 1995  17th Birthday Special: Unhappy 17thfield
2014-11-05  No. 1996  18th Birthday Special: Garfield Minus Cake Plus Bong
2014-11-06  No. 1997  19th Birthday Special: Birthday Inferno
2014-11-07  No. 1998  20th Birthday Special: Unexpected Celebrations
2014-11-08  No. 1999  21st Birthday Special: Up to Twenty-One
2014-11-09  No. 2000  22nd Birthday Special: Deathday Garfield
2014-11-10  No. 2001  23rd Birthday Special: Garfield Potter
2014-11-11  No. 2002  24th Birthday Special: Mouse Surprise
2014-11-12  No. 2003  25th Birthday Special: Less Humour, More Story!: 2003 Edition
2014-11-13  No. 2004  26th Birthday Special: Another Birthday
2014-11-14  No. 2005  27th Birthday Special: Supercat
2014-11-15  No. 2006  28th Birthday Special: Forever Young and Virile
2014-11-16  No. 2007  29th Birthday Special: World's Cutest Present
2014-11-17  No. 2008  30th Birthday Special: Garfield Plus Slightly Better Pacing
2014-11-18  No. 2009  31st Birthday Special: Garfield Minus Liz
2014-11-19  No. 2010  32nd Birthday Special: Send in the Clones
2014-11-20  No. 2011  33rd Birthday Special: Birthday Cake
2014-11-21  No. 2012  34th Birthday Special: Garfield Plus Obvious Fourth Panel
2014-11-22  No. 2013  35th Birthday Special: Salad Sub
2014-11-23  No. 2014  36th Birthday Special: Too Far Back
2014-11-24  No. 2015  37th Birthday Special: 404 Error
2014-11-25  No. 2016  Detach
2014-11-26  No. 2017  Mildly Obscure Obvious Crossover (Caspar Milquetoast)
2014-11-27  No. 2018  Too Much Carbon
2014-11-28  No. 2019  Who Waxed the Fench Wrench?
2014-11-29  No. 2020  Fishing trip
2014-11-30  No. 2021  Hat-Head
2014-12-01  No. 2022  Obvious Pun (Grind)
2014-12-02  No. 2023  Garfield lost in thought
2014-12-03  No. 2024  Garfachu
2014-12-04  No. 2025  Jon & Calvin
2014-12-05  No. 2026  Binky Cereal
2014-12-06  No. 2027  Garfield Plus Literary Pretensions
2014-12-07  No. 2028  Garfield Minus Everything Beyond the First Line of Text
2014-12-08  No. 2029  Spot the Difference with Garfield and Orson
2014-12-09  No. 2030  Garfield Plus Fan Rage
2014-12-10  No. 2031  Cthulhu Cereal
2014-12-11  No. 2032  Pac-field
2014-12-12  No. 2033  Feline Nature
2014-12-13  No. 2034  Zappin' T-shirt
2014-12-14  No. 2035  Have You Ever?
2014-12-15  No. 2036  Montage Theory
2014-12-16  No. 2037  Fish Wars
2014-12-17  No. 2038  Garfield Plus Self-Commentary
2014-12-18  No. 2039  Words in Garfield Characters
2014-12-19  No. 2040  Obvious Crossover (Pac-Man)
2014-12-20  No. 2041  Magic Garfield
2014-12-21  No. 2042  Foot
2014-12-22  No. 2043  The Madness of the Orange Cat minus xkcd
2014-12-23  No. 2044  One Panel Garfield 4
2014-12-24  No. 2045  Quote Mine
2014-12-25  No. 2046  Garfield: Greg Land Edition
2014-12-26  No. 2047  Mad Photobomber
2014-12-27  No. 2048  Recycled Script Garfield
2014-12-28  No. 2049  Coffee Monster
2014-12-29  No. 2050  Cat Murder
2014-12-30  No. 2051  Irregularfield 3
2014-12-31  No. 2052  Dog Vision
2015-01-01  No. 2053  The Coffee Incident
2015-01-02  No. 2054  Web
2015-01-03  No. 2055  Snartfield
2015-01-04  No. 2056  What's inside the Fridge?
2015-01-05  No. 2057  Jetpack
2015-01-06  No. 2058  Extremely Misanthropic Garfield
2015-01-07  No. 2059  The Other Hawaiian Flu
2015-01-08  No. 2060  Overused Doooggg!
2015-01-09  No. 2061  Garfield Margin Garfield
2015-01-10  No. 2062  Garfield Minus Peppers
2015-01-11  No. 2063  Absent-Minded
2015-01-12  No. 2064  Nobody Likes Jon!
2015-01-13  No. 2065  The Bitmapisation of Garfield
2015-01-14  No. 2066  Lyman in the closet
2015-01-15  No. 2067  Choose Your Own Garfield Book 3: The Anti-Humour Equation!
2015-01-16  No. 2068  Banach-Tarskifield
2015-01-17  No. 2069  Pokeyfield
2015-01-18  No. 2070  Garfield in 2110
2015-01-19  No. 2071  Meta-Mashupability
2015-01-20  No. 2072  Garfield Plus Exegesis
2015-01-21  No. 2073  Hint Surprise
2015-01-22  No. 2074  Catonball: Round Two
2015-01-23  No. 2075  Smelly Cheese
2015-01-24  No. 2076  They Stopped Making Moustaches
2015-01-25  No. 2077  Garfield & Jon Photo Album
2015-01-26  No. 2078  Je suis Garfield
2015-01-27  No. 2079  If I Could Do It All Over Again, I'd Do It All Over You
2015-01-28  No. 2080  The Woman Who Speaks Only In MadLibs
2015-01-29  No. 2081  Panel Adjustment
2015-01-30  No. 2082  Slightly Saner Garfield
2015-01-31  No. 2083  Super Garfield Land 2
2015-02-01  No. 2084  Blizzard
2015-02-02  No. 2085  Garfdub
2015-02-03  No. 2086  Fishfield
2015-02-04  No. 2087  Pudding Pops Gag Minus Base Jokes Plus Dedication
2015-02-05  No. 2088  Zalgo Garfield 3
2015-02-06  No. 2089  How to Answer "What are you doing?" Without Knowing What You're Doing
2015-02-07  No. 2090  Hitchhiker's Guide to the Garfield
2015-02-08  No. 2091  Nothing-er
2015-02-09  No. 2092  Unlikely Statement
2015-02-10  No. 2093  Vitruvian Tongue
2015-02-11  No. 2094  Disaster Days
2015-02-12  No. 2095  GARFAX
2015-02-13  No. 2096  New Year's Repetition
2015-02-14  No. 2097  Jon Gone
2015-02-15  No. 2098  Mixed Reception
2015-02-16  No. 2099  Nermalevich The World's Cutest Kitten
2015-02-17  No. 2100  Garfthur and N.W.
2015-02-18  No. 2101  Bad Donut
2015-02-19  No. 2102  Mother Goose and Grimm plus Garfield
2015-02-20  No. 2103  Sweeney Garfield (aka Variations on a Haircut #3)
2015-02-21  No. 2104  Has This Ever Happened To You?
2015-02-22  No. 2105  Voice Actors Garfield
2015-02-23  No. 2106  Compound Recontextualization (AKA: Followup 2)
2015-02-24  No. 2107  Real Negative Jon's Donut
2015-02-25  No. 2108  Garfield Minus Ledge
2015-02-26  No. 2109  Griddlefield
2015-02-27  No. 2110  Basement
2015-02-28  No. 2111  Armchair Warrior
2015-03-01  No. 2112  The Art of the Dress
2015-03-02  No. 2113  Derpfield
2015-03-03  No. 2114  Jon the Unintentional Sacrifice
2015-03-04  No. 2115  How to tell different classes of arthropods apart
2015-03-05  No. 2116  Variations on a Haircut #4
2015-03-06  No. 2117  Self-Deprecation
2015-03-07  No. 2118  Zalgo Garfield 4
2015-03-08  No. 2119  Garfield Would Like To Solve The Puzzle Now
2015-03-09  No. 2120  Incremental Nothing
2015-03-10  No. 2121  Garfield on Twitter Revised
2015-03-11  No. 2122  Garfield Plus Actual Name of Fear
2015-03-12  No. 2123  I Smell a Lawsuit
2015-03-13  No. 2124  Garfield's First Show Cat
2015-03-14  No. 2125  Keeping Up
2015-03-15  No. 2126  Stuntmen have Feelings Too
2015-03-16  No. 2127  Dug Too Deep
2015-03-17  No. 2128  Gone Poundin'
2015-03-18  No. 2129  Without Me
2015-03-19  No. 2130  Grinch
2015-03-20  No. 2131  The Garfield Factory
2015-03-21  No. 2132  Swapped Dialogue Firsts
2015-03-22  No. 2133  Lightning Strike
2015-03-23  No. 2134  Garfield Plus Or Minus Halftone
2015-03-24  No. 2135  No, Garfield
2015-03-25  No. 2136  Shakespeare's (Way With) Words
2015-03-26  No. 2137  Garfield becomes Jon's Kid
2015-03-27  No. 2138  Modern Garfield
2015-03-28  No. 2139  Expired
2015-03-29  No. 2140  Zalgo Garfield 5
2015-03-30  No. 2141  Up to Beyond Eleven
2015-03-31  No. 2142  Garfield Minus One Dollar, or, "Jon Pays The Correct Amount" Edition
2015-04-01  No. 2143  Garfield Discovers "Loud Commercial"
2015-04-02  No. 2144  My Pulse Will Be Quickenin'
2015-04-03  No. 2145  Morris: His 9 Lives
2015-04-04  No. 2146  Trilingual Garfield
2015-04-05  No. 2147  It's Fun
2015-04-06  No. 2148  Brickfield 3: Memory Loss
2015-04-07  No. 2149  Planet of Garfield
2015-04-08  No. 2150  Descartesfield
2015-04-09  No. 2151  Fiberoptics
2015-04-10  No. 2152  Richard Shermanfield
2015-04-11  No. 2153  Carry on Wayward Cat
2015-04-12  No. 2154  The Real #1971
2015-04-13  No. 2155  Garfield Minus Gluttony
2015-04-14  No. 2156  Garfield ad Dino
2015-04-15  No. 2157  Set to Comic Strip
2015-04-16  No. 2158  Reversed Decayfield
2015-04-17  No. 2159  A Star's War
2015-04-18  No. 2160  Warning! Challenger Approaching!
2015-04-19  No. 2161  Second Longest
2015-04-20  No. 2162  Garfield's Science Fiction Theatre
2015-04-21  No. 2163  Adventurous Garfield
2015-04-22  No. 2164  Garfield Sheds
2015-04-23  No. 2165  Lord Helix
2015-04-24  No. 2166  Smarfield
2015-04-25  No. 2167  Garfield doesn't like Christmas
2015-04-26  No. 2168  Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
2015-04-27  No. 2169  Arbucklean Cat: Garfield Rocks
2015-04-28  No. 2170  Another Reason to Have Adblock
2015-04-29  No. 2171  Quadrupedfield, 1978
2015-04-30  No. 2172  Not Much Room To Talk Backfield
2015-05-01  No. 2173  Inverse Snark Field
2015-05-02  No. 2174  The Slow Path
2015-05-03  No. 2175  Square Root Of Minus Sunim Fo Toor Erauqs
2015-05-04  No. 2176  Garfield minus Garfield plus Sketchfield
2015-05-05  No. 2177  Nightmare Garfield
2015-05-06  No. 2178  Garflub
2015-05-07  No. 2179  Exty Six
2015-05-08  No. 2180  Smashfield
2015-05-09  No. 2181  Binky Cereal: Binky Puffs Rule
2015-05-10  No. 2182  I think I'll clean his clock
2015-05-11  No. 2183  The Arbuckle Parabox
2015-05-12  No. 2184  Damm, I'm mad
2015-05-13  No. 2185  Dear Satan
2015-05-14  No. 2186  Attached Photos
2015-05-15  No. 2187  Three Panel Garfield
2015-05-16  No. 2188  Plate
2015-05-17  No. 2189  Photograph
2015-05-18  No. 2190  Detente Flowers
2015-05-19  No. 2191  Getting Garfield Past the Radar
2015-05-20  No. 2192  Garfield Plus Corrected Gastronomy Taxonomy
2015-05-21  No. 2193  All You Need is Me
2015-05-22  No. 2194  Bigger
2015-05-23  No. 2195  Garfield plus the Drawing Game
2015-05-24  No. 2196  Garfield Carlos Williams
2015-05-25  No. 2197  Marshmallow Bomb
2015-05-26  No. 2198  Zalgo Garfield 6
2015-05-27  No. 2199  Bubba
2015-05-28  No. 2200  Vine
2015-05-29  No. 2201  Frozen Stiff
2015-05-30  No. 2202  3 Months or 3,000 Lasagnas
2015-05-31  No. 2203  Doubly Comfortable
2015-06-01  No. 2204  Garfield: His 2ne1 Lives
2015-06-02  No. 2205  Super Garfield 3D World
2015-06-03  No. 2206  Odie's Girlfriend
2015-06-04  No. 2207  Yarn Minus Garfield
2015-06-05  No. 2208  Apocalypse Meow
2015-06-06  No. 2209  Garfield and translation bad slowly
2015-06-07  No. 2210  Garfield Minus Any Attempt at Humour
2015-06-08  No. 2211  Garfield's Morning Routine
2015-06-09  No. 2212  Try Not To Rush
2015-06-10  No. 2213  Garfield Plus an Absolutely Horrible Movie
2015-06-11  No. 2214  Square Root of Minus Garfield in 2053
2015-06-12  No. 2215  Taco Tuesday
2015-06-13  No. 2216  Vegan Jon
2015-06-14  No. 2217  Wait for it...
2015-06-15  No. 2218  34 Beat Panels
2015-06-16  No. 2219  Girlfriend
2015-06-17  No. 2220  Garfield minus the magical disappearing food
2015-06-18  No. 2221  Beware of Fog
2015-06-19  No. 2222  Plant
2015-06-20  No. 2223  Future Self
2015-06-21  No. 2224  Coffees
2015-06-22  No. 2225  Bloons Tower Defensefield
2015-06-23  No. 2226  The Big Bright Green Garfield Machine
2015-06-24  No. 2227  Garfield in 2053, Part %%SYNTAX_ERROR%%
2015-06-25  No. 2228  Garfield Plus Donkey Kong
2015-06-26  No. 2229  Jon was wrong
2015-06-27  No. 2230  Grump Out!
2015-06-28  No. 2231  Zalgo Garfield 7
2015-06-29  No. 2232  Smile.garfield
2015-06-30  No. 2233  Garfield Randomizer Lost In Translation Minus Garfield
2015-07-01  No. 2234  Spritefield
2015-07-02  No. 2235  Square Root of Minus Garfield: The Abridged Series
2015-07-03  No. 2236  Million Dollar Cat
2015-07-04  No. 2237  Literal Square Root of Minus Garfield
2015-07-05  No. 2238  Garfield Entertainment System
2015-07-06  No. 2239  So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
2015-07-07  No. 2240  Garfield of Thrones S01E01
2015-07-08  No. 2241  The Naming of Cats
2015-07-09  No. 2242  Gorillafield
2015-07-10  No. 2243  Big Tree
2015-07-11  No. 2244  Crooked
2015-07-12  No. 2245  Garfield's Actual Theme Song
2015-07-13  No. 2246  Garfield Minus Any Kind of Science Plus Honesty
2015-07-14  No. 2247  Feng Shui
2015-07-15  No. 2248  All About That Garfield
2015-07-16  No. 2249  Gum
2015-07-17  No. 2250  Hovering Sombrero
2015-07-18  No. 2251  Moebius Strip Strip
2015-07-19  No. 2252  Magarfitteld
2015-07-20  No. 2253  Expire
2015-07-21  No. 2254  Garfield Plus Potentially Butchered Blissymbolics
2015-07-22  No. 2255  Not So Grump?
2015-07-23  No. 2256  DeepDreamfield
2015-07-24  No. 2257  Pie Form Coming Right Up
2015-07-25  No. 2258  Fatso
2015-07-26  No. 2259  Platefield
2015-07-27  No. 2260  Garfield plus all-too-predictable consequences
2015-07-28  No. 2261  Irma Juice
2015-07-29  No. 2262  Reversed Decayfield Redux
2015-07-30  No. 2263  First Garfield in Haiku
2015-07-31  No. 2264  Gnorm Gnatfield
2015-08-01  No. 2265  Garfield Abridged
2015-08-02  No. 2266  Public Service Announcement
2015-08-03  No. 2267  Anti-Jon's Donut
2015-08-04  No. 2268  LaserDisc
2015-08-05  No. 2269  Minus Jon
2015-08-06  No. 2270  And the winner is...
2015-08-07  No. 2271  :D
2015-08-08  No. 2272  Naugahyde
2015-08-09  No. 2273  3:16, Five Years Later
2015-08-10  No. 2274  Mice Mice Baby
2015-08-11  No. 2275  Coming Down With A Code
2015-08-12  No. 2276  Garfield Minus Cartoon Physics
2015-08-13  No. 2277  Buttered Cat Paradox
2015-08-14  No. 2278  Day Tripper
2015-08-15  No. 2279  Joe Root of Minus Garfield
2015-08-16  No. 2280  Pizza Number One
2015-08-17  No. 2281  Garcissism
2015-08-18  No. 2282  Garfield plus a twenty years old advert
2015-08-19  No. 2283  XXXL
2015-08-20  No. 2284  Garfield Must Die(t)!
2015-08-21  No. 2285  Omeglefield 2
2015-08-22  No. 2286  Not the Bees!
2015-08-23  No. 2287  Romancinta
2015-08-24  No. 2288  Much Better
2015-08-25  No. 2289  Fibbon' Fishy
2015-08-26  No. 2290  Duplifield
2015-08-27  No. 2291  Jon gets hit by a car
2015-08-28  No. 2292  Stick 'em Up
2015-08-29  No. 2293  Garfield Minus A "Looky"
2015-08-30  No. 2294  Absolutely Nothing
2015-08-31  No. 2295  Eleven Seconds
2015-09-01  No. 2296  Grin Reaper
2015-09-02  No. 2297  Garf Done Gone
2015-09-03  No. 2298  Night Garfield 2
2015-09-04  No. 2299  Full Circle-field
2015-09-05  No. 2300  The Treachery of Confectionery
2015-09-06  No. 2301  Zalgo Garfield 8
2015-09-07  No. 2302  Simple Re-contextualization 2: Straight Inversion
2015-09-08  No. 2303  The Pinnacle of Wit
2015-09-09  No. 2304  Square Root of Minus Grafield
2015-09-10  No. 2305  Average
2015-09-11  No. 2306  Hey! Garfield! Remember Me?
2015-09-12  No. 2307  Garfield Near a Black Hole
2015-09-13  No. 2308  Well, that's my guess anyway
2015-09-14  No. 2309  Garfield's Intern
2015-09-15  No. 2310  ...Is A Place On Earth
2015-09-16  No. 2311  The Empire of Mice
2015-09-17  No. 2312  A More Innocent Explanation
2015-09-18  No. 2313  Garflub 2
2015-09-19  No. 2314  Viral
2015-09-20  No. 2315  Wise Decision
2015-09-21  No. 2316  Garfield's Love Life
2015-09-22  No. 2317  Liz 4 Dinner
2015-09-23  No. 2318  To Serve
2015-09-24  No. 2319  The Last Jon on Earth
2015-09-25  No. 2320  Detente Flowers
2015-09-26  No. 2321  Video Gamefield
2015-09-27  No. 2322  Wuthering Fields
2015-09-28  No. 2323  Single Orange Cat
2015-09-29  No. 2324  Grandpa
2015-09-30  No. 2325  Send In The Clones
2015-10-01  No. 2326  Splatoonfield
2015-10-02  No. 2327  Romance
2015-10-03  No. 2328  Simple Recontextualization: Changing Nouns
2015-10-04  No. 2329  The world's fastest snail
2015-10-05  No. 2330  Milk Pic
2015-10-06  No. 2331  Game Cat
2015-10-07  No. 2332  Garfield Plus Jägerdraught
2015-10-08  No. 2333  He'll be smelting iron to pigs any minute now
2015-10-09  No. 2334  Fatter
2015-10-10  No. 2335  Dialogue Contest
2015-10-11  No. 2336  Spider in Red
2015-10-12  No. 2337  Scrapefield
2015-10-13  No. 2338  Garde au Mur
2015-10-14  No. 2339  Walking Backwards
2015-10-15  No. 2340  A Brave Cleaner, Diagrams, Equations, Food, & Garfield
2015-10-16  No. 2341  Garfield plus Time
2015-10-17  No. 2342  Square Root of Minus Skeeter
2015-10-18  No. 2343  Existential Crisisfield
2015-10-19  No. 2344  New Super Garfield Bros.
2015-10-20  No. 2345  Odie's Boyfriend
2015-10-21  No. 2346  Spot The Difference With Garfield 7
2015-10-22  No. 2347  No Romance
2015-10-23  No. 2348  Twin Peaksfield
2015-10-24  No. 2349  Coffield
2015-10-25  No. 2350  Indiana Mouse and the Repast Crusade
2015-10-26  No. 2351  Dialogue Contest - Result
2015-10-27  No. 2352  Selfie-Actualisation
2015-10-28  No. 2353  Discredited Memes
2015-10-29  No. 2354  Transfunny Gags! 1
2015-10-30  No. 2355  Garfield Gives You A Tour Of His World
2015-10-31  No. 2356  Zalgo Garfield 9
2015-11-01  No. 2357  Garfield Quest 1: The Lasagna Encounter
2015-11-02  No. 2358  3x3field
2015-11-03  No. 2359  Garfield Minus Punchlines
2015-11-04  No. 2360  Scrambled & Spellchecked
2015-11-05  No. 2361  The consequences of not having a panel border
2015-11-06  No. 2362  Obviously
2015-11-07  No. 2363  Bootstrap Garfield
2015-11-08  No. 2364  Feed Me!
2015-11-09  No. 2365  Bedtime Story
2015-11-10  No. 2366  Fourth Opinion
2015-11-11  No. 2367  As A Vet
2015-11-12  No. 2368  Why So Serious? - Unofficial Take
2015-11-13  No. 2369  Simple Re-contextualization 4: Change of Scene
2015-11-14  No. 2370  All the Answers
2015-11-15  No. 2371  Milk's Least Favorite Cookie
2015-11-16  No. 2372  Monday Night Football
2015-11-17  No. 2373  Sailor Jon
2015-11-18  No. 2374  PUNT!
2015-11-19  No. 2375  You're in Trouble, Jon
2015-11-20  No. 2376  Dusty Springfield
2015-11-21  No. 2377  Bored
2015-11-22  No. 2378  Eyes Wide Field
2015-11-23  No. 2379  Garfield Plus Math Assignment
2015-11-24  No. 2380  The most she will do is throw shadows at you but she's always a woman to meme
2015-11-25  No. 2381  WHAT A TWIST!
2015-11-26  No. 2382  Strawberry Shortcake
2015-11-27  No. 2383  Time
2015-11-28  No. 2384  Garfield Attempts To Delay The Inevitable
2015-11-29  No. 2385  For Want of a Grip
2015-11-30  No. 2386  Omeglefield 3
2015-12-01  No. 2387  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Grafield
2015-12-02  No. 2388  Expandfield
2015-12-03  No. 2389  Calabi-Meow
2015-12-04  No. 2390  Super Garfield Kart
2015-12-05  No. 2391  Depressingfield
2015-12-06  No. 2392  Bat
2015-12-07  No. 2393  Grafield Meets Garfield
2015-12-08  No. 2394  37th Birthday Special Redux
2015-12-09  No. 2395  Nostalgiafield
2015-12-10  No. 2396  It Can Be Hugs Time Now?
2015-12-11  No. 2397  And cats?
2015-12-12  No. 2398  This One Is Garbage
2015-12-13  No. 2399  Smaller
2015-12-14  No. 2400  Garfield Minus Garfield, Value Added: Blah Blah Blah
2015-12-15  No. 2401  Garfield Plus Nudism
2015-12-16  No. 2402  Pictorial Garfield
2015-12-17  No. 2403  Japanfield
2015-12-18  No. 2404  Turn Around, Bright Eyes
2015-12-19  No. 2405  Garfield Plus PawSense
2015-12-20  No. 2406  Fench TV
2015-12-21  No. 2407  Hug
2015-12-22  No. 2408  Dark Side of the Lasagne: Christmas Edition
2015-12-23  No. 2409  A Good Bone
2015-12-24  No. 2410  Another Garkov
2015-12-25  No. 2411  Garfield in 2053: Christmas Special
2015-12-26  No. 2412  Stupid-Looking Snowman
2015-12-27  No. 2413  Garfield Kart 64
2015-12-28  No. 2414  Screen Capture, Screen Captured
2015-12-29  No. 2415  What Year Is It?
2015-12-30  No. 2416  Jon's Hallucination
2015-12-31  No. 2417  Not With a Bang
2016-01-01  No. 2418  Humor Recalibration
2016-01-02  No. 2419  Purple Stain
2016-01-03  No. 2420  Grootfield
2016-01-04  No. 2421  Garfield's Error Theatre #3
2016-01-05  No. 2422  My Neighbor Garfield
2016-01-06  No. 2423  Cleverfield
2016-01-07  No. 2424  MST3Kfield
2016-01-08  No. 2425  A different artist invades
2016-01-09  No. 2426  Jon and Calvin and Garfield
2016-01-10  No. 2427  Garfield Minus The Ability To See Frozen Thoughts
2016-01-11  No. 2428  Melon Collie
2016-01-12  No. 2429  Bloom County 2015field
2016-01-13  No. 2430  Passed
2016-01-14  No. 2431  Sparkyfield
2016-01-15  No. 2432  Rock you like a cross-check
2016-01-16  No. 2433  Garfield Plus Googly Eyes
2016-01-17  No. 2434  Double Hockey Sticks
2016-01-18  No. 2435  Garfey Cyrus
2016-01-19  No. 2436  Square Root of The Adventures of Minus Business Garfield
2016-01-20  No. 2437  You're a Peach, Irma!
2016-01-21  No. 2438  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Donut
2016-01-22  No. 2439  Garfield and a Half, or, Garfield Is Better Than You At Everything
2016-01-23  No. 2440  Square Root of Minus Ebert
2016-01-24  No. 2441  Autsch!
2016-01-25  No. 2442  Grassfield
2016-01-26  No. 2443  Brawl in the Family Minus King Dedede
2016-01-27  No. 2444  Mike, Lu and __; or, "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" Reference Gone Horribly Wrong
2016-01-28  No. 2445  Garfield plus Time
2016-01-29  No. 2446  Garfield Plus Time - Value Added: A Loyal Pet
2016-01-30  No. 2447  Reason
2016-01-31  No. 2448  Jump-scarefield
2016-02-01  No. 2449  Sunny Sundae Smile
2016-02-02  No. 2450  Garfield is Allergic to Jon
2016-02-03  No. 2451  Bachelor Horror Theater
2016-02-04  No. 2452  Still No Romance
2016-02-05  No. 2453  Garfield With A Slightly Changed Setup
2016-02-06  No. 2454  Make It Big
2016-02-07  No. 2455  Down!
2016-02-08  No. 2456  Ice Ice Baby
2016-02-09  No. 2457  Lyrical
2016-02-10  No. 2458  Hardware Store
2016-02-11  No. 2459  And Tonight's Special Guest Star Is...
2016-02-12  No. 2460  VHSfield
2016-02-13  No. 2461  Jon's Boo-Boo, Reversed
2016-02-14  No. 2462  RIP Jon Arbuckle
2016-02-15  No. 2463  Misanthrope Supreme Garfield
2016-02-16  No. 2464  Sometimes Your Dish Bleeds More Than Your Heart
2016-02-17  No. 2465  Mysterious Cone!
2016-02-18  No. 2466  Garfield the Colbert Fan
2016-02-19  No. 2467  Off Route 109
2016-02-20  No. 2468  Coffie
2016-02-21  No. 2469  Windows 7-Field
2016-02-22  No. 2470  We stand on fence for thee
2016-02-23  No. 2471  Trollfield
2016-02-24  No. 2472  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder
2016-02-25  No. 2473  Scrambled TV
2016-02-26  No. 2474  U.S. Acres Crossover
2016-02-27  No. 2475  Garfield's Dessert
2016-02-28  No. 2476  Garflub 3: The First Garflub
2016-02-29  No. 2477  Garfield Minus Jon Plus Orange Ball
2016-03-01  No. 2478  "Dark Side of the Lasagne" In One Panel
2016-03-02  No. 2479  Underfield
2016-03-03  No. 2480  Gartale
2016-03-04  No. 2481  Underfield
2016-03-05  No. 2482  Miiverse
2016-03-06  No. 2483  Spot The Difference With Garfield 8
2016-03-07  No. 2484  Square Root of Garfield Plus Drawception
2016-03-08  No. 2485  A man with a fork in a world of soup
2016-03-09  No. 2486  The Four-Day Snail
2016-03-10  No. 2487  Title Panel Coloration Garfield
2016-03-11  No. 2488  [This Strip Has Been Copyright Claimed By Nintendo]
2016-03-12  No. 2489  [This Strip Has Been Copyright Claimed By Crazy56U]
2016-03-13  No. 2490  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Garfield
2016-03-14  No. 2491  (Slightly) Less Humor, More Story: Shedding Edition
2016-03-15  No. 2492  Garfield Plus Accurately-Labeled Violence
2016-03-16  No. 2493  The Treachery of Confectionery, Fixed
2016-03-17  No. 2494  Jon's Instrumentality
2016-03-18  No. 2495  Babelfield
2016-03-19  No. 2496  The Return of Eyeballfield
2016-03-20  No. 2497  Stressfield
2016-03-21  No. 2498  Jon's Incineration
2016-03-22  No. 2499  Bad bad, bad bad behaviour
2016-03-23  No. 2500  SRoMG 1 of 1 of #1, 2 of 2 of #2, and 3 of 3 of #3
2016-03-24  No. 2501  Garfolution
2016-03-25  No. 2502  Jon I think was his name.
2016-03-26  No. 2503  Garfield Minus Lack of Sense
2016-03-27  No. 2504  You're Just Too Good To Be True
2016-03-28  No. 2505  Horrible Place
2016-03-29  No. 2506  Out
2016-03-30  No. 2507  Shifted
2016-03-31  No. 2508  Garfield Minus Arbuckle
2016-04-01  No. 2509  An Undertale Of Two Kitties
2016-04-02  No. 2510  Wacky Eyes Garfield
2016-04-03  No. 2511  "What Year Is It?" Plus Accuracy
2016-04-04  No. 2512  Scriptfield
2016-04-05  No. 2513  Kiss me, you fool!
2016-04-06  No. 2514  Imagine Garfields
2016-04-07  No. 2515  MegaGarufirodo
2016-04-08  No. 2516  Brownie points
2016-04-09  No. 2517  Stand-In Delivers
2016-04-10  No. 2518  asdfgarfield
2016-04-11  No. 2519  Garfdust
2016-04-12  No. 2520  Square Root of Minus Garfield No. 1 Special Edition High Definition Re-Release
2016-04-13  No. 2521  Facebomb
2016-04-14  No. 2522  A Treaty
2016-04-15  No. 2523  Literalfield
2016-04-16  No. 2524  Satisfaction
2016-04-17  No. 2525  Bury My Garfield At Wounded Knee
2016-04-18  No. 2526  BlondE!
2016-04-19  No. 2527  I fed up with this worl
2016-04-20  No. 2528  ?comic=0field
2016-04-21  No. 2529  Simple Re-contextualization 5: Positivity Enhancement
2016-04-22  No. 2530  Disaster Days with Comedic Ending
2016-04-23  No. 2531  Das Neue Rathaus
2016-04-24  No. 2532  Take That II (Just Another Day in the Life of a Tabby Cat!)
2016-04-25  No. 2533  Rangerfield
2016-04-26  No. 2534  Spoot
2016-04-27  No. 2535  Garfield Figures Out the World Revolving Around Him
2016-04-28  No. 2536  In The Wrong Strip Again
2016-04-29  No. 2537  Square Root of Minus Garfield: The Abridged Series #2
2016-04-30  No. 2538  Pure imagination
2016-05-01  No. 2539  The Might Ea Might Ea-Boss-t Ones
2016-05-02  No. 2540  Garfield CD-i
2016-05-03  No. 2541  Komm, süsser Lasagne
2016-05-04  No. 2542  Before the horse
2016-05-05  No. 2543  Realisationfield
2016-05-06  No. 2544  Garfield, With Only One Word Changed
2016-05-07  No. 2545  Meme Eater
2016-05-08  No. 2546  Monday In The Dumps
2016-05-09  No. 2547  The Chronicles of Garnia
2016-05-10  No. 2548  2field Plus Punchlines
2016-05-11  No. 2549  My Reaction to Garfield Chickens Out Coming Out
2016-05-12  No. 2550  Garfield's Arm
2016-05-13  No. 2551  Imaginary Puzzle
2016-05-14  No. 2552  But This Wasn't One Of Them
2016-05-15  No. 2553  Tener Cuidado Con Lo Que Deseas
2016-05-16  No. 2554  DuckDuckGarfield
2016-05-17  No. 2555  Garfield Minus Feelings
2016-05-18  No. 2556  Waste of Sunday Space
2016-05-19  No. 2557  It's A Food
2016-05-20  No. 2558  Drowning Garfield
2016-05-21  No. 2559  Garfield in 2016
2016-05-22  No. 2560  Ventura Ventura Space People
2016-05-23  No. 2561  State of the Arbuckle
2016-05-24  No. 2562  Contagious
2016-05-25  No. 2563  Portalfield
2016-05-26  No. 2564  Ol' Lightning Wit
2016-05-27  No. 2565  Mornings
2016-05-28  No. 2566  Jon Piece
2016-05-29  No. 2567  Jon Arrrbuckle
2016-05-30  No. 2568  Garfield In 2053 Jumps The Shark
2016-05-31  No. 2569  A dull life
2016-06-01  No. 2570  EarthField
2016-06-02  No. 2571  A Perfect Day For Lasagnafish
2016-06-03  No. 2572  Garfield plus Garfield plus Garfield plus Garfield
2016-06-04  No. 2573  Obvious Pun (Mouse)
2016-06-05  No. 2574  A New Man
2016-06-06  No. 2575  Something Elsa Is Constantly Changing
2016-06-07  No. 2576  Coffee really does kills dogs
2016-06-08  No. 2577  Bananaman Begins
2016-06-09  No. 2578  Gotta feelin', gotta feelin', gotta feelin' like I'm paralysed
2016-06-10  No. 2579  Really, Erm... Dog-Hating, Cat. Meh.
2016-06-11  No. 2580  Misan[s]thropic Garfield
2016-06-12  No. 2581  Highfield
2016-06-13  No. 2582  Garfield Plus Bombermen
2016-06-14  No. 2583  Garfield Minus Three Filler Panels
2016-06-15  No. 2584  Garfield, Amethyst and Pearl
2016-06-16  No. 2585  Garfield Plus Night Vale
2016-06-17  No. 2586  If You Seek Odie
2016-06-18  No. 2587  Not-So-Darkfield
2016-06-19  No. 2588  Garf or Die
2016-06-20  No. 2589  Monty Garfield's Flying Circus
2016-06-21  No. 2590  Think of seven letters, begin and end with 'c'
2016-06-22  No. 2591  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus G, a, r, f, i, e, l, d
2016-06-23  No. 2592  Enough Dressing To Fill The Black Sea
2016-06-24  No. 2593  Garfield Plus Correct Hyphenation I
2016-06-25  No. 2594  Garfield In Alice
2016-06-26  No. 2595  SpongeField SquareCat
2016-06-27  No. 2596  John Garvoltafield
2016-06-28  No. 2597  Doog
2016-06-29  No. 2598  Symbolic Thoughts
2016-06-30  No. 2599  Ham Rap (Enjoy What You Do)
2016-07-01  No. 2600  2600
2016-07-02  No. 2601  But With A Whisker
2016-07-03  No. 2602  It's fun to swap words around!
2016-07-04  No. 2603  Garfield Plus 3 Previously Consumed Bottles
2016-07-05  No. 2604  Bananatime
2016-07-06  No. 2605  Played For Drama
2016-07-07  No. 2606  Garfield Minus Thought Bubble
2016-07-08  No. 2607  Garfield Plus Resignation To Fate
2016-07-09  No. 2608  Viewer Discretion Is Advised
2016-07-10  No. 2609  Garfield Minus Garfield And Jon
2016-07-11  No. 2610  Dg
2016-07-12  No. 2611  Underfield: A Time to Seek Therapy
2016-07-13  No. 2612  "Dark Side of Lasagne In One Panel" Scaled Up and Redrawn
2016-07-14  No. 2613  Tool-Assisted Garfield
2016-07-15  No. 2614  Rihannafield
2016-07-16  No. 2615  Garfield is a cat
2016-07-17  No. 2616  Excitement levels
2016-07-18  No. 2617  Doggone
2016-07-19  No. 2618  Don't Talk Just Kiss
2016-07-20  No. 2619  Donut
2016-07-21  No. 2620  Turbo-Tastic
2016-07-22  No. 2621  One Of These Month of No Sundays Strips Is Not Like The Others...
2016-07-23  No. 2622  Marching Home from the Donut Wars
2016-07-24  No. 2623  What Would Happen?
2016-07-25  No. 2624  Jon's Dungeon
2016-07-26  No. 2625  Rock-cat Jumps Aren't Cute
2016-07-27  No. 2626  Calculus in a Nutshell
2016-07-28  No. 2627  Bewear
2016-07-29  No. 2628  Another Step Further
2016-07-30  No. 2629  Liz Has Amnesia
2016-07-31  No. 2630  Action Hero
2016-08-01  No. 2631  Max Headfield
2016-08-02  No. 2632  Garfiend Folio
2016-08-03  No. 2633  Darn!
2016-08-04  No. 2634  The Real 37th Birthday Special - Too Old
2016-08-05  No. 2635  New Dress
2016-08-06  No. 2636  Garfield Plus Correct Hyphenation II
2016-08-07  No. 2637  Love life
2016-08-08  No. 2638  Walk This Way
2016-08-09  No. 2639  Naughty Garfield
2016-08-10  No. 2640  Mirror, Mirror
2016-08-11  No. 2641  Mirror, Mirror Redux
2016-08-12  No. 2642  Consistency
2016-08-13  No. 2643  Obvious Pun (Rush)
2016-08-14  No. 2644  Wargfield
2016-08-15  No. 2645  Garfield Plus Seriousness (8-Bit Style)
2016-08-16  No. 2646  Garfield-Kohai
2016-08-17  No. 2647  Ramirezfield
2016-08-18  No. 2648  Painfully Posh and Vivaciously Verbose Cartoonist Jon Arbuckle and Feline Garfield
2016-08-19  No. 2649  Purple Lint
2016-08-20  No. 2650  Ssst
2016-08-21  No. 2651  Galfierd
2016-08-22  No. 2652  Grafiedl
2016-08-23  No. 2653  加菲猫平衡
2016-08-24  No. 2654  Badly Translated Garfield 2: The Crocodiling
2016-08-25  No. 2655  There must be a higher Category Bo Mot ja palauttaa
2016-08-26  No. 2656  Now for Non-droid and jOS
2016-08-27  No. 2657  Garfield minus Garfield equals one Garfield
2016-08-28  No. 2658  Garfield Minus Dialogue
2016-08-29  No. 2659  Dumb Jon
2016-08-30  No. 2660  Grinfield Plus Punchline from #783
2016-08-31  No. 2661  xkcdfield: Sudo Edition
2016-09-01  No. 2662  Garfield Haikus Garfield
2016-09-02  No. 2663  Jon Is Un-Funnie; or, Garfield Minus Any Respect for the Classics
2016-09-03  No. 2664  Bod-acious
2016-09-04  No. 2665  Garfield's Ballet Saga
2016-09-05  No. 2666  Lasagnas & Litterboxes Revisited
2016-09-06  No. 2667  Poison
2016-09-07  No. 2668  Meme Eater Rememed
2016-09-08  No. 2669  Doge
2016-09-09  No. 2670  Action Hero 2.0
2016-09-10  No. 2671  Drilfield
2016-09-11  No. 2672  Spoon
2016-09-12  No. 2673  Garfield Minus Stomach
2016-09-13  No. 2674  Look Back in Languor
2016-09-14  No. 2675  Garfield's Apple
2016-09-15  No. 2676  Garfield Plus More Plausible Thief
2016-09-16  No. 2677  Garfield in 2053: Breakdown
2016-09-17  No. 2678  The End of Garfield, in 2053
2016-09-18  No. 2679  Kingofthehillfield
2016-09-19  No. 2680  Rilke's Panther
2016-09-20  No. 2681  Garfield is Wrong
2016-09-21  No. 2682  Garfield, Amethyst and Pearl Part 2
2016-09-22  No. 2683  Bananaman, Japanese Style
2016-09-23  No. 2684  I Want To Dance
2016-09-24  No. 2685  Pinkfield Strikes Again
2016-09-25  No. 2686  Fantasy Skelefield
2016-09-26  No. 2687  Works as advertised?
2016-09-27  No. 2688  Not Zalgo Garfield
2016-09-28  No. 2689  Human Hair
2016-09-29  No. 2690  Garfield Plus Suspense
2016-09-30  No. 2691  Bibs and Bullets
2016-10-01  No. 2692  Once Again, Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
2016-10-02  No. 2693  Garfield Plus Correct Hyphenation III
2016-10-03  No. 2694  Depressed Luigi (Not Actual)
2016-10-04  No. 2695  The Impending Collapse Of It All
2016-10-05  No. 2696  Scaredy Jumped
2016-10-06  No. 2697  Banana Man, Japanese Style, in Japanese
2016-10-07  No. 2698  Butterfield
2016-10-08  No. 2699  Pet Sounds
2016-10-09  No. 2700  A Garfield Comic
2016-10-10  No. 2701  I Like Indiana and Indiana Likes Me
2016-10-11  No. 2702  Cats Do Strange Things
2016-10-12  No. 2703  Hug
2016-10-13  No. 2704  The Most Divisive Strip of Square Root Of Minus Garfield Ever!
2016-10-14  No. 2705  Slow Jog
2016-10-15  No. 2706  Garfield Made Slightly Less Cute
2016-10-16  No. 2707  Rebus
2016-10-17  No. 2708  Uncle Roy & Binky
2016-10-18  No. 2709  . . .
2016-10-19  No. 2710  Anything But Johnny Test!
2016-10-20  No. 2711  Garfield Papyrus Garfield
2016-10-21  No. 2712  Underfield, Overfield, Wombling Free
2016-10-22  No. 2713  Five Nights at Garfield's
2016-10-23  No. 2714  Garf Theory: Garfield Predicted Lady Gaga, ZOMG!
2016-10-24  No. 2715  Pudding Pops 2: Frosting Pudding Pops
2016-10-25  No. 2716  Bad time
2016-10-26  No. 2717  Arrested Developmentfield
2016-10-27  No. 2718  Insurmountable Waist-High Fence
2016-10-28  No. 2719  Color plus Black and White
2016-10-29  No. 2720  Nope, We're Still Good
2016-10-30  No. 2721  Longer
2016-10-31  No. 2722  Garfield Minus Jealousy Plus Sadness
2016-11-01  No. 2723  Lizfield
2016-11-02  No. 2724  Teaser
2016-11-03  No. 2725  Jon's Place
2016-11-04  No. 2726  Unguarded Explosion
2016-11-05  No. 2727  Prehistoric Garfasaurus
2016-11-06  No. 2728  Jon's Aunt Gussie turns the air blue
2016-11-07  No. 2729  Catchless
2016-11-08  No. 2730  Checkarooni
2016-11-09  No. 2731  Autocorrelated Wallpaper
2016-11-10  No. 2732  Wrong Dummy
2016-11-11  No. 2733  Garfield Plus Diversity
2016-11-12  No. 2734  Garfield as a Political Cartoon
2016-11-13  No. 2735  Caped Avenger
2016-11-14  No. 2736  Spider in Red, Literal Form
2016-11-15  No. 2737  Eighth Anniversary
2016-11-16  No. 2738  Garfield Plus Blood
2016-11-17  No. 2739  Derangedfield
2016-11-18  No. 2740  Bananario Kart
2016-11-19  No. 2741  Petool
2016-11-20  No. 2742  Casual Milk
2016-11-21  No. 2743  Dimensionfield
2016-11-22  No. 2744  Garfield's Bedtime Stories
2016-11-23  No. 2745  Garfield Plus Dedenne
2016-11-24  No. 2746  JiggilyField
2016-11-25  No. 2747  Detente
2016-11-26  No. 2748  Gar
2016-11-27  No. 2749  Delta
2016-11-28  No. 2750  Garfield in 2053 Minus Garfield
2016-11-29  No. 2751  Jogging
2016-11-30  No. 2752  Darkfield 2
2016-12-01  No. 2753  Garfield Adventure
2016-12-02  No. 2754  Polka Palace
2016-12-03  No. 2755  Love It or Hate It
2016-12-04  No. 2756  Nice Looking Tie, Updated
2016-12-05  No. 2757  Smackfield
2016-12-06  No. 2758  Garfield Dies... Again
2016-12-07  No. 2759  Whatever happened to Fido Dido's Fido?
2016-12-08  No. 2760  Samples
2016-12-09  No. 2761  Oh, Lawsey, Lawsey, Lawsey...
2016-12-10  No. 2762  Garfield Minus Almost Everything
2016-12-11  No. 2763  Scarfield
2016-12-12  No. 2764  The Darkness consumed your pudding pops
2016-12-13  No. 2765  The Car-tuner in Action
2016-12-14  No. 2766  Nihilistic
2016-12-15  No. 2767  Jon's a Jerk
2016-12-16  No. 2768  More Beautiful Inlawfield
2016-12-17  No. 2769  Garfield in Denial
2016-12-18  No. 2770  Longer - Up to Eleven
2016-12-19  No. 2771  Potty Sunday
2016-12-20  No. 2772  McCloudfield
2016-12-21  No. 2773  End of the Worldfield II
2016-12-22  No. 2774  Ratings War Corrected
2016-12-23  No. 2775  Chicken Man Rises
2016-12-24  No. 2776  Wishmas
2016-12-25  No. 2777  Christmas at Ground Zero
2016-12-26  No. 2778  Super Garfield Advance 2: Super Garfield Land
2016-12-27  No. 2779  The Garfield Circus
2016-12-28  No. 2780  Cyanide and Garfieldness
2016-12-29  No. 2781  Reverse Image Garfield
2016-12-30  No. 2782  Make like a leaf and tweet
2016-12-31  No. 2783  Boring New Year
2017-01-01  No. 2784  2017 Will Be Better
2017-01-02  No. 2785  Low expectations
2017-01-03  No. 2786  White Shirt
2017-01-04  No. 2787  Milli Garfilli
2017-01-05  No. 2788  The Dead Past
2017-01-06  No. 2789  Garfearth
2017-01-07  No. 2790  Days Of Rotated Punchlines Seven
2017-01-08  No. 2791  Screen Capture, Screen Captured, Screen Captured
2017-01-09  No. 2792  QWERTY
2017-01-10  No. 2793  Garfield Made Cuter
2017-01-11  No. 2794  Garfield plus flavor transcript
2017-01-12  No. 2795  Garfshifter
2017-01-13  No. 2796  Could Be An Attorney
2017-01-14  No. 2797  Garfield mute mode
2017-01-15  No. 2798  Stagnant Camera
2017-01-16  No. 2799  Original, Original Strip
2017-01-17  No. 2800  DeepStylefield
2017-01-18  No. 2801  DeepDream Garfield
2017-01-19  No. 2802  Hats Off To Pharrell
2017-01-20  No. 2803  Nixon
2017-01-21  No. 2804  A rather chilly, yet relatively normal morning in the Arbuckle household, with no horror or monophobia. . .
2017-01-22  No. 2805  Whatever Gets You Thru The Night
2017-01-23  No. 2806  Does that include Odie?
2017-01-24  No. 2807  Experimental Music Garfield 1
2017-01-25  No. 2808  Wonderful Wiping
2017-01-26  No. 2809  Square Root of Multiplied Garfield
2017-01-27  No. 2810  Garfield Alone
2017-01-28  No. 2811  Take That! Bait
2017-01-29  No. 2812  Meta Commentary
2017-01-30  No. 2813  Joke
2017-01-31  No. 2814  Jon the Coffee Addict
2017-02-01  No. 2815  Square Root of Garfield and Friends
2017-02-02  No. 2816  Another Dismal February
2017-02-03  No. 2817  Depressed
2017-02-04  No. 2818  Newspaperfield
2017-02-05  No. 2819  Odie in the Superbowl spirit
2017-02-06  No. 2820  Et tu, Puyo Pop?
2017-02-07  No. 2821  Blunt cat the Fifth: Send my (Finale)
2017-02-08  No. 2822  Forgoing Faded Milk
2017-02-09  No. 2823  Garfield Minus Plot
2017-02-10  No. 2824  Garfield Minus Characters That Have Been Trapped Inside A Comic Strip As Ironic Punishment For Unspeakable. . .
2017-02-11  No. 2825  Garfield Minus Tomato Paste
2017-02-12  No. 2826  Garfield's Crush Parody!
2017-02-13  No. 2827  The Incredible Alternate Explanation Of The Joke! Or: Shrinky Dink
2017-02-14  No. 2828  Garfield minus Garfield plus Door to the Afterlife
2017-02-15  No. 2829  Cute Eye Garfield
2017-02-16  No. 2830  Garfield vs Lemmings
2017-02-17  No. 2831  Encyclopedia Brown (Is Not in This Strip)
2017-02-18  No. 2832  Garfield Hates Mustard
2017-02-19  No. 2833  Bribe
2017-02-20  No. 2834  Ia Ia
2017-02-21  No. 2835  Garfield Plus Quality Control 2
2017-02-22  No. 2836  Up to Beyond Eleven Plus One More
2017-02-23  No. 2837  Thanks For the Memeries
2017-02-24  No. 2838  DVD Fun
2017-02-25  No. 2839  Uptown Funkfield
2017-02-26  No. 2840  Supertaskfield
2017-02-27  No. 2841  agagag
2017-02-28  No. 2842  Bill
2017-03-01  No. 2843  Pooky Likes it Hot
2017-03-02  No. 2844  Odie Talks
2017-03-03  No. 2845  Zalgo Garfield Numero Diez
2017-03-04  No. 2846  Spider's Pride
2017-03-05  No. 2847  Quicker Sunday Quickies
2017-03-06  No. 2848  Blending Since '78
2017-03-07  No. 2849  Newspaperfield II
2017-03-08  No. 2850  Text Message Edition
2017-03-09  No. 2851  Glory To Garstotzka
2017-03-10  No. 2852  Eight Words That Can Bring An Anime Fan To Utter Despair
2017-03-11  No. 2853  Spot The Difference: Auto-Correlation Edition
2017-03-12  No. 2854  Uh Oh
2017-03-13  No. 2855  Lizfield: Diet
2017-03-14  No. 2856  Eek
2017-03-15  No. 2857  Get Lucky
2017-03-16  No. 2858  Quicker Temper
2017-03-17  No. 2859  Jon Minus Imagination
2017-03-18  No. 2860  Ghostfield
2017-03-19  No. 2861  A Newman
2017-03-20  No. 2862  I told my mother that I'd never make a wax jam
2017-03-21  No. 2863  Forgot I Could Walk
2017-03-22  No. 2864  The WE'RE BACHELORS, BABY Sticker!
2017-03-23  No. 2865  Burgertime
2017-03-24  No. 2866  The Final Pudding Pops Joke
2017-03-25  No. 2867  Tacos Rule
2017-03-26  No. 2868  Dilbert stopped making pudding pops
2017-03-27  No. 2869  Garfield's Seeming Arithmophobia
2017-03-28  No. 2870  ...
2017-03-29  No. 2871  Remains
2017-03-30  No. 2872  At the End of His...Sweater?
2017-03-31  No. 2873  Garlandfield
2017-04-01  No. 2874  April Fools!
2017-04-02  No. 2875  #SELFIE
2017-04-03  No. 2876  The Life of Lyman
2017-04-04  No. 2877  Experimental Music Garfield 2
2017-04-05  No. 2878  Garfield: The Movie Scene
2017-04-06  No. 2879  Garfield As _________
2017-04-07  No. 2880  Regrets
2017-04-08  No. 2881  Hot Pepper Eating Contest
2017-04-09  No. 2882  I Love You Coffee
2017-04-10  No. 2883  "We're Bachelors, Baby" but every time they say "bachelors" it gets faster
2017-04-11  No. 2884  One Long Movie
2017-04-12  No. 2885  Business is Booming
2017-04-13  No. 2886  An Inevitable Sequel To #2691
2017-04-14  No. 2887  JInx-Boy Jon
2017-04-15  No. 2888  Neon Night Garfields
2017-04-16  No. 2889  Garfield Minus Garfield Garfield Garfield Minus Garfield
2017-04-17  No. 2890  Mine
2017-04-18  No. 2891  Garfield Bends The Space Time Continuum
2017-04-19  No. 2892  Garfield Plus Stupidity
2017-04-20  No. 2893  Limited Edition Silver-Embossed Comic
2017-04-21  No. 2894  Garfield With Children
2017-04-22  No. 2895  Garfield Others
2017-04-23  No. 2896  Valor Killed the Cat
2017-04-24  No. 2897  Jon Has Stickphobia
2017-04-25  No. 2898  Garfield tells a running gag
2017-04-26  No. 2899  Looks Like He Just Got Remaindered
2017-04-27  No. 2900  Twerk
2017-04-28  No. 2901  Where's Garfield? Cross-Correlation Image Search
2017-04-29  No. 2902  The Dead Future Redux
2017-04-30  No. 2903  Exploding Spiders
2017-05-01  No. 2904  The Property of Garfield
2017-05-02  No. 2905  Psychic Jon
2017-05-03  No. 2906  An Unfunny, Blatantly Obvious, and Easily Predictable Joke
2017-05-04  No. 2907  Jonstown
2017-05-05  No. 2908  Lasagnas & Litterboxes Re-Revisited
2017-05-06  No. 2909  Starfield
2017-05-07  No. 2910  The Order of Dinner
2017-05-08  No. 2911  Lucky that my Nermal's small and humble so you don't confuse him with Garfield
2017-05-09  No. 2912  No he's-a not, he's-a wearing a neck-a-tie!
2017-05-10  No. 2913  Mitosis
2017-05-11  No. 2914  Variations on a Window
2017-05-12  No. 2915  Garfield As _________
2017-05-13  No. 2916  Goodbye, Lyman
2017-05-14  No. 2917  Garfield Sketched
2017-05-15  No. 2918  Pupilfield
2017-05-16  No. 2919  Spot the Difference With Garfield 9: I Don't Do Livestock
2017-05-17  No. 2920  Alonzo
2017-05-18  No. 2921  Show Me
2017-05-19  No. 2922  Mouser
2017-05-20  No. 2923  Garfield Minus Garfield Beginnings
2017-05-21  No. 2924  Unteased
2017-05-22  No. 2925  I I I I I I I I I I said I wanna sit down
2017-05-23  No. 2926  Garfd
2017-05-24  No. 2927  Thinking of otters
2017-05-25  No. 2928  Jon the Bully
2017-05-26  No. 2929  Infinite Jonst
2017-05-27  No. 2930  Disgustingly Logical Garfield
2017-05-28  No. 2931  A Long Nap
2017-05-29  No. 2932  Reaperfield
2017-05-30  No. 2933  Ask Me Another
2017-05-31  No. 2934  Asleep
2017-06-01  No. 2935  Irregular Callback!
2017-06-02  No. 2936  The Garfield Story
2017-06-03  No. 2937  The Mustache
2017-06-04  No. 2938  Aisle 10
2017-06-05  No. 2939  I'd have pegged him as more of a Gibson Flying V man
2017-06-06  No. 2940  LOL SAVAGE!!!
2017-06-07  No. 2941  Found By: Giygas
2017-06-08  No. 2942  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus A Tragic End
2017-06-09  No. 2943  An unguarded hamburger.
2017-06-10  No. 2944  Colour Correction
2017-06-11  No. 2945  Neon Garfesis
2017-06-12  No. 2946  Lemon 'n' Lyman
2017-06-13  No. 2947  Nermal Map
2017-06-14  No. 2948  Biff-Field, or Garfield to the Future
2017-06-15  No. 2949  B A C H E L O R S
2017-06-16  No. 2950  On the lawn of Hilbert's Hotel
2017-06-17  No. 2951  The GarB System
2017-06-18  No. 2952  Garfield As _________
2017-06-19  No. 2953  Puzzledfield
2017-06-20  No. 2954  Garfield's Birthday Rant
2017-06-21  No. 2955  Square Root of Additive Garfield
2017-06-22  No. 2956  A New Exploitable
2017-06-23  No. 2957  Liz REALLY Has Amnesia
2017-06-24  No. 2958  Fixed In-joke Theatre
2017-06-25  No. 2959  Cerebus Returns
2017-06-26  No. 2960  Antitrust
2017-06-27  No. 2961  Not flipping channels
2017-06-28  No. 2962  Alleycat Garfield
2017-06-29  No. 2963  Garfield Sketched #2
2017-06-30  No. 2964  Da Ba Dee Da Ba Daa
2017-07-01  No. 2965  Mercedes for Christmas
2017-07-02  No. 2966  Evil
2017-07-03  No. 2967  Gazorpazorpfield Minus Gazorpazorp
2017-07-04  No. 2968  The Intergalactic Consequences of Memes
2017-07-05  No. 2969  The Tragic Fate of Leon the Spider
2017-07-06  No. 2970  Garfield and Jon are Champs
2017-07-07  No. 2971  Negative Piecers
2017-07-08  No. 2972  Consider the Jonster
2017-07-09  No. 2973  Garfield Minus Snark
2017-07-10  No. 2974  Non-Stop Ecstatic Garfield
2017-07-11  No. 2975  First Battle of Breitengarfield
2017-07-12  No. 2976  A Really Ugly Lamp
2017-07-13  No. 2977  Well, I'll find someone that's not going Cheep-Cheep in the sales
2017-07-14  No. 2978  Even Easier Targets
2017-07-15  No. 2979  More Arbuckle, More Self-Hatred
2017-07-16  No. 2980  Demotivational Poster
2017-07-17  No. 2981  Snorefield
2017-07-18  No. 2982  Garfield Adjusted For Inflation
2017-07-19  No. 2983  Idiot Box
2017-07-20  No. 2984  Leave that Kitten Alone, Armone
2017-07-21  No. 2985  Excitingfield
2017-07-22  No. 2986  Magmafield
2017-07-23  No. 2987  Kanagawafield
2017-07-24  No. 2988  WikiMeow - 5 Ways To Survive A Tub of Ice Cream
2017-07-25  No. 2989  Garlicfield
2017-07-26  No. 2990  Garfield Sketched
2017-07-27  No. 2991  Garfield Minus Smart Joke
2017-07-28  No. 2992  Jim Davis' Lawyers
2017-07-29  No. 2993  Garfield's Horror Theater, Made For TV
2017-07-30  No. 2994  Please End My Suffering
2017-07-31  No. 2995  Garfield plus a very annoying commercial
2017-08-01  No. 2996  Garfield Blows Up
2017-08-02  No. 2997  Number one with a bullet
2017-08-03  No. 2998  Garfield's Mystery Science Theater
2017-08-04  No. 2999  MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000 INCOMING!
2017-08-05  No. 3000  Mystery Science Garfield 3000
2017-08-06  No. 3001  Paws Sells... but Who's Buying?
2017-08-07  No. 3002  Garfield in Lowercase
2017-08-08  No. 3003  And Its Name Was The Cole Slaw That Time Forgot
2017-08-09  No. 3004  SouthernHemispherefield
2017-08-10  No. 3005  TechnoGarfield: Let's Kick Garfield!
2017-08-11  No. 3006  King Kong vs. Godzilla
2017-08-12  No. 3007  Garfield Plus Budget Cuts
2017-08-13  No. 3008  Fridged
2017-08-14  No. 3009  Coke vs Pepsi, Garfield Style
2017-08-15  No. 3010  Garfield's Taking It Real Hard
2017-08-16  No. 3011  Aside Glance
2017-08-17  No. 3012  Jon Becomes Chica
2017-08-18  No. 3013  Just Pretend His Actual Name Is Jon
2017-08-19  No. 3014  Even Quicker Temper
2017-08-20  No. 3015  Unprovoked
2017-08-21  No. 3016  Hide
2017-08-22  No. 3017  Lon(g) Arbuckle
2017-08-23  No. 3018  Psychic Powers
2017-08-24  No. 3019  Changefield #10: Mondays
2017-08-25  No. 3020  Dab
2017-08-26  No. 3021  Paperboy Calls It Cats
2017-08-27  No. 3022  Catptcha
2017-08-28  No. 3023  Stringman
2017-08-29  No. 3024  Garfield With Slightly Increased Factual Content
2017-08-30  No. 3025  Rope Trick
2017-08-31  No. 3026  Stringman - HD Remake
2017-09-01  No. 3027  Fastest Snail Ever
2017-09-02  No. 3028  Lessin' Learned?
2017-09-03  No. 3029  No
2017-09-04  No. 3030  Danger Mice
2017-09-05  No. 3031  Garfield Sketched #4
2017-09-06  No. 3032  And there was not another cat in sight
2017-09-07  No. 3033  Like a big American car, but misspelled with a T
2017-09-08  No. 3034  minus garfield.
2017-09-09  No. 3035  Garfield doesn't like sockpuppets
2017-09-10  No. 3036  Get Younger
2017-09-11  No. 3037  Square Root of Minus Nemi
2017-09-12  No. 3038  Science, duuuude.
2017-09-13  No. 3039  Visual Punchline
2017-09-14  No. 3040  Jon's Stupidity Plus Another Dimension
2017-09-15  No. 3041  Ball Reversal
2017-09-16  No. 3042  Something Something Roof Comic
2017-09-17  No. 3043  Actually Showing the Punchline
2017-09-18  No. 3044  Jon's Meme Diary
2017-09-19  No. 3045  Rarfield
2017-09-20  No. 3046  And I Wanna Be Met With!
2017-09-21  No. 3047  An ACTOR, for crying out loud!
2017-09-22  No. 3048  Political Consultant Garfield
2017-09-23  No. 3049  Read Labels
2017-09-24  No. 3050  Gutter Mind
2017-09-25  No. 3051  I ate your dinner
2017-09-26  No. 3052  Shinin'
2017-09-27  No. 3053  Hello, Friend Garfield
2017-09-28  No. 3054  Smack Tip
2017-09-29  No. 3055  Yeech!
2017-09-30  No. 3056  A different type of meme
2017-10-01  No. 3057  Test Results
2017-10-02  No. 3058  Sniff
2017-10-03  No. 3059  My Birthday Strip Is Ruined
2017-10-04  No. 3060  Hatfield
2017-10-05  No. 3061  wakeupwiththekingfield.
2017-10-06  No. 3062  Garfiel Shoppe
2017-10-07  No. 3063  May Day!
2017-10-08  No. 3064  Caught in the Griddle
2017-10-09  No. 3065  Blizzard, Part 2
2017-10-10  No. 3066  Jon's Death Threat
2017-10-11  No. 3067  Case In Point
2017-10-12  No. 3068  Garfield in 2053: Birthday Edition
2017-10-13  No. 3069  Targfield
2017-10-14  No. 3070  Odie's an ECW Fan
2017-10-15  No. 3071  Garfield Sketched (Improved)
2017-10-16  No. 3072  The Enhance Button
2017-10-17  No. 3073  Jog Your Memory
2017-10-18  No. 3074  Blow Up a Pool
2017-10-19  No. 3075  Dan DeGarflo
2017-10-20  No. 3076  The Nickname of Arthur Lufthansa Technik
2017-10-21  No. 3077  Foobfield
2017-10-22  No. 3078  Bribe + Obligatory Meme
2017-10-23  No. 3079  A little bird told me...
2017-10-24  No. 3080  Even Real Life People Hate Stephano
2017-10-25  No. 3081  Garfield Minus Snail Plus Garfield
2017-10-26  No. 3082  Garfield with a Legitimized Concern
2017-10-27  No. 3083  Garfield Made His Own Cracktro
2017-10-28  No. 3084  Else
2017-10-29  No. 3085  It's "Saving", not "Savings"!
2017-10-30  No. 3086  Hop Up Here
2017-10-31  No. 3087  Devolution is Real-field
2017-11-01  No. 3088  Jon installs Windows 10
2017-11-02  No. 3089  Da Ba Dee Da Ba Daa
2017-11-03  No. 3090  Mandibles Bite, Dog
2017-11-04  No. 3091  Variation on Variations on a Window
2017-11-05  No. 3092  (Tell Me Why) I Don't Like Sundays, or, 31-Day Month of No Sundays
2017-11-06  No. 3093  Variations on a Ketchup Bottle
2017-11-07  No. 3094  Realistic Garfield
2017-11-08  No. 3095  I Am So Sorry
2017-11-09  No. 3096  I Thought This Should Probably Be Sent In
2017-11-10  No. 3097  Garfield Plus Quicksand
2017-11-11  No. 3098  Finger Licking: Good?
2017-11-12  No. 3099  Jon's Personal Cheer Reader
2017-11-13  No. 3100  A Braver Spider
2017-11-14  No. 3101  Pyrofield
2017-11-15  No. 3102  Hakuna Lasagna
2017-11-16  No. 3103  Garfield Plus Actual Fish Facts
2017-11-17  No. 3104  Alphabetical Blender
2017-11-18  No. 3105  Matrixfield
2017-11-19  No. 3106  Hypocrite Garfield
2017-11-20  No. 3107  Garfield but only when it's "Garfield"
2017-11-21  No. 3108  A Week in a Sunday
2017-11-22  No. 3109  A Softer Purr
2017-11-23  No. 3110  Garfield Lioness Garfield
2017-11-24  No. 3111  Kachi As Kachi Can
2017-11-25  No. 3112  You Know Nothing, Garfield
2017-11-26  No. 3113  See the Whites of The Eyes
2017-11-27  No. 3114  It's just a thing he's going through
2017-11-28  No. 3115  What we hate
2017-11-29  No. 3116  When Memes Collide
2017-11-30  No. 3117  It's Garfield!
2017-12-01  No. 3118  Garfield Sketched #5
2017-12-02  No. 3119  Passages
2017-12-03  No. 3120  The Gang Gets Sued By Jim Davis
2017-12-04  No. 3121  Garfield's First Diet
2017-12-05  No. 3122  A Strip Of Square Root Of Minus Garfield That Happened 2: Vanity, Thy Name Is Cat
2017-12-06  No. 3123  Days Till
2017-12-07  No. 3124  Nermfree Odielescents
2017-12-08  No. 3125  HTMLfield
2017-12-09  No. 3126  Dreamfield
2017-12-10  No. 3127  Telekinetic Liz
2017-12-11  No. 3128  Remains Gone Horribly Wrong
2017-12-12  No. 3129  White winter hymnal
2017-12-13  No. 3130  Gongfield
2017-12-14  No. 3131  Jon Adams
2017-12-15  No. 3132  Censorship
2017-12-16  No. 3133  Garfield Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition - SD Remix
2017-12-17  No. 3134  Garfield Emblem
2017-12-18  No. 3135  Garfield: 4koma Edition
2017-12-19  No. 3136  Snark Bait
2017-12-20  No. 3137  pןǝıɟǝɹǝɥdsıɯǝHuɹǝɥʇnoS
2017-12-21  No. 3138  A Random Garfield Generator
2017-12-22  No. 3139  Cannibals Can Be Crazy, Too
2017-12-23  No. 3140  Floodfield
2017-12-24  No. 3141  No, They'll Never Stop Making Frozen Pudding Pops.
2017-12-25  No. 3142  Look who's not invited
2017-12-26  No. 3143  Garfield Meets The Mackleberry Twins, or Now Do It for Nermal!
2017-12-27  No. 3144  Omeglefield 4
2017-12-28  No. 3145  Sour-faced Puss
2017-12-29  No. 3146  Mirrorverse Garfield
2017-12-30  No. 3147  Uninspired Comedy Sequel
2017-12-31  No. 3148  Mail Time
2018-01-01  No. 3149  So This Is The New Year
2018-01-02  No. 3150  Garfield Plus Garfielf
2018-01-03  No. 3151  Garfielf'd
2018-01-04  No. 3152  Alohafield
2018-01-05  No. 3153  Kingofthehillfield 2
2018-01-06  No. 3154  Action Kitton
2018-01-07  No. 3155  Orchidectomy Chapter I
2018-01-08  No. 3156  Another Inevitable Edit
2018-01-09  No. 3157  But It's Garfield
2018-01-10  No. 3158  Garfster of the House
2018-01-11  No. 3159  Garfield Sketched #6
2018-01-12  No. 3160  Garfield on a Minecraft Map​ Item
2018-01-13  No. 3161  Garfield Without This Stomach
2018-01-14  No. 3162  This one's real good broh
2018-01-15  No. 3163  Garfwood
2018-01-16  No. 3164  What is it?
2018-01-17  No. 3165  Odiesmobile
2018-01-18  No. 3166  Oh Happy Odie
2018-01-19  No. 3167  A Hell of a Yarn
2018-01-20  No. 3168  Garfield Made Slightly Family Friendly
2018-01-21  No. 3169  Sounds Of The Garfield Kingdom
2018-01-22  No. 3170  Embryonic Garfield
2018-01-23  No. 3171  The Sinister Mind Of Garfield Arbuckle
2018-01-24  No. 3172  Crayonfield
2018-01-25  No. 3173  Between the Missiles and Weapons Van Lights
2018-01-26  No. 3174  Chip Trip
2018-01-27  No. 3175  Making Jon Smarter (For A Change)
2018-01-28  No. 3176  Garfield Plus EmojiOne
2018-01-29  No. 3177  Jon Minus Hand-Eye Coordination
2018-01-30  No. 3178  Genuinely Jealous Garfield
2018-01-31  No. 3179  Superfeline Feats, Up To Eleven... Billion?
2018-02-01  No. 3180  The Dark Side of the Carolina Reaper
2018-02-02  No. 3181  SCPField
2018-02-03  No. 3182  What've You Done
2018-02-04  No. 3183  My Least Inspired Idea Yet
2018-02-05  No. 3184  Omit Needless Words
2018-02-06  No. 3185  Garfield but it's propaganda
2018-02-07  No. 3186  Sometimes, More Is More
2018-02-08  No. 3187  Slightly Less Me
2018-02-09  No. 3188  No Way to Delay that Sunday Comin' Every Day
2018-02-10  No. 3189  LCD's Sound System
2018-02-11  No. 3190  Another Garfield As _________
2018-02-12  No. 3191  Begin Again
2018-02-13  No. 3192  7 Grand Garfield
2018-02-14  No. 3193  Dog in Denial
2018-02-15  No. 3194  Lewi Lewi
2018-02-16  No. 3195  Carnivorous Plant
2018-02-17  No. 3196  GbettiaTGkaabetiinONsbetiiaenowGel*
2018-02-18  No. 3197  Reverse Psychology Garfield
2018-02-19  No. 3198  Double Reverse Quadruple Image Search
2018-02-20  No. 3199  Garfield Minus Error Message
2018-02-21  No. 3200  Alphabetical Blender (Really)
2018-02-22  No. 3201  Alphabetfield (Garfabet?)
2018-02-23  No. 3202  Key: GARFIELD
2018-02-24  No. 3203  Educational Programming
2018-02-25  No. 3204  Cat Pushups
2018-02-26  No. 3205  Cats' Eyes
2018-02-27  No. 3206  A Little Sandwich
2018-02-28  No. 3207  Table of the Dead
2018-03-01  No. 3208  The Voices
2018-03-02  No. 3209  Garfield 2057 Calendar
2018-03-03  No. 3210  Calzonal marking
2018-03-04  No. 3211  B
2018-03-05  No. 3212  Emojifield: Jon's Birthday Gift
2018-03-06  No. 3213  What A Luser
2018-03-07  No. 3214  Negative Continuity
2018-03-08  No. 3215  Sorry, Guys, But You Can't Just Laugh Hysterically At Every Stupid Thing And Assume It's Funny. The. . .
2018-03-09  No. 3216  Remains Gone Horribly Wrong #2
2018-03-11  No. 3218  The Cat Continuum
2018-03-12  No. 3219  Garfield, Quickster
2018-03-13  No. 3220  Garfield Minus Inexplicable Flipped Position
2018-03-14  No. 3221  Garhead
2018-03-15  No. 3222  Garfield Plus Spider Fact
2018-03-16  No. 3223  Obvious Pun (Boring)
2018-03-17  No. 3224  The Nuclear Option
2018-03-18  No. 3225  You shouldn't have given me the idea
2018-03-19  No. 3226  Z Late-Late Movie
2018-03-20  No. 3227  Jon Hates Raisins
2018-03-21  No. 3228  Airhead John
2018-03-22  No. 3229  Ear Worm... or Ants
2018-03-23  No. 3230  Garfield Minus Two Panels, Part II
2018-03-24  No. 3231  Phone It Out
2018-03-25  No. 3232  It's time for some game theory
2018-03-26  No. 3233  Garfield hates ice cream
2018-03-27  No. 3234  Look Back in Languor 2: Look Back-er
2018-03-28  No. 3235  Censored Garfield #2
2018-03-29  No. 3236  Jon Henry
2018-03-30  No. 3237  What on Earth am I Wearing?
2018-03-31  No. 3238  The tie keeps hanging
2018-04-01  No. 3239  Breeding Lymans out of the dead land
2018-04-02  No. 3240  The Void
2018-04-03  No. 3241  Orchidectomy Chapter II
2018-04-04  No. 3242  Heisenbark Double Uncertainty Principle
2018-04-05  No. 3243  Callback Boy
2018-04-06  No. 3244  Best before
2018-04-07  No. 3245  Garfield in slither.io
2018-04-08  No. 3246  Semper ubi sub ubi
2018-04-09  No. 3247  But what about this week's Movie Night?
2018-04-10  No. 3248  Applied Probability
2018-04-11  No. 3249  Garfun with Spin Panels
2018-04-12  No. 3250  The GarB System HD Remake
2018-04-13  No. 3251  Shoot Loops
2018-04-14  No. 3252  ICBMfield
2018-04-15  No. 3253  Suicide Hotline
2018-04-16  No. 3254  Breaking Point
2018-04-17  No. 3255  Six Layers of Lasagna Under
2018-04-18  No. 3256  Variations on Vegetarians
2018-04-19  No. 3257  50 Ways to Say Goodbye
2018-04-20  No. 3258  Garfbow
2018-04-21  No. 3259  Elton Jon
2018-04-22  No. 3260  Only Jon Can Make Toast
2018-04-23  No. 3261  Pizza Cam
2018-04-24  No. 3262  BFDI-field
2018-04-25  No. 3263  I Just Can't Wait Any Longer
2018-04-26  No. 3264  Pyrofield Fixed
2018-04-27  No. 3265  Pyrofield in TF2
2018-04-28  No. 3266  Horror show
2018-04-29  No. 3267  Minus: Based on a true story
2018-04-30  No. 3268  Fools in April
2018-05-01  No. 3269  Linguistics with Liz: German
2018-05-02  No. 3270  Gatos Antes De Frijoles
2018-05-03  No. 3271  Silly break extended
2018-05-04  No. 3272  PCAfield
2018-05-05  No. 3273  Every Day Is Like Sunday, Or, The Parable of the Talents
2018-05-06  No. 3274  Jon Uncovered Minus Speech Bubble
2018-05-07  No. 3275  Sdrawkcab
2018-05-08  No. 3276  POW!
2018-05-09  No. 3277  A Friendly Reminder For These Trying Times
2018-05-10  No. 3278  Orchidectomy Chapter III
2018-05-11  No. 3279  The Times They Are A-Constantly Changin'
2018-05-12  No. 3280  Garfield Irish Garfield, Plus However You Say "The Better Version" in Gaelic
2018-05-13  No. 3281  Platent Mistakes
2018-05-14  No. 3282  I don't even know
2018-05-15  No. 3283  Crimp My Spide
2018-05-16  No. 3284  Stupid is as stupid does
2018-05-17  No. 3285  Garfield, Twisted
2018-05-18  No. 3286  Fed Up
2018-05-19  No. 3287  America's Funniest Home Videos
2018-05-20  No. 3288  ...I hear both
2018-05-21  No. 3289  The World Is My Playground
2018-05-22  No. 3290  Jon states the obvious
2018-05-23  No. 3291  Hardware Correction
2018-05-24  No. 3292  Callback Girl
2018-05-25  No. 3293  As you wish
2018-05-26  No. 3294  Dab, Fixed
2018-05-27  No. 3295  Censorception
2018-05-28  No. 3296  And, behold, thou shalt be dumb
2018-05-29  No. 3297  GarfASCII
2018-05-30  No. 3298  Test Your Square Root of Minus Garfield Knowledge!
2018-05-31  No. 3299  Garfield Minus Drawing Plus Bricks
2018-06-01  No. 3300  Doctor Garfield
2018-06-02  No. 3301  Cleverfield #2
2018-06-03  No. 3302  Garf Souls/Garfield Manus Garfield
2018-06-04  No. 3303  Tell Me How You Really Feel
2018-06-05  No. 3304  Limanda alba
2018-06-06  No. 3305  See Garfield Walk
2018-06-07  No. 3306  100% Garfield Retcon from Day One
2018-06-08  No. 3307  In your dreams
2018-06-09  No. 3308  Transferred Punchline
2018-06-10  No. 3309  Garfield Pride
2018-06-11  No. 3310  Catch-22 (Is Not The Film Being Referenced)
2018-06-12  No. 3311  PCA base representation
2018-06-13  No. 3312  ID4-field
2018-06-14  No. 3313  Garwheeled
2018-06-15  No. 3314  1 Corinthians 13:11
2018-06-16  No. 3315  Garfield Plus Garfield Plus Garfield Plus Jon Plus Jon Plus Jon
2018-06-17  No. 3316  OW
2018-06-18  No. 3317  The Date Future
2018-06-19  No. 3318  (Garfield's 39th Birthday is) Just Another Monochrome Monday
2018-06-20  No. 3319  jons interrogation
2018-06-21  No. 3320  Spot The Difference With Garfield And Orson 2
2018-06-22  No. 3321  Garfield Minus Liz's Face
2018-06-23  No. 3322  Hopes and fears
2018-06-24  No. 3323  Owl City, Eat Your Heart Out (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #5)
2018-06-25  No. 3324  Scientifically Accurate Garfield
2018-06-26  No. 3325  Take That! Bait #2
2018-06-27  No. 3326  Left Turn in the Last Frame
2018-06-28  No. 3327  The Singularity
2018-06-29  No. 3328  Jon Explodes Easily
2018-06-30  No. 3329  Hey Garfield!
2018-07-01  No. 3330  StinkoGarfield
2018-07-02  No. 3331  Garfield's Triangle
2018-07-03  No. 3332  Henchfield
2018-07-04  No. 3333  Birds and Bees and Memories
2018-07-05  No. 3334  Let's Playfield: Swarm of Chickens
2018-07-06  No. 3335  Nature
2018-07-07  No. 3336  Every Spittle Bit Hurts
2018-07-08  No. 3337  G, a, r, f, i, e, l, d
2018-07-09  No. 3338  Past the Breaking Point
2018-07-10  No. 3339  The Muncie PizzaCam!​
2018-07-11  No. 3340  Positive Donut
2018-07-12  No. 3341  What is it, like three in the afternoon?
2018-07-13  No. 3342  ¡Garfield Manos Garfield!
2018-07-14  No. 3343  The Modern 70s
2018-07-15  No. 3344  Swoopfield
2018-07-16  No. 3345  Blunt cat the fifth Behind the Scenes: Tryouts
2018-07-17  No. 3346  Small Talk Except I Made It Funnier
2018-07-18  No. 3347  Censored Garfield: Goat Edition
2018-07-19  No. 3348  Sign Change
2018-07-20  No. 3349  Seinfield
2018-07-21  No. 3350  Convolution Field
2018-07-22  No. 3351  Garfield but every time he says we're bachelors baby the effects change
2018-07-23  No. 3352  Iambic pizzameter
2018-07-24  No. 3353  1984field
2018-07-25  No. 3354  Deflation Innovation
2018-07-26  No. 3355  The Checkers Speech
2018-07-27  No. 3356  Jon T. Hall
2018-07-28  No. 3357  Your Lotto Numbers Are...
2018-07-29  No. 3358  Unique Perspective
2018-07-30  No. 3359  Bagelzebub
2018-07-31  No. 3360  Etymology of Minus Garfield
2018-08-01  No. 3361  Custer's Last Stand
2018-08-02  No. 3362  Crippling Depression
2018-08-03  No. 3363  Garfield Minus Originality
2018-08-04  No. 3364  Callback Dog
2018-08-05  No. 3365  Garfield Says
2018-08-06  No. 3366  VIP CAMI
2018-08-07  No. 3367  Whadda
2018-08-08  No. 3368  Wait, Did This Happen to Lyman??
2018-08-09  No. 3369  Plushfield
2018-08-10  No. 3370  Purrpendicular Lines
2018-08-11  No. 3371  Garfield Limited Special Collector's Ultimate Edition High-Definition Remaster
2018-08-12  No. 3372  Feeding the Cat
2018-08-13  No. 3373  Unfixed In-Joke Theater
2018-08-14  No. 3374  Atarifield
2018-08-15  No. 3375  To entertain you
2018-08-16  No. 3376  Don't Share Drinks
2018-08-17  No. 3377  Antifield
2018-08-18  No. 3378  MISTER FUNNY MAN
2018-08-19  No. 3379  Do you think it's gonna make him change?
2018-08-20  No. 3380  Garfield Minus Dynamite
2018-08-21  No. 3381  Grummfield: The Story Begins
2018-08-22  No. 3382  Remember to hold down + B
2018-08-23  No. 3383  Garfieldocracy
2018-08-24  No. 3384  Going out with style(t)
2018-08-25  No. 3385  Choose Your Own Garfield: Universe Revolving
2018-08-26  No. 3386  Spike Jon (& his Kitty Slacker)
2018-08-27  No. 3387  Depressedfield
2018-08-28  No. 3388  Meaner
2018-08-29  No. 3389  Disgustingfield
2018-08-30  No. 3390  Odie Makes a SRoMG Comic
2018-08-31  No. 3391  Murder Show Cooking Mystery
2018-09-01  No. 3392  Garf of Thrones
2018-09-02  No. 3393  Everything's a Hard Time
2018-09-03  No. 3394  Not Shown: Chest of Drawers
2018-09-04  No. 3395  Garf Note
2018-09-05  No. 3396  Wham! Bam! Thank You! Ma'am!
2018-09-06  No. 3397  Muppetfield (or Can You Tell Me How to Get to Sedentary Street?)
2018-09-07  No. 3398  Garfield With Snark Reenabled
2018-09-08  No. 3399  Revenge
2018-09-09  No. 3400  Garfield Sketched But It's Sketched By a Different Artist
2018-09-10  No. 3401  Garfielf of the day
2018-09-11  No. 3402  语言学与丽兹:中文
2018-09-12  No. 3403  Linguistics with Liz: arabic.
2018-09-13  No. 3404  Linguistics with Liz: Al Bhed
2018-09-14  No. 3405  Linguistics with Liz: English
2018-09-15  No. 3406  Drilfield
2018-09-16  No. 3407  Quantum Cats and You
2018-09-17  No. 3408  Pretty-Darn-Terrifying Garfield
2018-09-18  No. 3409  Election Season
2018-09-19  No. 3410  Jon-Pool Karaoke
2018-09-20  No. 3411  Musicianfield
2018-09-21  No. 3412  Salad
2018-09-22  No. 3413  Jon Gives Up
2018-09-23  No. 3414  Morphield
2018-09-24  No. 3415  Jon Rues the Day
2018-09-25  No. 3416  Help me....
2018-09-26  No. 3417  Past Daydream
2018-09-27  No. 3418  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Jon Minus Pooky Plus Hallucinations and Boredom
2018-09-28  No. 3419  Epistle 3
2018-09-29  No. 3420  Despacito
2018-09-30  No. 3421  Garfield minus ORANGE
2018-10-01  No. 3422  Medium Awarebuckle
2018-10-02  No. 3423  Cue A Truly Killer Synth Melody
2018-10-03  No. 3424  Millennialfield
2018-10-04  No. 3425  Pier Pressure
2018-10-05  No. 3426  I Can Hear You... I think
2018-10-06  No. 3427  Pokémon Striped Orange
2018-10-07  No. 3428  Big Fat Hairy Deal
2018-10-08  No. 3429  Year Zero
2018-10-09  No. 3430  The Powers Of Glitchfield
2018-10-10  No. 3431  More Garfield Plus Garfield
2018-10-11  No. 3432  SHOWTIME, or Hamilfield
2018-10-12  No. 3433  FaFMG
2018-10-13  No. 3434  The Old Man's Still Got It
2018-10-14  No. 3435  Stressful Media
2018-10-15  No. 3436  Jon Loses It!
2018-10-16  No. 3437  who am I?
2018-10-17  No. 3438  Flavour of the Month
2018-10-18  No. 3439  Fill in the blank Garfield: one more time
2018-10-19  No. 3440  Donut Infighting
2018-10-20  No. 3441  Garfield is a cat
2018-10-21  No. 3442  You could have it all, my empire of carpet
2018-10-22  No. 3443  Infinity Gauntfield
2018-10-23  No. 3444  The Plan
2018-10-24  No. 3445  Alexafield
2018-10-25  No. 3446  Equalfield
2018-10-26  No. 3447  Traumatized Pooky
2018-10-27  No. 3448  Pounding A Joke Into The Ground With An Obvious Fourth Panel
2018-10-28  No. 3449  So This Happened
2018-10-29  No. 3450  Odie As _________
2018-10-30  No. 3451  Depressed Luigi (Actual)
2018-10-31  No. 3452  Garflat
2018-11-01  No. 3453  Ninety-Nine Lacks of a Problem, But My Arm Ain't One
2018-11-02  No. 3454  The creator born from his creation
2018-11-03  No. 3455  Sideshow Jon
2018-11-04  No. 3456  The last straw
2018-11-05  No. 3457  Priceless.
2018-11-06  No. 3458  Garfield Minus Most of Time
2018-11-07  No. 3459  Meow Text Respond
2018-11-08  No. 3460  Don't Pasur Me By
2018-11-09  No. 3461  Garfield Plus Old Joke
2018-11-10  No. 3462  Mandela Effect Garfield
2018-11-11  No. 3463  Quantity Over Quality
2018-11-12  No. 3464  Deadly Miscalculation
2018-11-13  No. 3465  Fudgefield
2018-11-14  No. 3466  No Sign Reading
2018-11-15  No. 3467  SRoMG, Vol. 1
2018-11-16  No. 3468  Garfield the Addict
2018-11-17  No. 3469  Death of a Garfler
2018-11-18  No. 3470  Jon is a Social Outcast
2018-11-19  No. 3471  If you eat pizza / and you're a cat / watch it arrive / on your doormat
2018-11-20  No. 3472  The System Is Meow'n'
2018-11-21  No. 3473  Test Your Square Root of Minus Garfield Knowledge 2!
2018-11-22  No. 3474  Where Is Garfield?
2018-11-23  No. 3475  Human Brain Remix
2018-11-24  No. 3476  Garfield, one word per panel
2018-11-25  No. 3477  Wait for it...
2018-11-26  No. 3478  Watch out, you might get what you're Garfield
2018-11-27  No. 3479  You Ever Sat Down and Read This Thing?
2018-11-28  No. 3480  Leatherfield
2018-11-29  No. 3481  #1 in Boogie Land
2018-11-30  No. 3482  Graffitifield
2018-12-01  No. 3483  Garfloyd
2018-12-02  No. 3484  Garfield Poop
2018-12-03  No. 3485  You have no idea how alone you are, Jon.
2018-12-04  No. 3486  Antimatter Cookies
2018-12-05  No. 3487  Mindfield
2018-12-06  No. 3488  Two
2018-12-07  No. 3489  Garfield Plus The Minecraft Joke Book
2018-12-08  No. 3490  Nah pop no style
2018-12-09  No. 3491  Ultimate Fridge Logic
2018-12-10  No. 3492  Garfield Minus Copyright
2018-12-11  No. 3493  Garfield Minus Quotation Marks
2018-12-12  No. 3494  Jojo's Mojo
2018-12-13  No. 3495  Garfield with a Real Scam
2018-12-14  No. 3496  Averaged Text
2018-12-15  No. 3497  Jon the Mitey Hunter
2018-12-16  No. 3498  Garfield Plus One Extra Layer of Recursion
2018-12-17  No. 3499  Barnaclefield
2018-12-18  No. 3500  Jon's First Strip
2018-12-19  No. 3501  Garfield Minus Jon's Mouth Divided by One and a Half
2018-12-20  No. 3502  Hanging Around
2018-12-21  No. 3503  garfield like coleslaw
2018-12-22  No. 3504  Garfield pays taxes for the Ministry of Silly Break
2018-12-23  No. 3505  Linguistics with Liz: Klingon
2018-12-24  No. 3506  Meme Cam
2018-12-25  No. 3507  The Video Garfield Crash of 1983
2018-12-26  No. 3508  Garfield in Haiku: Christmas
2018-12-27  No. 3509  Lewdfield
2018-12-28  No. 3510  Garfield but the jokes are from those Christmas crackers or joke books
2018-12-29  No. 3511  A Nickel's Worth Of Free Advice
2018-12-30  No. 3512  Ambiguous Situation
2018-12-31  No. 3513  The Expectation of the Distressed Feline Garfield
2019-01-01  No. 3514  Feels About The Same
2019-01-02  No. 3515  Antifield Minus Containment
2019-01-03  No. 3516  Plushfield II: Pipe Bag Dripped with Lasagna
2019-01-04  No. 3517  Passable Editing Skills
2019-01-05  No. 3518  Freshly Recorded
2019-01-06  No. 3519  Odie Pudding
2019-01-07  No. 3520  Linguistics with Garfield
2019-01-08  No. 3521  John, Who Died
2019-01-09  No. 3522  Hanging Lamp Shade
2019-01-10  No. 3523  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 2: The Octopus in Jeopardy
2019-01-11  No. 3524  Puritan America
2019-01-12  No. 3525  Take 2
2019-01-13  No. 3526  Garfield of Light
2019-01-14  No. 3527  Cthufield
2019-01-15  No. 3528  Garfield minus an initial expository panel
2019-01-16  No. 3529  A Connecticut Yankee In King Garfield's Quartz
2019-01-17  No. 3530  Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone
2019-01-18  No. 3531  Garfield Gets Organised
2019-01-19  No. 3532  A Dated Joke
2019-01-20  No. 3533  Lizzil
2019-01-21  No. 3534  Heavy Sleeper
2019-01-22  No. 3535  Lorem Ipsum
2019-01-23  No. 3536  Iron Fist
2019-01-24  No. 3537  Garfield Mine Club
2019-01-25  No. 3538  Garfield Multiply Garfield
2019-01-26  No. 3539  Distraction Tactics
2019-01-27  No. 3540  No Love Garfield Web
2019-01-28  No. 3541  Garfield Deciduas Garfield
2019-01-29  No. 3542  Because Jon is the Center of Attention
2019-01-30  No. 3543  Garfield Crossed With Peanuts
2019-01-31  No. 3544  Old and Inferior
2019-02-01  No. 3545  Thinking of You
2019-02-02  No. 3546  Field
2019-02-03  No. 3547  Roger Wilcat
2019-02-04  No. 3548  The Other Thing Garfield Used The Phone For
2019-02-05  No. 3549  "Hello? Is this Jim Davis? Yes, I'd like to report a bug."
2019-02-06  No. 3550  Odie's Mind
2019-02-07  No. 3551  Pickpocket Level 100
2019-02-08  No. 3552  The root of the problem
2019-02-09  No. 3553  Spafield
2019-02-10  No. 3554  Telephonefield
2019-02-11  No. 3555  Unloved
2019-02-12  No. 3556  Reaction to Reward Music in a Nutshell
2019-02-13  No. 3557  "Jon's Boo-Boo, Reversed" Remake
2019-02-14  No. 3558  CHOOSE YOUR CLASS
2019-02-15  No. 3559  ...To the Power Of
2019-02-16  No. 3560  Nostalgiafield 2kXX
2019-02-17  No. 3561  Garfield's Inside Story
2019-02-18  No. 3562  Catburger Minus Burger
2019-02-19  No. 3563  !!Fortressfield!!
2019-02-20  No. 3564  Sure is dark in here
2019-02-21  No. 3565  Moonlight Jonsetsu
2019-02-22  No. 3566  Childish
2019-02-23  No. 3567  Optical Flowfield
2019-02-24  No. 3568  Kirkfield
2019-02-25  No. 3569  ██████████
2019-02-26  No. 3570  Director's Cut
2019-02-27  No. 3571  What Lies Ahead
2019-02-28  No. 3572  Hanging a Lampshade on the Wall
2019-03-01  No. 3573  Obvious Crossover (HIT THE LEVER!)
2019-03-02  No. 3574  Garfield Multiply DDLC
2019-03-03  No. 3575  The Chamber Of Horrors
2019-03-04  No. 3576  Spot the Difference with Garfield 10
2019-03-05  No. 3577  SUPER MEGARFIELD
2019-03-06  No. 3578  SUPER MEGARFIELD #2
2019-03-07  No. 3579  Euphemism for Euphemism
2019-03-08  No. 3580  How to be a God
2019-03-09  No. 3581  GarfieldCriticizesGarfield
2019-03-10  No. 3582  Nothingfield
2019-03-11  No. 3583  2053 Friday
2019-03-12  No. 3584  Casual 2053
2019-03-13  No. 3585  Soniquefield
2019-03-14  No. 3586  Odie's Mind 2
2019-03-15  No. 3587  Jon's Wife
2019-03-16  No. 3588  Garfield Minus The Ability To Stand
2019-03-17  No. 3589  He Came, He Saw, He Dealt With It.
2019-03-18  No. 3590  Only thought
2019-03-19  No. 3591  Coffee Kills 3
2019-03-20  No. 3592  A different xkcdfield
2019-03-21  No. 3593  Garfield Plot-Twist Garfield
2019-03-22  No. 3594  Garfield Minus a Panel
2019-03-23  No. 3595  A-A-R-D-V-A-R-K
2019-03-24  No. 3596  It
2019-03-25  No. 3597  Shaven and Shaking
2019-03-26  No. 3598  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 3: Seeing Double
2019-03-27  No. 3599  Too Relatable Garfield
2019-03-28  No. 3600  Head I Win
2019-03-29  No. 3601  Gar
2019-03-30  No. 3602  Silent Witless
2019-03-31  No. 3603  Deltafield
2019-04-01  No. 3604  Wanna have a 'bout time?
2019-04-02  No. 3605  the song of arlene
2019-04-03  No. 3606  Bandai WonderJon
2019-04-04  No. 3607  Beware of logarithm
2019-04-05  No. 3608  Noirfield
2019-04-06  No. 3609  The Alien Horror Theater
2019-04-07  No. 3610  Garfield's Science Fiction Theaters
2019-04-08  No. 3611  Garfield Hyness Garfield
2019-04-09  No. 3612  Meadow
2019-04-10  No. 3613  Garcon
2019-04-11  No. 3614  Garfield is Wrong Again
2019-04-12  No. 3615  Junk
2019-04-13  No. 3616  An Outside Perspective
2019-04-14  No. 3617  Deadites Require Lasagna
2019-04-15  No. 3618  Japanfield v2
2019-04-16  No. 3619  On Display
2019-04-17  No. 3620  Jon Plus Fatigue
2019-04-18  No. 3621  A Couple of Franklins (A) "A More Accurate Supernatural Joke" / B) "[This Flashback Has Been Copyright. . .
2019-04-19  No. 3622  Battles Hackerfield
2019-04-20  No. 3623  Simultaneously Too Much And Too Little Explanation
2019-04-21  No. 3624  Garfield, left to right, top to bottom
2019-04-22  No. 3625  Snow. Central Rain
2019-04-23  No. 3626  Arbuckle del Ocho
2019-04-24  No. 3627  Steersmanfield
2019-04-25  No. 3628  Garfield plus a more realistic lie
2019-04-26  No. 3629  Spoiled Milk
2019-04-27  No. 3630  Godotfield
2019-04-28  No. 3631  Garfield Plus Updated Food Marketing Regulations
2019-04-29  No. 3632  Keep Off Of Grass
2019-04-30  No. 3633  Pig, Fat, Hairy Deal
2019-05-01  No. 3634  Our Mission In Life
2019-05-02  No. 3635  We're Still Bachelors, Baby!
2019-05-03  No. 3636  Goodnight Sai-Jon
2019-05-04  No. 3637  What a Brave Jon!
2019-05-05  No. 3638  Z is for Zaragoza
2019-05-06  No. 3639  Jontage
2019-05-07  No. 3640  Garf-A-Lympics
2019-05-08  No. 3641  Jonny Roger Bay
2019-05-09  No. 3642  TREE(Garfield)
2019-05-10  No. 3643  Dispatch war rocket Ajax to bring back his Odie
2019-05-11  No. 3644  Bracketeerfield
2019-05-12  No. 3645  They're Onto Us
2019-05-13  No. 3646  Hotlyman Bling
2019-05-14  No. 3647  Garfield Minus Three Filler Panels Plus Joke Restored
2019-05-15  No. 3648  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder 4: Fourth Wall Break
2019-05-16  No. 3649  Garfield Plus News of the World
2019-05-17  No. 3650  Odie's Mind 3
2019-05-18  No. 3651  Garfield: The Text Adventure
2019-05-19  No. 3652  Garfield Plagiarises Peanuts Differently
2019-05-20  No. 3653  Fear it, run from it, Monday comes regardless.
2019-05-21  No. 3654  spooky submission
2019-05-22  No. 3655  Garfonauts
2019-05-23  No. 3656  Gardoz
2019-05-24  No. 3657  Good News, Odie!
2019-05-25  No. 3658  Garfield Plus Another One of Disney's Live-Action Remakes
2019-05-26  No. 3659  Oh pooh
2019-05-27  No. 3660  Hurting Cthulhu's Ego
2019-05-28  No. 3661  Same Joke, But Gay
2019-05-29  No. 3662  Garnoma
2019-05-30  No. 3663  A slightly altered XKCDfield
2019-05-31  No. 3664  MoonField
2019-06-01  No. 3665  On This Date: South Africa
2019-06-02  No. 3666  Obvious Weezer Reference
2019-06-03  No. 3667  REDACTED
2019-06-04  No. 3668  No Sundays This Week in Schadenfreude
2019-06-05  No. 3669  Carnivorous Lyman
2019-06-06  No. 3670  Garfield & Gwen
2019-06-07  No. 3671  Square Root of Garfield
2019-06-08  No. 3672  Garfrag
2019-06-09  No. 3673  One Better
2019-06-10  No. 3674  Like the Legend of the Phoenix...
2019-06-11  No. 3675  Hot Pepper Eating Contest: Jon's Perspective
2019-06-12  No. 3676  Yankovictim
2019-06-13  No. 3677  Just the way the story goes
2019-06-14  No. 3678  Snarkfield, or The Dinner That Came To Dinner
2019-06-15  No. 3679  Square Root of Minus Odie
2019-06-16  No. 3680  Wait for it...
2019-06-17  No. 3681  The Seven-Year Pitch
2019-06-18  No. 3682  Waluigi Occasionally Nails It
2019-06-19  No. 3683  Garfield, Revealed and Garfield, Concealed
2019-06-20  No. 3684  What a Horrible Nightmare
2019-06-21  No. 3685  Don't Kid Yourself
2019-06-22  No. 3686  Express Yourself... Made Funnier
2019-06-23  No. 3687  SRoMG Plus My Attention Span
2019-06-24  No. 3688  364 Days
2019-06-25  No. 3689  Seventeen
2019-06-26  No. 3690  Garfield Improved
2019-06-27  No. 3691  Blindfield
2019-06-28  No. 3692  Garfield reacts to the Steven Universe episode "Change Your Mind"
2019-06-29  No. 3693  Disney Owns Garfield
2019-06-30  No. 3694  Garfield loses his mind
2019-07-01  No. 3695  Do I Look Like I Ate A Television?
2019-07-02  No. 3696  Fixed Coloring Garfield
2019-07-03  No. 3697  Subbly Nugmare Garfield
2019-07-04  No. 3698  ...It all ends with Beginnings
2019-07-05  No. 3699  Soupfield
2019-07-06  No. 3700  Garfield with Balloons
2019-07-07  No. 3701  Garfield Minus Waterbreathing
2019-07-08  No. 3702  Linguistics with Liz: Graphic Fiction Double Feature
2019-07-09  No. 3703  Linguistics with Liz: Malay
2019-07-10  No. 3704  Linguistics with Liz: Radishes of Our Ancient Forbearers
2019-07-11  No. 3705  Insecto Patronym
2019-07-12  No. 3706  Disosiaction
2019-07-13  No. 3707  Deflatefield
2019-07-14  No. 3708  Acquired Immunity by Ignorance
2019-07-15  No. 3709  Flag ride! (DNA fir dens)
2019-07-16  No. 3710  Time-saver
2019-07-17  No. 3711  *
2019-07-18  No. 3712  2(√-Garfield): Tubafield Salad
2019-07-19  No. 3713  Paws for Thought
2019-07-20  No. 3714  Garfield The Cynic
2019-07-21  No. 3715  Even More Beautiful Garfield
2019-07-22  No. 3716  Garfield Adjusted for Inflation II
2019-07-23  No. 3717  RhythmField
2019-07-24  No. 3718  Avenjons: Endgarf
2019-07-25  No. 3719  Garfield Minus Santa Claus
2019-07-26  No. 3720  Jon's Answering Machine
2019-07-27  No. 3721  Garfield Content Aware Scale
2019-07-28  No. 3722  lazygarfield
2019-07-29  No. 3723  Garfield in Doubled Half Time
2019-07-30  No. 3724  Lyman Has Pica
2019-07-31  No. 3725  Garfield's Dinner Theater
2019-08-01  No. 3726  Catboy Slim
2019-08-02  No. 3727  SRoMG plays Exploding Kittens
2019-08-03  No. 3728  Orange-Yellow Colorblindness
2019-08-04  No. 3729  NESfield Revisited
2019-08-05  No. 3730  This Is Fine
2019-08-06  No. 3731  Jon Arbuckle's Law
2019-08-07  No. 3732  Bookfield
2019-08-08  No. 3733  National Tapioca Pudding Day
2019-08-09  No. 3734  How Nermal Requisitioned His Groove Back
2019-08-10  No. 3735  Arbuckle's Bizarre Fashion
2019-08-11  No. 3736  Living In The Background
2019-08-12  No. 3737  Garfield Plus a Convenient Skeleton Illustration
2019-08-13  No. 3738  Come On, Step It Up!
2019-08-14  No. 3739  Memefield 2
2019-08-15  No. 3740  A Void
2019-08-16  No. 3741  Garf-2-Nuts
2019-08-17  No. 3742  Long Lost Lyman
2019-08-18  No. 3743  Family Friendly Garfield
2019-08-19  No. 3744  Man Im Dead
2019-08-20  No. 3745  Garfield's Epic Adventure
2019-08-21  No. 3746  Bananafield
2019-08-22  No. 3747  Garfield plus a subtle edit
2019-08-23  No. 3748  Obvious Pun (Telemarketer)
2019-08-24  No. 3749  Pretty-Darn-Terrifying Quantum Cats and You
2019-08-25  No. 3750  Garfield but it's Actually Midnight
2019-08-26  No. 3751  Garfclesiastes
2019-08-27  No. 3752  Mean Mr. Mustard
2019-08-28  No. 3753  Jai Hodie
2019-08-29  No. 3754  Garsmen
2019-08-30  No. 3755  Night of the Living Bunny
2019-08-31  No. 3756  Jon Angers a Walrus
2019-09-01  No. 3757  Garfield's Contractual Requirement Redux
2019-09-02  No. 3758  Garfield's Horror Theater for Bibliophiles
2019-09-03  No. 3759  Bluthfield
2019-09-04  No. 3760  Studio Garfield
2019-09-05  No. 3761  A Garfield Comic Shrunken Down to One Panel
2019-09-06  No. 3762  You take my self, you take my self-control
2019-09-07  No. 3763  Reversed Garfield
2019-09-08  No. 3764  Sunday Strip Abridged (#Whatever)
2019-09-09  No. 3765  Mona Pizza
2019-09-10  No. 3766  Bluegrassfield
2019-09-11  No. 3767  B.Y.Odie.
2019-09-12  No. 3768  Rhythm Garfield Fever
2019-09-13  No. 3769  2015 Art Style: Crying
2019-09-14  No. 3770  Vaporwave Garfield (雨壱な)
2019-09-15  No. 3771  Garfield Plus a Classic Joke
2019-09-16  No. 3772  Miami Garf
2019-09-17  No. 3773  Go Ask Your Parents, Kids, If You Don't Get This One
2019-09-18  No. 3774  Garfield plus Undeath
2019-09-19  No. 3775  Whoafield
2019-09-20  No. 3776  IT KEEPS HAPPENING
2019-09-21  No. 3777  R.I.Pfield
2019-09-22  No. 3778  Liz Adds Garfield
2019-09-23  No. 3779  Made with Scholastic Comic Book Maker: With Garfield
2019-09-24  No. 3780  The Disaster Arbuckle
2019-09-25  No. 3781  Banana Up Your Ears
2019-09-26  No. 3782  Junk Food
2019-09-27  No. 3783  Odie's Mind 4
2019-09-28  No. 3784  A Kick of Caffeine
2019-09-29  No. 3785  The World is Shrinking
2019-09-30  No. 3786  Before & After
2019-10-01  No. 3787  The Things We Used To Do On Grass
2019-10-02  No. 3788  Inverted Naughty Garfield
2019-10-03  No. 3789  Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
2019-10-04  No. 3790  Two-Up
2019-10-05  No. 3791  Too Many Collars
2019-10-06  No. 3792  What's the Point?
2019-10-07  No. 3793  Toastfield
2019-10-08  No. 3794  Verticalfield
2019-10-09  No. 3795  a field
2019-10-10  No. 3796  Extreme caffeine addiction be like:
2019-10-11  No. 3797  Put the Chain On
2019-10-12  No. 3798  Vegan Jon II: If You Can't Beat 'Em, Join 'Em
2019-10-13  No. 3799  Dickinsonfield
2019-10-14  No. 3800  SRoMG and Happiness
2019-10-15  No. 3801  Full-Panelled Garfield
2019-10-16  No. 3802  Safety Last
2019-10-17  No. 3803  Ball of Yarn
2019-10-18  No. 3804  Double Backward
2019-10-19  No. 3805  Beating a dead horse
2019-10-20  No. 3806  Languages and Liz: English
2019-10-21  No. 3807  Zoology with Liz: Leptailurus serval
2019-10-22  No. 3808  Linguistics with Liz:
2019-10-23  No. 3809  Share Root of Minus Garfield
2019-10-24  No. 3810  Blinkfield
2019-10-25  No. 3811  If Garfield was Immortal
2019-10-26  No. 3812  Muncieroom Kingdom
2019-10-27  No. 3813  Garfield plus Love Interests
2019-10-28  No. 3814  We Will Garf You
2019-10-29  No. 3815  Adorable
2019-10-30  No. 3816  Garfield, left to right, top to bottom 2
2019-10-31  No. 3817  Philosifield (or, SoGartes)
2019-11-01  No. 3818  Gar Control To Major Field
2019-11-02  No. 3819  Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits
2019-11-03  No. 3820  Waiting for it
2019-11-04  No. 3821  So Not Worth It
2019-11-05  No. 3822  Just Another Picture-Perfect Night
2019-11-06  No. 3823  Unemployment Benefit Form 40
2019-11-07  No. 3824  Brutalfield
2019-11-08  No. 3825  Alone Again Or
2019-11-09  No. 3826  Tumblr mad
2019-11-10  No. 3827  Coughy & TB
2019-11-11  No. 3828  Not Today
2019-11-12  No. 3829  Where the banshees live and they do live well
2019-11-13  No. 3830  Freezefield
2019-11-14  No. 3831  Flat-shaded Garfield
2019-11-15  No. 3832  It will never end
2019-11-16  No. 3833  Garfield in Haiku: New Punchline
2019-11-17  No. 3834  Garfield is a bully
2019-11-18  No. 3835  Dementiafield
2019-11-19  No. 3836  Hey look, another Changefield
2019-11-20  No. 3837  Dekovorpnu
2019-11-21  No. 3838  Wallpaper Trouble
2019-11-22  No. 3839  Gag-Continuing Dogggg!
2019-11-23  No. 3840  "Garfield in Doubled Half Time" in Haiku
2019-11-24  No. 3841  Cheap Sensationalism
2019-11-25  No. 3842  Dogged Enthusiasm
2019-11-26  No. 3843  Cartoon Physics Readded
2019-11-27  No. 3844  Ask a Dog
2019-11-28  No. 3845  All Eyez Jon Me
2019-11-29  No. 3846  Garfield minus Humans minus Music
2019-11-30  No. 3847  The Curse of Jonric
2019-12-01  No. 3848  Contrarian Garfield
2019-12-02  No. 3849  Laziness IS contagious
2019-12-03  No. 3850  Teenage Dirtbag
2019-12-04  No. 3851  Rockwell That Ends Well
2019-12-05  No. 3852  Limp Biscat
2019-12-06  No. 3853  Garfield Plus Time Bomb
2019-12-07  No. 3854  Crazy Jon in Space
2019-12-08  No. 3855  You're Slucking The Cheese Off My Lasagna
2019-12-09  No. 3856  On your TV, on your album, cassette, and 8-track
2019-12-10  No. 3857  Swarbrickfield
2019-12-11  No. 3858  Saramagofield
2019-12-12  No. 3859  Red vs. Blue
2019-12-13  No. 3860  Garfield minus "o"
2019-12-14  No. 3861  My all-time favourite strip?
2019-12-15  No. 3862  Another Garfield Death
2019-12-16  No. 3863  Dynamos
2019-12-17  No. 3864  GarMax and MiniField
2019-12-18  No. 3865  Concisefield
2019-12-19  No. 3866  Why You Shouldn't Eat Jon's Cookies
2019-12-20  No. 3867  Trump
2019-12-21  No. 3868  Spot the Difference with Garfield 11
2019-12-22  No. 3869  Overdramatic
2019-12-23  No. 3870  Bad 2 Santa
2019-12-24  No. 3871  A Slightly Odd Christmas Gift
2019-12-25  No. 3872  Magic of Garfield
2019-12-26  No. 3873  Amoeba Man, with Accurate Terminology
2019-12-27  No. 3874  Communication Breakdown
2019-12-28  No. 3875  Liz, the Filthy Interlinguist
2019-12-29  No. 3876  A Dab
2019-12-30  No. 3877  A Dab of Dabs
2019-12-31  No. 3878  Cat Garfield vs. The World
2020-01-01  No. 3879  1980
2020-01-02  No. 3880  The Personification of Hubris in an Uncaring World
2020-01-03  No. 3881  Yellow mustard, extra vinegar
2020-01-04  No. 3882  Is this fandom politics?
2020-01-05  No. 3883  Odie's Revenge
2020-01-06  No. 3884  The Enigma Of The Strangely-Shaped Mousehole
2020-01-07  No. 3885  But first we need to talk about parallel universes
2020-01-08  No. 3886  I'll Sleep On It
2020-01-09  No. 3887  Garfield's Guide to Baked Goods
2020-01-10  No. 3888  Callousfield
2020-01-11  No. 3889  Read Error
2020-01-12  No. 3890  When you hear the sirens coming
2020-01-13  No. 3891  Stick That In Your Pipe
2020-01-14  No. 3892  Odfield
2020-01-15  No. 3893  Garfield Thirsts
2020-01-16  No. 3894  Proper Word Usage
2020-01-17  No. 3895  Now Showing DINNER
2020-01-18  No. 3896  Pickpocket Level 1000 (a.k.a., Making a SRoMG Slightly Weirder)
2020-01-19  No. 3897  Rolling a new character
2020-01-20  No. 3898  El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Garfield
2020-01-21  No. 3899  Hanging with my home-Garf
2020-01-22  No. 3900  pun guy
2020-01-23  No. 3901  The Garfield and Friends Grin-Fest Potpourri Strip
2020-01-24  No. 3902  Explodie
2020-01-25  No. 3903  Wide
2020-01-26  No. 3904  Garfield's "Younger" Plan Fails
2020-01-27  No. 3905  Mind Catrol
2020-01-28  No. 3906  Permutations of Garfield
2020-01-29  No. 3907  Linguistics with Liz: Alienese
2020-01-30  No. 3908  Linguistics with Liz: Swedish
2020-01-31  No. 3909  Linguistics with Liz: Straightforward Garfield
2020-02-01  No. 3910  Enough is Enough, Take Two
2020-02-02  No. 3911  Technology Update
2020-02-03  No. 3912  Tail End of a Dream
2020-02-04  No. 3913  The Dark Side Of Lasagna Minus Dark Plus Humor
2020-02-05  No. 3914  The Twilight Zone, starring Garfield
2020-02-06  No. 3915  Darthfield Minus Darthfield
2020-02-07  No. 3916  Odie with Real Talking Action
2020-02-08  No. 3917  Single-Panel Garfield
2020-02-09  No. 3918  Jon in 2053
2020-02-10  No. 3919  What's in a Name?
2020-02-11  No. 3920  Garfield linus Garfield
2020-02-12  No. 3921  Making Garfield Slightly Better and Worse
2020-02-13  No. 3922  Garfield plus a more believable object
2020-02-14  No. 3923  Nothing To See Here
2020-02-15  No. 3924  Garfield plus the Inevitable Passing of Time
2020-02-16  No. 3925  Is this just a wicked game?
2020-02-17  No. 3926  Garfield Mystery Dungeon B1F: Neutralized
2020-02-18  No. 3927  Gar Fighters
2020-02-19  No. 3928  Jon-aquin Phoenix
2020-02-20  No. 3929  Beard and Wonderful
2020-02-21  No. 3930  The Lost Kitty of Gold
2020-02-22  No. 3931  Little Creatures
2020-02-23  No. 3932  The End of Garfield
2020-02-24  No. 3933  Variations on One Character
2020-02-25  No. 3934  Spot the Difference with Garfield 12
2020-02-26  No. 3935  Quickest Temper (or, Really Unprovoked); or, Negative Provocation (or, Senseless Domestic Animal Abuse);. . .
2020-02-27  No. 3936  Turgarnevield
2020-02-28  No. 3937  Number One With A
2020-02-29  No. 3938  Feed Too Fast
2020-03-01  No. 3939  Jon blames Garfield for wearing Liz's pearl necklace and Garfield blames him back!
2020-03-02  No. 3940  Garfield Minus Patience
2020-03-03  No. 3941  Wurstfield
2020-03-04  No. 3942  Lazy, Uninspired Filler
2020-03-05  No. 3943  Arbuckle Haze
2020-03-06  No. 3944  Garfield's thoughts
2020-03-07  No. 3945  Turns out putting things on tape is really hard
2020-03-08  No. 3946  A More Logical And Yet Even Stupider Explanation
2020-03-09  No. 3947  Turkeyfield
2020-03-10  No. 3948  Liz ACTUALLY Summons a Demon
2020-03-11  No. 3949  Secretfield
2020-03-12  No. 3950  Maximally Misanthropic Garfield
2020-03-13  No. 3951  GarLexa
2020-03-14  No. 3952  GAME
2020-03-15  No. 3953  Garfield Minus Will to Live
2020-03-16  No. 3954  Leeroy Jonkins
2020-03-17  No. 3955  Milk
2020-03-18  No. 3956  Randomly Generated Garfield
2020-03-19  No. 3957  Illuminatusfield
2020-03-20  No. 3958  The Canine Cannonball
2020-03-21  No. 3959  Garfield plus Cover Art Edits
2020-03-22  No. 3960  I Said
2020-03-23  No. 3961  Thotfield
2020-03-24  No. 3962  Square Root of Minus Brain
2020-03-25  No. 3963  Absolutely No One
2020-03-26  No. 3964  Imagesearchfield
2020-03-27  No. 3965  Garfield Minus Garfield, Value Added: Garfield Fink
2020-03-28  No. 3966  osu!field
2020-03-29  No. 3967  Ear Hurting Juice
2020-03-30  No. 3968  Practical Jokes Are Not Wasted on the Stupid
2020-03-31  No. 3969  Garfield Vector Sprites
2020-04-01  No. 3970  Sansfield from Undergarf??
2020-04-02  No. 3971  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder: It's All Russian Gravy From Here
2020-04-03  No. 3972  Garfield Plus Social Distancing
2020-04-04  No. 3973  Lotion
2020-04-05  No. 3974  Kermitfield
2020-04-06  No. 3975  Garfield Backwards
2020-04-07  No. 3976  Cavity the Mystery Cat
2020-04-08  No. 3977  Lehrerfield
2020-04-09  No. 3978  The One Question
2020-04-10  No. 3979  The Last Question
2020-04-11  No. 3980  Jim Shaveis
2020-04-12  No. 3981  Win, Lose or Draw
2020-04-13  No. 3982  Floatfield
2020-04-14  No. 3983  The Mirror Sees a Cat and a Line
2020-04-15  No. 3984  Garfield on Treehouse TV
2020-04-16  No. 3985  Liz has a weird sense of humour
2020-04-17  No. 3986  No Credit Where Credit is Due
2020-04-18  No. 3987  Delirious
2020-04-19  No. 3988  Uh-Oh, We're In Trouble
2020-04-20  No. 3989  Going to LazyTown!
2020-04-21  No. 3990  Krav Magarfield
2020-04-22  No. 3991  YTP: GarffraG has an awful camping trip and blames it on Jorge
2020-04-23  No. 3992  HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE
2020-04-24  No. 3993  Build MY Take That
2020-04-25  No. 3994  The Lowest-Numbered Uninteresting SRoMG
2020-04-26  No. 3995  Untitled.png
2020-04-27  No. 3996  Dear Satan 2, or Triple Hockey Sticks
2020-04-28  No. 3997  Nothing Unusual Here
2020-04-29  No. 3998  Flowers are not smart
2020-04-30  No. 3999  I Contend That Your Garfield Eye Has Never Opened
2020-05-01  No. 4000  Memes Are Bad
2020-05-02  No. 4001  Camouflage Pants
2020-05-03  No. 4002  garfield b e n d s to escape bagel
2020-05-04  No. 4003  The Garchemist Code
2020-05-05  No. 4004  Imaginary Garfield: Fetch not found
2020-05-06  No. 4005  Garfield but they're actually Vikings
2020-05-07  No. 4006  Garf-Spirit by Will Eisner
2020-05-08  No. 4007  Old School Memery (aka Linguistics With CATS)
2020-05-09  No. 4008  Linguistics With Liz: Indonesian
2020-05-10  No. 4009  Linguistics without Liz: Chinese
2020-05-11  No. 4010  Money Pylon's Fleeing Circle
2020-05-12  No. 4011  Scribblenaps
2020-05-13  No. 4012  Cameo by Bertha
2020-05-14  No. 4013  2015 Art Style: Amnesiafield
2020-05-15  No. 4014  Same xkcdfield, different xkcd
2020-05-16  No. 4015  50 lasagnas
2020-05-17  No. 4016  Garfield Minus Lines
2020-05-18  No. 4017  Where Else Could Jon's Pipe Be?
2020-05-19  No. 4018  The Treachery of Garfield
2020-05-20  No. 4019  A Broken Hamburger
2020-05-21  No. 4020  Confidence
2020-05-22  No. 4021  Pizza
2020-05-23  No. 4022  Sharpfield
2020-05-24  No. 4023  UNLOCK! Cartoon Adventures: The Monday that Wouldn't Die
2020-05-25  No. 4024  Risky in the Jar
2020-05-26  No. 4025  I Think You've Gone Crazy
2020-05-27  No. 4026  Wanted: Dead or Alive
2020-05-28  No. 4027  The Origarfield King
2020-05-29  No. 4028  Smash Mouth All Gar
2020-05-30  No. 4029  Probing Question
2020-05-31  No. 4030  Pepperoni Dreaming
2020-06-01  No. 4031  It's Time for Quirky Questions
2020-06-02  No. 4032  Wait, What?
2020-06-03  No. 4033  Oh, I got a live one here
2020-06-04  No. 4034  Garfield Made Slightly Disturbing 2: Special Edition
2020-06-05  No. 4035  "We're Bachelors, Baby", but every time Garfield says "bachelors" it gets progressively glitchier
2020-06-06  No. 4036  Jon Anagram
2020-06-07  No. 4037  Kill Liz: Vol. 2
2020-06-08  No. 4038  The House on Shady Grove Lane
2020-06-09  No. 4039  Really Imaginary Puzzle
2020-06-10  No. 4040  Garfield watches Nick Jr.
2020-06-11  No. 4041  oh no
2020-06-12  No. 4042  Shoes
2020-06-13  No. 4043  funny cat
2020-06-14  No. 4044  Disgusting
2020-06-15  No. 4045  Garfield plus current events
2020-06-16  No. 4046  Garfield Almost Plus Proper Social Distancing
2020-06-17  No. 4047  Not Quite What It Seems
2020-06-18  No. 4048  Armfield
2020-06-19  No. 4049  The Last Question (Cont.)
2020-06-20  No. 4050  Garf N Ors
2020-06-21  No. 4051  The Dark Side Of The Lasagna Minus Dark Plus Humor 2
2020-06-22  No. 4052  Pathetic-O's
2020-06-23  No. 4053  Hey, Jon, Garfield Eats Houseplants
2020-06-24  No. 4054  Canfield
2020-06-25  No. 4055  Garfield and Hobbes
2020-06-26  No. 4056  Garfield Plus Better Pacing
2020-06-27  No. 4057  Arbuckle Lost In Translation Minus Garfield
2020-06-28  No. 4058  Garfield Lost in Translation
2020-06-29  No. 4059  Garfield Plus an Even MORE Spicy Pepper
2020-06-30  No. 4060  16-Color Garfield
2020-07-01  No. 4061  Scooby
2020-07-02  No. 4062  Love
2020-07-03  No. 4063  Colourist is being a bit lazy
2020-07-04  No. 4064  Catness Proximity - Television
2020-07-05  No. 4065  Don't Bean Me!
2020-07-06  No. 4066  They Should've Named Him "Spot"
2020-07-07  No. 4067  Lip Up Patty
2020-07-08  No. 4068  Uh, meow?
2020-07-09  No. 4069  Did Somebody Say McDonald's?
2020-07-10  No. 4070  Already Disturbed
2020-07-11  No. 4071  The Sweater Movie
2020-07-12  No. 4072  Service with a Weegee
2020-07-13  No. 4073  Word of Dog
2020-07-14  No. 4074  Echo
2020-07-15  No. 4075  Garfunk
2020-07-16  No. 4076  What Détente Actually Means
2020-07-17  No. 4077  Garfield Alignment Chart
2020-07-18  No. 4078  The "Daisy-Stomping Cat" Comic with an Actual Daisy
2020-07-19  No. 4079  S.H.O.C.K.E.R. Conquers the Arbuckle House
2020-07-20  No. 4080  SAILPLANE SUNDAY FUNNIES
2020-07-21  No. 4081  Garfield plus reversed mood
2020-07-22  No. 4082  Fais de beaux rêves
2020-07-23  No. 4083  Centigrodie & Fahrenfield
2020-07-24  No. 4084  Saturday Morning Breakfast Garfield
2020-07-25  No. 4085  Garfield But Made Slightly Darker
2020-07-26  No. 4086  Chlorofield
2020-07-27  No. 4087  Drilfield
2020-07-28  No. 4088  Natal Frame
2020-07-29  No. 4089  Garfield in 2053, Justified
2020-07-30  No. 4090  Five-Minute Garfield
2020-07-31  No. 4091  My Name is Talking Tabby
2020-08-01  No. 4092  Mister Garfield's Neighborhood
2020-08-02  No. 4093  Dream A Little Dream
2020-08-03  No. 4094  I THOUGHT IT WAS A MIRROR!!!
2020-08-05  No. 4096  Garfield The Statistical Anomaly
2020-08-06  No. 4097  Life was beautiful then
2020-08-07  No. 4098  Test
2020-08-08  No. 4099  Garfamily Guy
2020-08-09  No. 4100  Worry
2020-08-10  No. 4101  Veganism
2020-08-11  No. 4102  A Memory of Garferino
2020-08-12  No. 4103  Garthang
2020-08-13  No. 4104  Garfield Adventure 2
2020-08-14  No. 4105  I'll Show You Chunky!
2020-08-15  No. 4106  He may move slow, he can't jump high
2020-08-16  No. 4107  Linguistics with Liz: Dvorak
2020-08-17  No. 4108  Linguistics with Liz: Wingdings
2020-08-18  No. 4109  Andrew Garfield 2: Tom Hardy Edition
2020-08-19  No. 4110  Linguisticless Liz
2020-08-20  No. 4111  Linguistics Without Liz: Dog
2020-08-21  No. 4112  Linguistics without Liz, but with Beruriah wife of Rabbi Meir
2020-08-22  No. 4113  Liz without Linguistics
2020-08-23  No. 4114  The Catrix
2020-08-24  No. 4115  Crashing House
2020-08-25  No. 4116  G – G + SARS-CoV-2
2020-08-26  No. 4117  Moving
2020-08-27  No. 4118  Mean
2020-08-28  No. 4119  Eat Lasagna and Kick Odie
2020-08-29  No. 4120  Doubled Appetite
2020-08-30  No. 4121  50% Off Garfield, Or The Full Half-Garfield
2020-08-31  No. 4122  I'M GOING TO *KABOOM*
2020-09-01  No. 4123  glasses
2020-09-02  No. 4124  Garfield Minus Work Sucks
2020-09-03  No. 4125  The Garful SRoMG
2020-09-04  No. 4126  ¿Por qué no los dos?
2020-09-05  No. 4127  Reality
2020-09-06  No. 4128  You're gettin' dominated, chucklehead!
2020-09-07  No. 4129  Family-Unfriendly Garfield
2020-09-08  No. 4130  59,319 photos of Garfield's food
2020-09-09  No. 4131  Oh, what a feeling
2020-09-10  No. 4132  Scary Movie
2020-09-11  No. 4133  Pandemic Outruns Diner
2020-09-12  No. 4134  Garmo Plus Meatball Man
2020-09-13  No. 4135  Square Root of Minus Garfield plus flavor transcript
2020-09-14  No. 4136  Who's At The Door?
2020-09-15  No. 4137  Whole Superheros against him
2020-09-16  No. 4138  Garfield's Physics Lesson 1
2020-09-17  No. 4139  Telekinetic Garfield
2020-09-18  No. 4140  Scrollfield
2020-09-19  No. 4141  Garfield Plus Some Things I Found Funny
2020-09-20  No. 4142  Garfield plus Trackpad
2020-09-21  No. 4143  Educational Garfield
2020-09-22  No. 4144  Heart Attack
2020-09-23  No. 4145  Garfield discovers cigarettes
2020-09-24  No. 4146  Robert Faceplant
2020-09-25  No. 4147  Execheeses
2020-09-26  No. 4148  What's the point of it all
2020-09-27  No. 4149  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Panini
2020-09-28  No. 4150  He Said, "I Am Extremely Hungry..."
2020-09-29  No. 4151  Soda
2020-09-30  No. 4152  Reassembly language
2020-10-01  No. 4153  Crumbfield
2020-10-02  No. 4154  Introspection with Garfield
2020-10-03  No. 4155  Lyman has a bad memory
2020-10-04  No. 4156  Gratuitous Snacks & Senseless Lymans
2020-10-05  No. 4157  Ease on Down the Road
2020-10-06  No. 4158  Garfield dont do it
2020-10-07  No. 4159  The One Question ﬩ בעברית נכונה
2020-10-08  No. 4160  One Even Better/Worse
2020-10-09  No. 4161  I Hate Fusion
2020-10-10  No. 4162  Pangrammatic Garfield
2020-10-11  No. 4163  Eye for an eye
2020-10-12  No. 4164  Garfenestrated Into Another Dimension
2020-10-13  No. 4165  Forgotten Meme
2020-10-14  No. 4166  Garfield Takes A Dip
2020-10-15  No. 4167  I don't know what to call this strip
2020-10-16  No. 4168  How about some poisson?
2020-10-17  No. 4169  Andrew Garfield
2020-10-18  No. 4170  Enemy Mine
2020-10-19  No. 4171  Applied Probability²
2020-10-20  No. 4172  Jon Ryerson
2020-10-21  No. 4173  Haiku in Garfield
2020-10-22  No. 4174  The dark side of new panel
2020-10-23  No. 4175  Place Your Bets Now!
2020-10-24  No. 4176  Mirror, Mirror, on the Cat
2020-10-25  No. 4177  Jon's Mouse Problem?
2020-10-26  No. 4178  Autobiografield
2020-10-27  No. 4179  Truthfield
2020-10-28  No. 4180  Petless Jon
2020-10-29  No. 4181  Scary Movie - Roger Rabbit
2020-10-30  No. 4182  Maskfield
2020-10-31  No. 4183  Garfield Strip Where Nothing is Wrong
2020-11-01  No. 4184  Panel Welding
2020-11-02  No. 4185  Garfield Doesn't Care
2020-11-03  No. 4186  PAIN RAIN
2020-11-04  No. 4187  No-Touch-Typing
2020-11-05  No. 4188  By the Inverse Function Law, Minus Garfield
2020-11-06  No. 4189  Lasagnas and Feelings
2020-11-07  No. 4190  Graphic Nature
2020-11-08  No. 4191  Oh no! Politics!
2020-11-09  No. 4192  Horror House of Wax Fencho
2020-11-10  No. 4193  The Feeny Saga
2020-11-11  No. 4194  Amnesia: The Garf Descent
2020-11-12  No. 4195  Who Cares?!
2020-11-13  No. 4196  Garfield minus forced joke
2020-11-14  No. 4197  Garfield's Got a Bone to Pick With
2020-11-15  No. 4198  The Power of Dreams
2020-11-16  No. 4199  Less Judgemental
2020-11-17  No. 4200  A More Logical Explanation
2020-11-18  No. 4201  Baba Eat Lasagna
2020-11-19  No. 4202  Linguistics with Liz: Saurian
2020-11-20  No. 4203  Fontistics with Liz
2020-11-21  No. 4204  Nip It in the Bud
2020-11-22  No. 4205  Jon Minus Brain
2020-11-23  No. 4206  Second Language
2020-11-24  No. 4207  Linguistics with Jon
2020-11-25  No. 4208  Garfieldronpa: Lasagna Goes Forward!
2020-11-26  No. 4209  Violentfield
2020-11-27  No. 4210  W Switch
2020-11-28  No. 4211  Γ Switch
2020-11-29  No. 4212  Lyman's Mustache
2020-11-30  No. 4213  Swat's Up
2020-12-01  No. 4214  Goofield
2020-12-02  No. 4215  Jarfield
2020-12-03  No. 4216  Back to 1978
2020-12-04  No. 4217  Paper Garfield
2020-12-05  No. 4218  All it takes.
2020-12-06  No. 4219  Spot the Difference with Garfield 4: Redux
2020-12-07  No. 4220  Kopifield
2020-12-08  No. 4221  Duel of the Insults
2020-12-09  No. 4222  Lost and Restored
2020-12-10  No. 4223  I don't know what to call this strip either
2020-12-11  No. 4224  Callback Blender
2020-12-12  No. 4225  Seam Carfield
2020-12-13  No. 4226  "Well, the Jon Store called, and they're running out of you."
2020-12-14  No. 4227  Garfield the Extreme Omnivore
2020-12-15  No. 4228  Twice Darker
2020-12-16  No. 4229  Obvious Crossover: Tenth Doctor
2020-12-17  No. 4230  Garfed development
2020-12-18  No. 4231  Farewell
2020-12-19  No. 4232  Garfield in 2053, part 1986
2020-12-20  No. 4233  Garfield minus Distractions
2020-12-21  No. 4234  Something Involving the Word "Bug" Inserted Into the Title in a Punnish Way
2020-12-22  No. 4235  Gartholemew and the Arbleckle
2020-12-23  No. 4236  Call On Me
2020-12-24  No. 4237  Milk and Cookies
2020-12-25  No. 4238  They don't live underwater yet
2020-12-26  No. 4239  Stephen King's Garfield
2020-12-27  No. 4240  Speak, Boy, Speak!
2020-12-28  No. 4241  If you are this close to a seagull, it is already too late
2020-12-29  No. 4242  Proper Word Usage 2
2020-12-30  No. 4243  Square Root of Minus Garfield in 2053
2020-12-31  No. 4244  Nostalgiafield: Requiem
2021-01-01  No. 4245  Every single time
2021-01-02  No. 4246  A Debt-rimental Purchase
2021-01-03  No. 4247  Square Root of Minus Garfield: Attack of the Mutant Lasagna
2021-01-04  No. 4248  Woo Hoo
2021-01-05  No. 4249  It is a good pain
2021-01-06  No. 4250  The Immediately Obvious Joke
2021-01-07  No. 4251  Garfield plus ceramics
2021-01-08  No. 4252  Muscle Cat Dialogue Tweak
2021-01-09  No. 4253  Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
2021-01-10  No. 4254  Dynamite Insom ia
2021-01-11  No. 4255  This Must Not Be Life
2021-01-12  No. 4256  BFBfield: Jim Goes Too Far
2021-01-13  No. 4257  Square Root of Minus Snoopy
2021-01-14  No. 4258  Double Espresso
2021-01-15  No. 4259  Transcript:
2021-01-16  No. 4260  magik tilable garfield
2021-01-17  No. 4261  I'm Too Sexy For My Cat
2021-01-18  No. 4262  Coffee & TV
2021-01-19  No. 4263  End Liz, Name Liz
2021-01-20  No. 4264  Alphabet of Jons
2021-01-21  No. 4265  Garfield Stops Trying
2021-01-22  No. 4266  Not-So-Obvious Crossover (Tina)
2021-01-23  No. 4267  Meta-Garfield 2
2021-01-24  No. 4268  Gray Sunday
2021-01-25  No. 4269  Apatheticfield
2021-01-26  No. 4270  The Great Arbucklian Novel
2021-01-27  No. 4271  Everybody Loves Leni
2021-01-28  No. 4272  GarfieldEATS
2021-01-29  No. 4273  A Strip From Jon's Perspective
2021-01-30  No. 4274  Wring Odie's Neck, He Won't Care
2021-01-31  No. 4275  A Scarier Sign
2021-02-01  No. 4276  Spot-On Prediction
2021-02-02  No. 4277  Yesterday, All My Troubles Seemed So Close To Today...
2021-02-03  No. 4278  Garfield-maniacs
2021-02-04  No. 4279  Garfield in 2053: The new update edition
2021-02-05  No. 4280  Racism
2021-02-06  No. 4281  Garfield Sneezes
2021-02-07  No. 4282  Homophobic Garfield
2021-02-08  No. 4283  Dispressed Garfield
2021-02-09  No. 4284  You're bound to be afraid
2021-02-10  No. 4285  All I Need
2021-02-11  No. 4286  Just Keep It, Then!
2021-02-12  No. 4287  Emoticon
2021-02-13  No. 4288  Garfield minus Jon being alive
2021-02-14  No. 4289  Valentine's Day
2021-02-15  No. 4290  Light Side of the Lasagne
2021-02-16  No. 4291  Where's Everything?
2021-02-17  No. 4292  Tell, don't show
2021-02-18  No. 4293  Thursday
2021-02-19  No. 4294  Jon Plus an Oddly-sourced Mustache, with Bonus Recolor
2021-02-20  No. 4295  Stand-In Delivers plus corrected chronology
2021-02-21  No. 4296  DOOT
2021-02-22  No. 4297  Garfield Really Doesn't Care
2021-02-23  No. 4298  The True Story of the Half-a-Billion-Dollar Blunder
2021-02-24  No. 4299  Enlightenfield
2021-02-25  No. 4300  zn+1 = zn2 + garfield
2021-02-26  No. 4301  Garfield the Cacodemon
2021-02-27  No. 4302  Don't bag the hog
2021-02-28  No. 4303  The Smartest and/or Stupidest SRoMG Strip You'll Probably Read Today
2021-03-01  No. 4304  Waste time with a Garfterpiece
2021-03-02  No. 4305  Sensationalism
2021-03-03  No. 4306  Linguistics with Liz: Toki Pona
2021-03-04  No. 4307  8000FF 00FFFF 808080 00FF00 FF00FF 00FFFF FF0000 FF0080 00FFFF 0000FF FF0000 FFFFFF FF8080 00FFFF FF0080. . .
2021-03-05  No. 4308  Linguistics with Odie: Arabic and Chinese
2021-03-06  No. 4309  Square Root of Minus Punchline
2021-03-07  No. 4310  Such Original Content in 2020
2021-03-08  No. 4311  Date Night
2021-03-09  No. 4312  Square Root of Minus Reb
2021-03-10  No. 4313  Even Garfield is afraid...
2021-03-11  No. 4314  Scamfield
2021-03-12  No. 4315  GarfieldWare: D.I.Y.
2021-03-13  No. 4316  Scrambled & Spellchecked: Part 2
2021-03-14  No. 4317  Garfield Minus Background Color
2021-03-15  No. 4318  Andrew Garfield 3: Willem Dafoe Edition
2021-03-16  No. 4319  NAKED LASAGNA
2021-03-17  No. 4320  All Lines Reversed.
2021-03-18  No. 4321  Garfield Meets An Entirely Different Jon
2021-03-19  No. 4322  Garfield Made Slightly Disturbing 4
2021-03-20  No. 4323  Garfield discovers pipes
2021-03-21  No. 4324  Breeding ignorance and feeding radiation
2021-03-22  No. 4325  Double Espresso
2021-03-23  No. 4326  Kitty Delight
2021-03-24  No. 4327  The Orange Cat Behind The Slaughter
2021-03-25  No. 4328  Garfield Prepares To Eat The Earth
2021-03-26  No. 4329  Fist of the North Starfield
2021-03-27  No. 4330  GIANT RAT!
2021-03-28  No. 4331  Typo
2021-03-29  No. 4332  Cheeks
2021-03-30  No. 4333  Static
2021-03-31  No. 4334  Liz Liz Liz Liz Liz
2021-04-01  No. 4335  Garfereum
2021-04-02  No. 4336  What we hate 2
2021-04-03  No. 4337  A Point For A Big Guy
2021-04-04  No. 4338  Garfield's Deflated For Good
2021-04-05  No. 4339  Cucumberfield
2021-04-06  No. 4340  Let's Talk About Stress, Baby
2021-04-07  No. 4341  Begin Again: Jon Edition
2021-04-08  No. 4342  Super
2021-04-09  No. 4343  Garfield's thoughts 2
2021-04-10  No. 4344  OOF!
2021-04-11  No. 4345  They
2021-04-12  No. 4346  Garfield Gets Assassinated
2021-04-13  No. 4347  With all seriousness
2021-04-14  No. 4348  Revelation
2021-04-15  No. 4349  Trollfield
2021-04-16  No. 4350  The Stanley Parable
2021-04-17  No. 4351  Somewhere between the caecum and, uh
2021-04-18  No. 4352  Garfield’s Science Fiction Theater Part 2: The Blender
2021-04-19  No. 4353  Garfield Put Into A Very Special Episode
2021-04-20  No. 4354  Spot the Difference with Garfield 13
2021-04-21  No. 4355  Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
2021-04-22  No. 4356  Ow dow how dow
2021-04-23  No. 4357  Custer's Last Stand - The Next Generation
2021-04-25  No. 4359  Sponsored Content
2021-04-26  No. 4360  Midland Garage Frame
2021-04-27  No. 4361  The Burp That Was Giant
2021-04-28  No. 4362  Criticfield
2021-04-29  No. 4363  I Don't See WAAt's So Funny About This One
2021-04-30  No. 4364  Way Down in the Hole
2021-05-01  No. 4365  Catipal
2021-05-02  No. 4366  "Dark Side of the Lasagne" In One Panel Extended
2021-05-03  No. 4367  Awesome
2021-05-04  No. 4368  Linguistics With Liz Plus Sensibility
2021-05-05  No. 4369  GGGGGG
2021-05-06  No. 4370  Discordfield
2021-05-07  No. 4371  Bing sings but
2021-05-08  No. 4372  updates
2021-05-09  No. 4373  Garfild minus Garfild
2021-05-10  No. 4374  Miracle Garfdoku
2021-05-11  No. 4375  Garfield Plus Affection
2021-05-12  No. 4376  Untitled
2021-05-13  No. 4377  Garfield Minus... Odie's Thought?
2021-05-14  No. 4378  IT'S BACON!
2021-05-15  No. 4379  Low quality Garfield 3d world and also low resolution
2021-05-16  No. 4380  Love minus ventriloquism
2021-05-17  No. 4381  Full-bodied Jon
2021-05-18  No. 4382  Perambulation, duuuude.
2021-05-19  No. 4383  This Strip Has Been Copyright-Claimed by VIACOMCBS
2021-05-20  No. 4384  Eat the Rich
2021-05-21  No. 4385  Shlockfield
2021-05-22  No. 4386  Garfield Minus ???
2021-05-23  No. 4387  Garfield attacks Lyman plus Twokinds
2021-05-24  No. 4388  Garfield Loses His Lunch
2021-05-25  No. 4389  Garfield tells Arlene she looks like an Oompa Loompa
2021-05-26  No. 4390  Bad Mood
2021-05-27  No. 4391  Garfield minus explaining
2021-05-28  No. 4392  Donut
2021-05-29  No. 4393  What About You?
2021-05-30  No. 4394  Death of Garfield
2021-05-31  No. 4395  Garfield, but it's horribly drawn, and it has Nickelodeon references
2021-06-01  No. 4396  Lasagna Six (3-20-11-15-6-3-9-6)
2021-06-02  No. 4397  The Nermal Distribution
2021-06-03  No. 4398  The Black Eyed Peasfield
2021-06-04  No. 4399  Garfield says nothing
2021-06-05  No. 4400  Stripped Root of Minus Garfield
2021-06-06  No. 4401  Garfs, Newburyport
2021-06-07  No. 4402  Garfield Plus Speedlines
2021-06-08  No. 4403  Pseudo XKCDfield, or Not-Garfield Minus Any Kind of Talent Of Any Kind Whatsoever
2021-06-09  No. 4404  The Pudding Pops Protest
2021-06-10  No. 4405  The jokes are constantly fusing
2021-06-11  No. 4406  Liz, with linguistics
2021-06-12  No. 4407  Not like I faint every time we touch
2021-06-13  No. 4408  Garflirious
2021-06-14  No. 4409  The first strip for a really rude Garfield book
2021-06-15  No. 4410  Different Timmy
2021-06-16  No. 4411  Monday would be easy if your colors were like my dreams
2021-06-17  No. 4412  Going Commando
2021-06-18  No. 4413  Empires are constantly changing
2021-06-19  No. 4414  Garfield Plus CD
2021-06-20  No. 4415  More Worserer
2021-06-21  No. 4416  Garfield Und Panzer
2021-06-22  No. 4417  Be the Change You Wish to See
2021-06-23  No. 4418  Why So Serious? - Unofficial Take 2
2021-06-24  No. 4419  Shavian Horror Story
2021-06-25  No. 4420  Carsfield
2021-06-26  No. 4421  SROMTD
2021-06-27  No. 4422  Screen Capture, Screen Captured, Screen Captured, Screen Captured
2021-06-28  No. 4423  The Super Silly Fiesta is coming to the diet!
2021-06-29  No. 4424  Garfielddlc
2021-06-30  No. 4425  Meatball in traction
2021-07-01  No. 4426  Garfield Minus Everything (or Plus Everything?)
2021-07-02  No. 4427  La Garfieldette révolutionnaire
2021-07-03  No. 4428  Hole Sweet Hole
2021-07-04  No. 4429  What The World Needs More Of
2021-07-05  No. 4430  Odie's a Witch
2021-07-06  No. 4431  Jon Fricking Dies
2021-07-07  No. 4432  Christmas in July
2021-07-08  No. 4433  White
2021-07-09  No. 4434  Orange you glad I didn't say Garfield
2021-07-10  No. 4435  Garkiplier
2021-07-11  No. 4436  Psych
2021-07-12  No. 4437  Nermal People
2021-07-13  No. 4438  Tonight on Dog Horror Theater, "The Bath"
2021-07-14  No. 4439  Maybe you have the instructions upside down
2021-07-15  No. 4440  Early Stage
2021-07-16  No. 4441  New Meaning of Catnap
2021-07-17  No. 4442  Wrong Side of Website.
2021-07-18  No. 4443  Alone: The Untold Story
2021-07-19  No. 4444  Vitamin's side effects
2021-07-20  No. 4445  Garey's Acatomy OR Meowse, M.D. OR E.Gar.
2021-07-21  No. 4446  Just a phase
2021-07-22  No. 4447  Gyoujield
2021-07-23  No. 4448  Censored Garfield: she what
2021-07-24  No. 4449  The Forces of Dorkness
2021-07-25  No. 4450  Blender 2.7.5
2021-07-26  No. 4451  Garfocal 2020
2021-07-27  No. 4452  Mugged off
2021-07-28  No. 4453  "Mission accomplished, I guess"
2021-07-29  No. 4454  Garfield and Joseph Joesnail
2021-07-30  No. 4455  "And Now..."
2021-07-31  No. 4456  Call it a draw
2021-08-01  No. 4457  Owo
2021-08-02  No. 4458  Running Gag
2021-08-03  No. 4459  The Dead Future 2: Dead Harder
2021-08-04  No. 4460  No Succ
2021-08-05  No. 4461  Recipe
2021-08-06  No. 4462  Garfield Minus Sense of Urgency
2021-08-07  No. 4463  Back to the Garfyard
2021-08-08  No. 4464  A Sunday Strip Reduced To A Daily Strip
2021-08-09  No. 4465  Bizarrefield
2021-08-10  No. 4466  Garfield Plus Earthbound
2021-08-11  No. 4467  Atheist Garfield
2021-08-12  No. 4468  Gravity bill remix
2021-08-13  No. 4469  Zalgo's Day Out
2021-08-14  No. 4470  Stick To Your Words
2021-08-15  No. 4471  Garfield minus Changefield
2021-08-16  No. 4472  Even Dumber
2021-08-17  No. 4473  Infernal Glory
2021-08-18  No. 4474  Jon Fades because the so-called Future tells him to
2021-08-19  No. 4475  Paintfield
2021-08-20  No. 4476  Working Munch
2021-08-21  No. 4477  Unsolicited Bone Pic
2021-08-22  No. 4478  SRoMG #3002 + iToon #79
2021-08-23  No. 4479  Jon Plus Friends
2021-08-24  No. 4480  Garfield minus (Garfield plus Pipe) plus Thomas plus Douglas plus Coach
2021-08-25  No. 4481  Garfield Plus SCP-423
2021-08-26  No. 4482  Respectfield
2021-08-27  No. 4483  Garfield Plus Nermal Minus Motion
2021-08-28  No. 4484  Garfield 2013-09-18 in 2053
2021-08-29  No. 4485  no sundays, no chocolate (or chocolate of no sundays)
2021-08-30  No. 4486  Let the EATS Control Your Body
2021-08-31  No. 4487  Triple Espresso
2021-09-01  No. 4488  Betrayal from the Past
2021-09-02  No. 4489  Ooch! Eech!
2021-09-03  No. 4490  Garfield plus far, far too much effort
2021-09-04  No. 4491  Recontextualisation 8: Archival Error
2021-09-05  No. 4492  Garfield minus Pookie
2021-09-06  No. 4493  Nature
2021-09-07  No. 4494  A Week of Tutorials
2021-09-08  No. 4495  New Dog, Old Trick!
2021-09-09  No. 4496  Such A Thing As "Too Fast"
2021-09-10  No. 4497  Brown
2021-09-11  No. 4498  Have a relaxing vacation!
2021-09-12  No. 4499  Scraping Edge
2021-09-13  No. 4500  Garfield Goes There
2021-09-14  No. 4501  Mangfield
2021-09-15  No. 4502  Garfield Minus Thoughts
2021-09-16  No. 4503  In Which Cam Is Glad Square Root Has A Ratings Limit
2021-09-17  No. 4504  New Sheriff In town Bye bye Narfielod
2021-09-18  No. 4505  Banzai!
2021-09-19  No. 4506  If you like those, then I'll be there
2021-09-20  No. 4507  Get the point?
2021-09-21  No. 4508  *Slaps roof of car*
2021-09-22  No. 4509  Garfield but with a more realistic Jim Davis
2021-09-23  No. 4510  Achievements
2021-09-24  No. 4511  Grumpiest Cat
2021-09-25  No. 4512  Worst thing I've ever made
2021-09-26  No. 4513  Garfield Minus Telepathy
2021-09-27  No. 4514  Relatablefield
2021-09-28  No. 4515  Garfield Plus Garfield: Origins
2021-09-29  No. 4516  Slappoon 3
2021-09-30  No. 4517  Mama Told Me Not to Come
2021-10-01  No. 4518  Garfield Plus Scrat
2021-10-02  No. 4519  Garfield Divided By ield
2021-10-03  No. 4520  Odie's Mind 5
2021-10-04  No. 4521  they did necromancy on a copypasta
2021-10-05  No. 4522  Computer Glitch
2021-10-06  No. 4523  Garfield Plus Socks
2021-10-07  No. 4524  Heinz Anxiety
2021-10-08  No. 4525  Garfield plus Retraction Watch
2021-10-09  No. 4526  What's Wrong With This SRoMG Strip?
2021-10-10  No. 4527  Jonsien-Ko
2021-10-11  No. 4528  It was me first day with the hook
2021-10-12  No. 4529  ne
2021-10-13  No. 4530  Telepathy
2021-10-14  No. 4531  Fangs for the Memeries
2021-10-15  No. 4532  Afoot in the Door
2021-10-16  No. 4533  Harpofield
2021-10-17  No. 4534  He can talk!
2021-10-18  No. 4535  Spot the Difference with Garfield 14
2021-10-19  No. 4536  Steak Swap
2021-10-20  No. 4537  Jon the thief
2021-10-21  No. 4538  Sight Unseen
2021-10-22  No. 4539  proto-garfield
2021-10-23  No. 4540  Trademark Favorite Pun
2021-10-24  No. 4541  Love In the Time Of Coof
2021-10-25  No. 4542  Garfield 2014-10-16 in 2053
2021-10-26  No. 4543  let's get lazier!!
2021-10-27  No. 4544  Spelunky Garfield
2021-10-28  No. 4545  The Man of Many Shirts
2021-10-29  No. 4546  Snaketie
2021-10-30  No. 4547  Garfield is unpredictable
2021-10-31  No. 4548  gearflid ded lul
2021-11-01  No. 4549  A Lot of Snow
2021-11-02  No. 4550  Four Those Keeping Count
2021-11-03  No. 4551  Now who's slow?
2021-11-04  No. 4552  Googlefield Part 1
2021-11-05  No. 4553  Garfield Pinches Jon
2021-11-06  No. 4554  Your Opinion Doesn't Matter
2021-11-07  No. 4555  Garfield Minus Garfield Value Added - Can't Sit Here All Day
2021-11-08  No. 4556  Me at anime exhibition
2021-11-09  No. 4557  Meta Garfield
2021-11-10  No. 4558  GoComics glitch
2021-11-11  No. 4559  Quality Programming
2021-11-12  No. 4560  Mangafield
2021-11-13  No. 4561  Paper Garfield: Lasagna Splash
2021-11-14  No. 4562  I Made Andy Warhol Upset
2021-11-15  No. 4563  GGGGGG
2021-11-16  No. 4564  Comic title
2021-11-17  No. 4565  Garfield minus the square root of artistic talent
2021-11-18  No. 4566  Simple Recontextualization Series 2, Episode 3: A Subtle Edit Changes The Joke
2021-11-19  No. 4567  In Her Sights
2021-11-20  No. 4568  ⌚[down-pointing hand emoji]
2021-11-21  No. 4569  Garfield Multi-language: 1978 meets 2003
2021-11-22  No. 4570  Jon's Revenge
2021-11-23  No. 4571  gar passed out field
2021-11-24  No. 4572  Rule 34G Double Feature
2021-11-25  No. 4573  Garfield plus Luxury
2021-11-26  No. 4574  Murder in the Dark
2021-11-27  No. 4575  Look, I Made a Hat
2021-11-28  No. 4576  Taking Lazy To The Next Level
2021-11-29  No. 4577  But...
2021-11-30  No. 4578  The Kitty Map
2021-12-01  No. 4579  I Hope You're Prepared For An Unforgettable Christmas
2021-12-02  No. 4580  Jermal
2021-12-03  No. 4581  Odie defies physics
2021-12-04  No. 4582  Garfield Miru Garfield
2021-12-05  No. 4583  Connection to the Garfield Series
2021-12-06  No. 4584  Garfield, but with Nancy
2021-12-07  No. 4585  Garfield Plus Severe Tinnitus
2021-12-08  No. 4586  Evil Garfield
2021-12-09  No. 4587  Jon Minus Tacky Ties
2021-12-10  No. 4588  Garfield in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl
2021-12-11  No. 4589  Garfield but with an incorrect timeline
2021-12-12  No. 4590  Untitled Edit 1
2021-12-13  No. 4591  Obvious Crossover: Thanos
2021-12-14  No. 4592  Wimpfield
2021-12-15  No. 4593  Garfield in 2021
2021-12-16  No. 4594  Terrariafield
2021-12-17  No. 4595  Friday Night Garfin'
2021-12-18  No. 4596  I'm A Garfcess
2021-12-19  No. 4597  Home Movies
2021-12-20  No. 4598  Return of Lyman
2021-12-21  No. 4599  Bigger Nose
2021-12-22  No. 4600  Amnesia
2021-12-23  No. 4601  Maximum the Jonmone
2021-12-24  No. 4602  When Garfield doesn't get his presents
2021-12-25  No. 4603  The Bone That Got Up and Carried Us Away
2021-12-26  No. 4604  Garfield plus a gag from Calvin and Hobbes
2021-12-27  No. 4605  The world is constantly changing
2021-12-28  No. 4606  Nightmare
2021-12-29  No. 4607  Garfield Minus Informed Preference
2021-12-30  No. 4608  Stunned Silence
2021-12-31  No. 4609  Be it resolved
2022-01-01  No. 4610  New Year, New Start, New World, Same Traffic
2022-01-02  No. 4611  A portent of 2053
2022-01-03  No. 4612  Return of the Son of Mind Screwfield
2022-01-04  No. 4613  Chew 320
2022-01-05  No. 4614  yeah
2022-01-06  No. 4615  Jon meets the Pingu Walrus
2022-01-07  No. 4616  Garfield Hit's the High Note's
2022-01-08  No. 4617  Your Opinion Doesn't Matter
2022-01-09  No. 4618  if Teri from TAWOG Crossed over to Garfield
2022-01-10  No. 4619  Garfield plus Menswear
2022-01-11  No. 4620  January week two
2022-01-12  No. 4621  Despeckled Garfield
2022-01-13  No. 4622  Rockin' up MTV
2022-01-14  No. 4623  The only winning move is not to play
2022-01-15  No. 4624  A Previous Strip Of Square Root of Minus Garfield, Slightly Enhanced
2022-01-16  No. 4625  One Time Too Many
2022-01-17  No. 4626  Bingofield
2022-01-18  No. 4627  Tragedy
2022-01-19  No. 4628  Garfield Minus Humor
2022-01-20  No. 4629  cop-out
2022-01-21  No. 4630  Garfield Dies 9
2022-01-22  No. 4631  No Mo' Nice Garfield
2022-01-23  No. 4632  Express Yourself... with Hair Day
2022-01-24  No. 4633  Garfield made even more disturbing
2022-01-25  No. 4634  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Nightmare Fredbear Plus Nightmare Fredbear. . .
2022-01-26  No. 4635  Amusing Antics of a Cartoon Dog
2022-01-27  No. 4636  Not A Clue
2022-01-28  No. 4637  Garfield Watches Metro News 1
2022-01-29  No. 4638  Garfield Plus Ringo Starr
2022-01-30  No. 4639  Work-Free
2022-01-31  No. 4640  Imprints
2022-02-01  No. 4641  Garfield plus your waifu
2022-02-02  No. 4642  Odie's Demonstration
2022-02-03  No. 4643  The Ultimate Science Fair
2022-02-04  No. 4644  Awakening
2022-02-05  No. 4645  Schizophrenic glasses
2022-02-06  No. 4646  Garfield & Friendship Games: Garfield's Lemon Zest
2022-02-07  No. 4647  Item Duplication
2022-02-08  No. 4648  From the Archives
2022-02-09  No. 4649  Garfield Plus Punchline
2022-02-10  No. 4650  garfield bird comic
2022-02-11  No. 4651  Garfield Lucy Garfield
2022-02-12  No. 4652  The Sinister Laughing Dogs - The Sinister Mind Of Odie Arbuckle, Part 3
2022-02-13  No. 4653  scrap or die
2022-02-14  No. 4654  Garfield (Plus Anime) Minus Garfield
2022-02-15  No. 4655  A Softer Garfield
2022-02-16  No. 4656  SRoMG out of SRoMG
2022-02-17  No. 4657  Ask a Cat
2022-02-18  No. 4658  Really...
2022-02-19  No. 4659  Blended Alphabetfield
2022-02-20  No. 4660  Garfield Minus Orson
2022-02-21  No. 4661  ... Slow
2022-02-22  No. 4662  House of Pine
2022-02-23  No. 4663  Four Times the Comedy
2022-02-24  No. 4664  Troubled
2022-02-25  No. 4665  Ninja Jon
2022-02-26  No. 4666  I Hate NFTs
2022-02-27  No. 4667  Nihilist Garfield
2022-02-28  No. 4668  Okay, everyone, this is the REAL reason why Garfield hates Mondays!
2022-03-01  No. 4669  One Flap Forward, Three Flaps Back
2022-03-02  No. 4670  Rickfield
2022-03-03  No. 4671  Pupilfield in 1978
2022-03-04  No. 4672  Garfield plus Deus Ex
2022-03-05  No. 4673  Jumpin' Jumpin'
2022-03-06  No. 4674  Garfield Cooks Sausages in a Fire
2022-03-07  No. 4675  Garfield Hates Mondays
2022-03-08  No. 4676  My Girl
2022-03-09  No. 4677  Garfield, but sincere
2022-03-10  No. 4678  Mario's Head
2022-03-11  No. 4679  The Garfice
2022-03-12  No. 4680  BFDIfield - Donut's War
2022-03-13  No. 4681  Peanuts in 2053
2022-03-14  No. 4682  Nobody Understands Him
2022-03-15  No. 4683  garfields theater
2022-03-16  No. 4684  Jon is the sus
2022-03-17  No. 4685  Among the No
2022-03-18  No. 4686  Did Somebody Say Lazy Edits?
2022-03-19  No. 4687  Garfield makes me question the nature of reality
2022-03-20  No. 4688  Stupid cat eats spoilt food (gone wrong!)
2022-03-21  No. 4689  Transferred Punchline 2 (or Transplanted Punchline 3)
2022-03-22  No. 4690  Nermal Minus Garfield... Again.
2022-03-23  No. 4691  Jon's Hero Academia
2022-03-24  No. 4692  Wombofield Dream
2022-03-25  No. 4693  He Needs a Monstah to Clobbah Dat Dere Garfield
2022-03-26  No. 4694  LOOK UP THE NUMBER
2022-03-27  No. 4695  Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel: Garfield, Plus (Approximately The Number of Years He's Been Published. . .
2022-03-28  No. 4696  A Fly Crawls Up The Wall
2022-03-29  No. 4697  Lasagna Versus Pizza, or, Turtles Killed The Lasagna Star
2022-03-30  No. 4698  Thoughts Into Power
2022-03-31  No. 4699  GLaDOSField
2022-04-01  No. 4700  Jon's Singing
2022-04-02  No. 4701  Jevil May Cry
2022-04-03  No. 4702  Happy Birthday Cucumber Quest
2022-04-04  No. 4703  Garf After Dark
2022-04-05  No. 4704  One-downsmanship
2022-04-06  No. 4705  The Cask of Jontillado
2022-04-07  No. 4706  Darkfield (No Pun Intended)
2022-04-08  No. 4707  Suit Suit Jonic Borier
2022-04-09  No. 4708  Yeah, I'll have a burger with a side of truth and respect, oh, and a cookie.
2022-04-10  No. 4709  Non-Zero-Sum Game
2022-04-11  No. 4710  Garfield Plus Rex 84
2022-04-12  No. 4711  Garfield Before Swine
2022-04-13  No. 4712  Ignorance Is Bliss
2022-04-14  No. 4713  Garfield multiply Touhou
2022-04-15  No. 4714  Edward James Garfield
2022-04-16  No. 4715  Dimensionfield Plus Grafield Plus High Definition Strip Courtesy Of Lasagna Man
2022-04-17  No. 4716  Nothingness
2022-04-18  No. 4717  A disastrous barbecue
2022-04-19  No. 4718  Women like winners, Garfield.
2022-04-20  No. 4719  Garfield mix up
2022-04-21  No. 4720  Not Cool, Jon
2022-04-22  No. 4721  Garfield Night Funkin
2022-04-23  No. 4722  Garfield becoming uncanny
2022-04-24  No. 4723  BIGCOMIC
2022-04-25  No. 4724  Define "new"
2022-04-26  No. 4725  A Shocking Refusal To Change The Status Quo
2022-04-27  No. 4726  A tribute to Skye
2022-04-28  No. 4727  Reba
2022-04-29  No. 4728  Negative Espresso
2022-04-30  No. 4729  Garfield kills shimmer and shine
2022-05-01  No. 4730  Lubaf's 200th Strip Spectacular!
2022-05-02  No. 4731  Define "comic strip"
2022-05-03  No. 4732  Garfield intersect Puggsy
2022-05-04  No. 4733  Yodafield
2022-05-05  No. 4734  The horror, the horror...
2022-05-06  No. 4735  Garfield Minus Plot 2
2022-05-07  No. 4736  Garfield Plus Tortured Ideophonics
2022-05-08  No. 4737  Dark Chocolate
2022-05-09  No. 4738  OD D.O.!
2022-05-10  No. 4739  Tribute to Arthur
2022-05-11  No. 4740  Morganfield
2022-05-12  No. 4741  Corrected Berthas in a Shady Place
2022-05-13  No. 4742  Sentinels of the Garfiverse
2022-05-14  No. 4743  Garfield but it's an outside perspective
2022-05-15  No. 4744  Souperbad
2022-05-16  No. 4745  Another Garfield Code
2022-05-17  No. 4746  Nukefield
2022-05-18  No. 4747  Jon Minus Neck Shadow
2022-05-19  No. 4748  Lip Splinters
2022-05-20  No. 4749  Ickisfield
2022-05-21  No. 4750  Being Ignored
2022-05-22  No. 4751  You Can't Lose With Your Colors Flying High
2022-05-23  No. 4752  Yodeling
2022-05-24  No. 4753  On the Other Hand
2022-05-25  No. 4754  ODIEYATTA MONDATTA
2022-05-26  No. 4755  Okay, And?
2022-05-27  No. 4756  Dozing of Milk
2022-05-28  No. 4757  Garfield in the Doom Palette
2022-05-29  No. 4758  Ingarfuration
2022-05-30  No. 4759  What's Wrong With This Picture?
2022-05-31  No. 4760  Aymarfield
2022-06-01  No. 4761  Platarbuckle vs Garfogines
2022-06-02  No. 4762  Behold, A Man
2022-06-03  No. 4763  Jon Dylan
2022-06-04  No. 4764  Standard Unit of Stupidity
2022-06-05  No. 4765  My Name Is Doog
2022-06-06  No. 4766  Soda PSA
2022-06-07  No. 4767  Viewing the Local Wildlife
2022-06-08  No. 4768  Garfield plus remorse
2022-06-09  No. 4769  Cheeze Me, Pleeze Me
2022-06-10  No. 4770  How Will You Be Able To Tell?
2022-06-11  No. 4771  JUNE 11TH 2004 MARK YOUR CALENDAR
2022-06-12  No. 4772  How Jon Cursing Ended Up as Background Art in Garfield Gets Real
2022-06-13  No. 4773  Shrink, Don't Tell
2022-06-14  No. 4774  I sold all of my Bitcoin to acquire Greenland.
2022-06-15  No. 4775  Beware of the Cynic
2022-06-16  No. 4776  Mean-Spirited Garfield
2022-06-17  No. 4777  Maxfield
2022-06-18  No. 4778  Dog Translator
2022-06-19  No. 4779  GET WIFI ANYWHERE YOU GO
2022-06-20  No. 4780  A lonely, lonely man.
2022-06-21  No. 4781  Garfbird
2022-06-22  No. 4782  Monty Irma's Flying Circus
2022-06-23  No. 4783  Godrefield
2022-06-24  No. 4784  That's 150 Minnows
2022-06-25  No. 4785  Wikifield
2022-06-26  No. 4786  Adding Fuel to the Fire
2022-06-27  No. 4787  Jon is definitely fruit punch-flavored
2022-06-28  No. 4788  Prize Patrol
2022-06-29  No. 4789  The Milk from '88
2022-06-30  No. 4790  Lyman's Revenge
2022-07-01  No. 4791  Garfield Does Not Want To Be A Bachelor Anymore
2022-07-02  No. 4792  Whigfield
2022-07-03  No. 4793  Garfield Wordless
2022-07-04  No. 4794  Garfield's History of Cats
2022-07-05  No. 4795  How'd you know?
2022-07-06  No. 4796  Donuts with Liz
2022-07-07  No. 4797  Brickazoid
2022-07-08  No. 4798  Smartphones are Inherently Funny, Right? (Fun With Penultimate Beat Panel #6)
2022-07-09  No. 4799  Not Cool This Time Either, Jon
2022-07-10  No. 4800  Garfield (cat) was defenestrated by Jon Arbuckle (cartoonist).
2022-07-11  No. 4801  Garfield Plus the Macdonald Triad
2022-07-12  No. 4802  minimalist garfield
2022-07-13  No. 4803  Arachnophagia
2022-07-14  No. 4804  HTMLfield as a strip
2022-07-15  No. 4805  Come up and be a kite
2022-07-16  No. 4806  SCP-2293-G
2022-07-17  No. 4807  Jon, May 33rd, 1977
2022-07-18  No. 4808  Artfield
2022-07-19  No. 4809  Garfield plus another punchline
2022-07-20  No. 4810  A New Way To Solve
2022-07-21  No. 4811  Playing God
2022-07-22  No. 4812  绿眼のジェラシー
2022-07-23  No. 4813  A little hazy but mellowfield
2022-07-24  No. 4814  Planktonfield
2022-07-25  No. 4815  Garfield attempts to steal from a friendly
2022-07-26  No. 4816  Garfield's past already being disturbing
2022-07-27  No. 4817  The Power of Positive Thinking
2022-07-28  No. 4818  An Edgy Joke
2022-07-29  No. 4819  Shoefield
2022-07-30  No. 4820  Garfield Minuette Garfield
2022-07-31  No. 4821  . . .
2022-08-01  No. 4822  Jon Adventure 2
2022-08-02  No. 4823  While the mice are away, the cat gets testy
2022-08-03  No. 4824  Garfield Cares About the Chicken?
2022-08-04  No. 4825  Available While Supplies Last
2022-08-05  No. 4826  Godrefield Part 2
2022-08-06  No. 4827  Alterations on a Gag
2022-08-07  No. 4828  I think he heard that this time.
2022-08-08  No. 4829  Big Time
2022-08-09  No. 4830  Loquacity with Liz
2022-08-10  No. 4831  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder (2x Weirder, to be Exact)
2022-08-11  No. 4832  We See the Future Through the Binoculars of Garfield
2022-08-12  No. 4833  It was all a dream
2022-08-13  No. 4834  Gomu Gomu no Cookie
2022-08-14  No. 4835  You look shocked!
2022-08-15  No. 4836  Buckaroo Banzai!
2022-08-16  No. 4837  Morer Worserer(er)
2022-08-17  No. 4838  Garfield and Fatty Bear's Activity Pack
2022-08-18  No. 4839  Scandinavian Side of the Lasagne
2022-08-19  No. 4840  Part of the Family
2022-08-20  No. 4841  Garfield minus swearing
2022-08-21  No. 4842  Connect the Dots Through Jon's Eyes
2022-08-22  No. 4843  From the Network That Couldn't Be Bothered to Spell "Beckett" Correctly In The Closing Minutes
2022-08-23  No. 4844  Comic in a Blender Reblended
2022-08-24  No. 4845  Charred Side of the Diet Book
2022-08-25  No. 4846  Beautiful irises
2022-08-26  No. 4847  Quiet quitting
2022-08-27  No. 4848  Still doing nothing
2022-08-28  No. 4849  TTN VS DDLC
2022-08-29  No. 4850  All Hail Orbulon
2022-08-30  No. 4851  That Yarn Cat!
2022-08-31  No. 4852  Garfield Floor Magnet
2022-09-01  No. 4853  Now They Are
2022-09-02  No. 4854  Jon Minus Jon
2022-09-03  No. 4855  Jon Plus Jon Plus Jon
2022-09-04  No. 4856  Spongefield
2022-09-05  No. 4857  AI Generated Garfield
2022-09-06  No. 4858  Garfield Plus Supreme
2022-09-07  No. 4859  Garfluoxetine
2022-09-08  No. 4860  Second-Guessing
2022-09-09  No. 4861  Ooh, I get the Shivers
2022-09-10  No. 4862  Garfield plus Splatoon
2022-09-11  No. 4863  Cookie Run-field
2022-09-12  No. 4864  Garfield Plus The Secret To Happiness
2022-09-13  No. 4865  Garfield's Punishment
2022-09-14  No. 4866  Sock Puppets
2022-09-15  No. 4867  Odie Noir
2022-09-16  No. 4868  picture
2022-09-17  No. 4869  Clip-art
2022-09-18  No. 4870  Heavy Meta, Or Choose Your Own Punchline
2022-09-19  No. 4871  Cartoonist Needs Hug Badly
2022-09-20  No. 4872  D'OH!
2022-09-21  No. 4873  Evil Jon
2022-09-22  No. 4874  gar
2022-09-23  No. 4875  Great Kindling
2022-09-24  No. 4876  Where's Elodie?
2022-09-25  No. 4877  Garfield Plus Mr. Krabs the Weatherman
2022-09-26  No. 4878  Fried Lag
2022-09-27  No. 4879  The Garfield Zone
2022-09-28  No. 4880  What's the protomatter with her
2022-09-29  No. 4881  Lasagna Time
2022-09-30  No. 4882  the world wide web
2022-10-01  No. 4883  Gar Fera
2022-10-02  No. 4884  Dialogue Swap: 02/02/02 and 06/06/06
2022-10-03  No. 4885  A very special party
2022-10-04  No. 4886  Garfield gets what he deserves.
2022-10-05  No. 4887  Adorkable Jon
2022-10-06  No. 4888  Gar-Googol
2022-10-07  No. 4889  A long wait for that pizza
2022-10-08  No. 4890  Linguistics With Liz: Indonesian 2
2022-10-09  No. 4891  Less Darker
2022-10-10  No. 4892  The Future is Now, Thanks to Science
2022-10-11  No. 4893  Upscalefield
2022-10-12  No. 4894  Gemfield
2022-10-13  No. 4895  Andrew Garfield 4: Cliff Robertson Edition
2022-10-14  No. 4896  I think the KOFY is a little strong...
2022-10-15  No. 4897  Going deeper into lack of effort
2022-10-16  No. 4898  nothing
2022-10-17  No. 4899  Mandatory Fun
2022-10-18  No. 4900  One-Sided
2022-10-19  No. 4901  Little Gemfield
2022-10-20  No. 4902  Glitch Trip
2022-10-21  No. 4903  Earth Angel
2022-10-22  No. 4904  Non-consensual Cosplay
2022-10-23  No. 4905  How To Post-Ruin Your Owner's Date
2022-10-24  No. 4906  Reverse Goofield
2022-10-25  No. 4907  Garfield + Armstrong
2022-10-26  No. 4908  Snarfield
2022-10-27  No. 4909  Accuratefield
2022-10-28  No. 4910  Odie's Mind 6
2022-10-29  No. 4911  Product Placement
2022-10-30  No. 4912  Garfield but words only get in the way
2022-10-31  No. 4913  Garfield Plus Made in China
2022-11-01  No. 4914  Art Shift Request
2022-11-02  No. 4915  Species Identification With Arlene
2022-11-03  No. 4916  Garfield Plus Oh No They're Onto Us
2022-11-04  No. 4917  Going Underground
2022-11-05  No. 4918  &field
2022-11-06  No. 4919  Mariofield Teaches Typing
2022-11-07  No. 4920  Extended Stripped Root of Minus Garfield
2022-11-08  No. 4921  Flex Contest
2022-11-09  No. 4922  i made this from boredom
2022-11-10  No. 4923  Tight on Money
2022-11-11  No. 4924  Garfield's Aardvark
2022-11-12  No. 4925  Garfield mobile: less aware than Garfield.com?
2022-11-13  No. 4926  Connect the Dots with Only Jon
2022-11-14  No. 4927  Garfield, You Scamp, You're Out Of Control Again
2022-11-15  No. 4928  Garfield Takes Catnip
2022-11-16  No. 4929  Smearfield
2022-11-17  No. 4930  Jon and Don
2022-11-18  No. 4931  Garf After People
2022-11-19  No. 4932  Garfieldball Z
2022-11-20  No. 4933  Garfield in 2053: Consume
2022-11-21  No. 4934  The g(arfield)-man
2022-11-22  No. 4935  Lovelyfield
2022-11-23  No. 4936  "My Leg!"
2022-11-24  No. 4937  Minus Root Of Square Garfield
2022-11-25  No. 4938  No 'Mo Nice Garfield: Funky Mode
2022-11-26  No. 4939  Tonight the role of Bob Chapek will be played by Jonathan Q. Arbuckle
2022-11-27  No. 4940  Garfield the world
2022-11-28  No. 4941  Garfield's Punishment
2022-11-29  No. 4942  GONE
2022-11-30  No. 4943  Garfield plus Twister
2022-12-01  No. 4944  Garfield plus overly accurate calendar
2022-12-02  No. 4945  Cat Destruction is Now Our Slogan
2022-12-03  No. 4946  A CLUE A CLUE!
2022-12-04  No. 4947  Fat Cat Pride
2022-12-05  No. 4948  Loremipsumfield
2022-12-06  No. 4949  BIGCOMIC2
2022-12-07  No. 4950  Dliefield
2022-12-08  No. 4951  By The Power Of A Rain Tornado!
2022-12-09  No. 4952  The Garfield Strip That Never Existed
2022-12-10  No. 4953  Of Mice and Murder
2022-12-11  No. 4954  A Fixed Surface
2022-12-12  No. 4955  Garfield Plus Subjective Ugliness
2022-12-13  No. 4956  I Candy
2022-12-14  No. 4957  Garfield Plus Aftermath
2022-12-15  No. 4958  Garfield Minus Jon's Club
2022-12-16  No. 4959  Place nuts in skinned tomatoes
2022-12-17  No. 4960  Garfield doesn't read with his eyes shut.
2022-12-18  No. 4961  Garfield the Fat Cat
2022-12-19  No. 4962  Wake Up, Cat Up, Cat Out There
2022-12-20  No. 4963  A Best Punchline
2022-12-21  No. 4964  Laxative-Laced Bran Muffins
2022-12-22  No. 4965  IDK what to call it, but I'm just gonna say it has a tennis ball in it.
2022-12-23  No. 4966  Suppenkasparfield
2022-12-24  No. 4967  Born in the Purple
2022-12-25  No. 4968  Spot the Difference with Garfield 15
2022-12-26  No. 4969  Holiday Censorfield
2022-12-27  No. 4970  The Garfield Show
2022-12-28  No. 4971  Garfield Minus Garfield Minus Sanity
2022-12-29  No. 4972  Kissfield
2022-12-30  No. 4973  Jon Yagami
2022-12-31  No. 4974  A New Year's Countdown But Without the Fun Part
2023-01-01  No. 4975  Garfield Numerosity 1
2023-01-02  No. 4976  The Lost Mind of Dr. Arbuckle
2023-01-03  No. 4977  Levitate an Orange
2023-01-04  No. 4978  I'm Gonna Miss Her
2023-01-05  No. 4979  The Pass
2023-01-06  No. 4980  Auchloclaustrophobia: The Fear of Closets
2023-01-07  No. 4981  Overchangefield
2023-01-08  No. 4982  Meta®-Garfield
2023-01-09  No. 4983  Andrew Garfield 5: J. K. Simmons Edition
2023-01-10  No. 4984  Burger
2023-01-11  No. 4985  How Garfield Gets Thrown Out of a Window But It's All Just a Dream
2023-01-12  No. 4986  Good Hot Coffee
2023-01-13  No. 4987  getting away
2023-01-14  No. 4988  Gucci scratching post
2023-01-15  No. 4989  Gardrian
2023-01-16  No. 4990  Connect the Dots Through Jon's Eyes but I connected the dots through Jon's eyes
2023-01-17  No. 4991  Hoo-ahfield
2023-01-18  No. 4992  Red Dahlia
2023-01-19  No. 4993  PNGfield
2023-01-20  No. 4994  Prattfield
2023-01-21  No. 4995  Over the Sea and Far Away
2023-01-22  No. 4996  My Last "Redraw" Submission, I Swear
2023-01-23  No. 4997  Garfvangelion
2023-01-24  No. 4998  Canine Affection
2023-01-25  No. 4999  Ascension
2023-01-26  No. 5000  We Didn't Write The Garfield
2023-01-27  No. 5001  Back to the first SRoMG strip
2023-01-28  No. 5002  Hollow Kitty
2023-01-29  No. 5003  Uranium-255field
2023-01-30  No. 5004  You said it, Jon
2023-01-31  No. 5005  Garfield Plus Diplopoda
2023-02-01  No. 5006  Linguistics with Mustard
2023-02-02  No. 5007  Garfield Numerosity 2
2023-02-03  No. 5008  agrgield ! farfield
2023-02-04  No. 5009  I win
2023-02-05  No. 5010  Jon As _________
2023-02-06  No. 5011  a cat by the name of Garfield, or as I'd tell it to you my lad, I would not have known him such a fat. . .
2023-02-07  No. 5012  Memespresso
2023-02-08  No. 5013  Alternate Universe
2023-02-09  No. 5014  Square Root of Minus Garfield Left Speechless
2023-02-10  No. 5015  Balloon!
2023-02-11  No. 5016  Existence precedes essence
2023-02-12  No. 5017  Set It To Reverse, Jon [featuring Snoopy from Peanuts]
2023-02-13  No. 5018  The Unkindest Cut
2023-02-14  No. 5019  Hank Minus Legs
2023-02-15  No. 5020  Garfield Over Pipe Times Chip & Dale
2023-02-16  No. 5021  Donut Wars - Nermal
2023-02-17  No. 5022  The calls are coming from inside the panel
2023-02-18  No. 5023  Square Root of Minus Dream Island
2023-02-19  No. 5024  Mario the Fun Talker
2023-02-20  No. 5025  I Spy With My Little Donut
2023-02-21  No. 5026  Watch Where You Toss That Thing!
2023-02-22  No. 5027  Garfield Minus Hypocrisy
2023-02-23  No. 5028  Garfield Plus Caffeine minus (caffeine * 2)
2023-02-24  No. 5029  Awkward Garfield
2023-02-25  No. 5030  Garfield Plus Negative Vocabulary
2023-02-26  No. 5031  Garfield (Really) Tries To Lose Weight
2023-02-27  No. 5032  A very boring strip
2023-02-28  No. 5033  Loquats with Liz
2023-03-01  No. 5034  Looks Like An Ins-eyed Job
2023-03-02  No. 5035  Two Short Films About Garfield
2023-03-03  No. 5036  Garfield Numerosity 3
2023-03-04  No. 5037  The End of Summer for Johnny boy
2023-03-05  No. 5038  Garfield Dies at the End
2023-03-06  No. 5039  g+1; or: Garfield shifted by one day
2023-03-07  No. 5040  Garfield to the Moon, by Airplane to the Rocket, by Taxi to the Airport, by Pet Door to the Taxi, by. . .
2023-03-08  No. 5041  百五十一
2023-03-09  No. 5042  perfection
2023-03-10  No. 5043  Commoner Horror Theater
2023-03-11  No. 5044  I Made June 19, 2022 Strip Different
2023-03-12  No. 5045  Garfield but I removed Garfield's dialogue
2023-03-13  No. 5046  Marifield
2023-03-14  No. 5047  A New Joke With Classic Garfield
2023-03-15  No. 5048  In Which Pooky Gets Banned From The Oscars
2023-03-16  No. 5049  Garfield Plus Calvin And Hobbes' Most Confusing Joke
2023-03-17  No. 5050  Garfield's Hot Take, Pt. 1
2023-03-18  No. 5051  Hot Dog!
2023-03-19  No. 5052  Odie.AVI
2023-03-20  No. 5053  An Even Smaller World
2023-03-21  No. 5054  A Man and his Dog...'s Tongue
2023-03-22  No. 5055  Two Shots of Minus Garfield
2023-03-23  No. 5056  GONE 2
2023-03-24  No. 5057  Uncool Cat
2023-03-25  No. 5058  The Assassination of Jon Arbuckle
2023-03-26  No. 5059  KEEK CRAWTCHSH.
2023-03-27  No. 5060  Spy x Garfield
2023-03-28  No. 5061  Cincinnatifield
2023-03-29  No. 5062  Garfield in 2022
2023-03-30  No. 5063  Liquify Room
2023-03-31  No. 5064  I Pity The April Fool
2023-04-01  No. 5065  The World's Funniest Punchline Swap
2023-04-02  No. 5066  Flagrant System Error
2023-04-03  No. 5067  Insanity
2023-04-04  No. 5068  Garfield Numerosity 4
2023-04-05  No. 5069  Garfield vs Nermal
2023-04-06  No. 5070  "Banzai" taken too literally in the Mushroom Kingdom
2023-04-07  No. 5071  Shrekfield
2023-04-08  No. 5072  Gapfield
2023-04-09  No. 5073  Linguistics with Liz, Garfield and Odie
2023-04-10  No. 5074  And On The Third Day, His Alibi Ran Out...
2023-04-11  No. 5075  3D Elevated Garfield
2023-04-12  No. 5076  Garfield Minus Sarcasm
2023-04-13  No. 5077  Nyperold's Toaster Repair and Teacup Color Maintenance Service
2023-04-14  No. 5078  The Toaster's Death Sentence
2023-04-15  No. 5079  Dis-Loaded Strips
2023-04-16  No. 5080  Garfield Plus Soundgarden
2023-04-17  No. 5081  Vincent Van Garf
2023-04-18  No. 5082  Garfield Orange Cannon
2023-04-19  No. 5083  Drowning Pool
2023-04-20  No. 5084  How Jon Arbuckle celebrates 420 (Warning: contains drug reference)
2023-04-21  No. 5085  Garf'in Alive
2023-04-22  No. 5086  Grafield in Haiku
2023-04-23  No. 5087  Liztrot
2023-04-24  No. 5088  Odie Ramone
2023-04-25  No. 5089  Le chat qui rit
2023-04-26  No. 5090  Sour Patch Jon
2023-04-27  No. 5091  he fixed it
2023-04-28  No. 5092  Button-Click-Induced Strip
2023-04-29  No. 5093  Special Edition Bronze-Embossed Strip
2023-04-30  No. 5094  The Super Gario Movie
2023-05-01  No. 5095  It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of Garfield
2023-05-02  No. 5096  I'm Standing Right Here
2023-05-03  No. 5097  Subterranean Homesick Garfield
2023-05-04  No. 5098  Garfield plus Memories
2023-05-05  No. 5099  Garfield Numerosity 5
2023-05-06  No. 5100  Garfield's Hot Take, Pt. 2
2023-05-07  No. 5101  Lovelyfield, Part 2
2023-05-08  No. 5102  Xorfield
2023-05-09  No. 5103  A boy and his Cheese Doodle
2023-05-10  No. 5104  Sharp Jon
2023-05-11  No. 5105  A Surprise Guest
2023-05-12  No. 5106  I coveted that lasagne, I suppose.
2023-05-13  No. 5107  No Money Mo Problems
2023-05-14  No. 5108  A Week In A Day #2
2023-05-15  No. 5109  Think
2023-05-16  No. 5110  Jond
2023-05-17  No. 5111  Another Internet Argument
2023-05-18  No. 5112  Lawrence Welkenstein
2023-05-19  No. 5113  Seminaphtharhodafluorescein
2023-05-20  No. 5114  Seinfield
2023-05-21  No. 5115  Gonefield
2023-05-22  No. 5116  Demetriusfield
2023-05-23  No. 5117  Garfield Plus Actual Magic
2023-05-24  No. 5118  Pigfield
2023-05-25  No. 5119  To the Pain
2023-05-26  No. 5120  Garfielding Speedrun
2023-05-27  No. 5121  Garfield's Horror Theater, Now With True Horror
2023-05-28  No. 5122  Crispy Seafood
2023-05-29  No. 5123  Territorial.iofield
2023-05-30  No. 5124  Garfield Plus TH12
2023-05-31  No. 5125  Reading
2023-06-01  No. 5126  High Effort
2023-06-02  No. 5127  No Comment
2023-06-03  No. 5128  themelondrop - Garfield ft. Anthony Fantano
2023-06-04  No. 5129  Garfield Saves The Kids
2023-06-05  No. 5130  G-a-r-f-i-e-l-d through the decades
2023-06-06  No. 5131  Garfield Numerosity 6
2023-06-07  No. 5132  Liz's Appointments
2023-06-08  No. 5133  Zalgo Garfield Minus Garfield
2023-06-09  No. 5134  Garfield but Chữ Nôm
2023-06-10  No. 5135  Millijonaire
2023-06-11  No. 5136  Neural Network Garfield
2023-06-12  No. 5137  Garfinsky
2023-06-13  No. 5138  And leave us nought but grief and pain for promised joy
2023-06-14  No. 5139  A Reiterating of a Clarification of a Retelling Retold and a Retold Retold Retold of a Retold Retold. . .
2023-06-15  No. 5140  Fat Cat
2023-06-16  No. 5141  He had it coming.
2023-06-17  No. 5142  Ear Wormy Pants
2023-06-18  No. 5143  Nostalgiafield: the pet who lost his home on the internet
2023-06-19  No. 5144  Signature Blues
2023-06-20  No. 5145  Garfield: His 1 Life
2023-06-21  No. 5146  Garfield's Hot Take, Pt. 3
2023-06-22  No. 5147  Senator Armfield
2023-06-23  No. 5148  Letter-averaged Garfield
2023-06-24  No. 5149  Garfield Minus Camera
2023-06-25  No. 5150  Just Look At That Gorgeous Girl-field
2023-06-26  No. 5151  Garfield Minus Garfield Plus Sansfield
2023-06-27  No. 5152  Doo Doo Doo Doo, It's All Right
2023-06-28  No. 5153  Garfield's Loveable Huggables
2023-06-29  No. 5154  When it's time to party we will always party hard
2023-06-30  No. 5155  Invisible Doughnuts
2023-07-01  No. 5156  Goodfield
2023-07-02  No. 5157  Dark Side of the Lasagne and Hobbes
2023-07-03  No. 5158  Spot the Difference For Real This Time
2023-07-04  No. 5159  Antifield
2023-07-05  No. 5160  "We're Bachelors, Baby" Redrawn
2023-07-06  No. 5161  Alliterate
2023-07-07  No. 5162  Garfield Numerosity 7
2023-07-08  No. 5163  It Takes a Lot to Laugh, It Takes a Train to Cry
2023-07-09  No. 5164  This One Will Leave a Bad Taste in Your Mouth
2023-07-10  No. 5165  Happy Little Vegemites
2023-07-11  No. 5166  Tuesday Morning
2023-07-12  No. 5167  (5 choose 3) words
2023-07-13  No. 5168  garehfold breaks the gates of reality and enters the 3rd dimension
2023-07-14  No. 5169  Lots of ideas. No good ones.
2023-07-15  No. 5170  More Backwards than Ever
2023-07-16  No. 5171  Hewgofield
2023-07-17  No. 5172  Garfield Plus Alice in Chains
2023-07-18  No. 5173  Jon Uncovered Minus Speech Bubble Minus Two Unnecessary Words
2023-07-19  No. 5174  A very small critique on Garfield Art
2023-07-20  No. 5175  It's never too late to love again
2023-07-21  No. 5176  Find Out What It Means To Me
2023-07-22  No. 5177  Jon Snaps
2023-07-23  No. 5178  Faces
2023-07-24  No. 5179  Garfield minus lawyer
2023-07-25  No. 5180  Recursionfield
2023-07-26  No. 5181  Dream Within a Dream
2023-07-27  No. 5182  Garfield Minus Floor
2023-07-28  No. 5183  Alternate Ending
2023-07-29  No. 5184  Garfield plus √-Garfield plus random images
2023-07-30  No. 5185  What Garfield probably wrote
2023-07-31  No. 5186  Spy x Garfield: Mission 2
2023-08-01  No. 5187  Grafield in Haiku
2023-08-02  No. 5188  Lucky there's a Family Garf
2023-08-03  No. 5189  Garfield Bugs Out
2023-08-04  No. 5190  MOUSECROSS 82-99
2023-08-05  No. 5191  X + Garfield
2023-08-06  No. 5192  The Carpface and Wheezer Show
2023-08-07  No. 5193  RIPee
2023-08-08  No. 5194  Garfield Numerosity 8
2023-08-09  No. 5195  Still Garf And Roll To Me
2023-08-10  No. 5196  Garf tools
2023-08-11  No. 5197  Garfield, Bear Eater
2023-08-12  No. 5198  It Ain't Much (of a Translation)
2023-08-13  No. 5199  Learning with Garfield
2023-08-14  No. 5200  AIfield
2023-08-15  No. 5201  The end of UK Garfield.
2023-08-16  No. 5202  Jonny Boy
2023-08-17  No. 5203  Lean
2023-08-18  No. 5204  Jon Tries to Cope Harder
2023-08-19  No. 5205  Don't eat moldy brownies, kids
2023-08-20  No. 5206  GA(rfield) Geijutsuka Art Design Class: Japanese Release Dates Edition
2023-08-21  No. 5207  Bethesdafield
2023-08-22  No. 5208  Pardon my linguistics
2023-08-23  No. 5209  A Rather Moot Point at This Juncture
2023-08-24  No. 5210  Seurfield
2023-08-25  No. 5211  Doing Nothing But Pondering The Orb
2023-08-26  No. 5212  AI Generated Garfield
2023-08-27  No. 5213  agAIn Generated Garfield
2023-08-28  No. 5214  A Garf Can't Be Cut
2023-08-29  No. 5215  Mandalafield
2023-08-30  No. 5216  Shadow Garfield
2023-08-31  No. 5217  Madlibsfield
2023-09-01  No. 5218  Hide and SeekField
2023-09-02  No. 5219  Disaster Days 2: Electric Boogaloo
2023-09-03  No. 5220  A Pebble's Worth of Free Advice
2023-09-04  No. 5221  Lyman's New Job
2023-09-05  No. 5222  How Garfield Should Have Started
2023-09-06  No. 5223  Warfield
2023-09-07  No. 5224  Garfield Average Garfield
2023-09-08  No. 5225  Not In My Town, Kid
2023-09-09  No. 5226  Garfield Numerosity 9
2023-09-10  No. 5227  Oat fish
2023-09-11  No. 5228  Odie's Least Favorite Dog Story
2023-09-12  No. 5229  Another Day in Johto
2023-09-13  No. 5230  Spy x Garfield 3
2023-09-14  No. 5231  Jon's Pipe Purchase
2023-09-15  No. 5232  Linguistics with Liz: Yiddish
2023-09-16  No. 5233  2023 Cats' Guild of America Strike
2023-09-17  No. 5234  Another Singular-Paneled Garfield
2023-09-18  No. 5235  Problem Solved
2023-09-19  No. 5236  Prime factors of minus Garfield
2023-09-20  No. 5237  Adorable animals
2023-09-21  No. 5238  garf comic 1.5
2023-09-22  No. 5239  Rubber Band
2023-09-23  No. 5240  Garfield Minus Jon Plus Carmelita Fox Minus Liz Plus Sly Cooper
2023-09-24  No. 5241  Gilbert Garfield
2023-09-25  No. 5242  The Remote is Probably More Mysterious than Jon
2023-09-26  No. 5243  Come Out, Do a Little Soft-Shoe, and Ad-Lib Something
2023-09-27  No. 5244  I'm A Turtle
2023-09-28  No. 5245  You're giving love instinctively
2023-09-29  No. 5246  Binging With Garfield
2023-09-30  No. 5247  Can We Scream A Little?
2023-10-01  No. 5248  Origarfield Angel
2023-10-02  No. 5249  Entropy.png
2023-10-03  No. 5250  Jonson Polfield
2023-10-04  No. 5251  Garfield VS Haters
2023-10-05  No. 5252  Sunday Every Day: Bernadette (or, Jon Plus Desperation)
2023-10-06  No. 5253  Linguistics With Mustard But Right To Left And In Ancient Languages
2023-10-07  No. 5254  A smidgen beyond
2023-10-08  No. 5255  Polka is Still Relevant, Dammit!
2023-10-09  No. 5256  Encyclopædia Frown
2023-10-10  No. 5257  Garfield Numerosity 10
2023-10-11  No. 5258  'Jon did WHAT?'
2023-10-12  No. 5259  Garfield Minus Any Kind of Save Functionality
2023-10-13  No. 5260  Retelling Garfield in 2054
2023-10-14  No. 5261  Death of the Author
2023-10-15  No. 5262  Garfield minus Jawbreakers plus Eddy
2023-10-16  No. 5263  Moving on
2023-10-17  No. 5264  BLAH!
2023-10-18  No. 5265  Garfield visits Blind Alley
2023-10-19  No. 5266  Toastbuckle
2023-10-20  No. 5267  He Doesn't Even Wear Glasses
2023-10-21  No. 5268  It is Saturday Night, Garfield.
2023-10-22  No. 5269  You Redeemed Yourself, Jon (featuring Snoopy from Peanuts)
2023-10-23  No. 5270  Legs
2023-10-24  No. 5271  Missing Two Fingers
2023-10-25  No. 5272  Shedcoatshed
2023-10-26  No. 5273  Garfield Plus Water Plus Shedding
2023-10-27  No. 5274  Shed Dread Minus the Rest of Garfield
2023-10-28  No. 5275  Garfield minus Pooky plus Pouka
2023-10-29  No. 5276  The Fallacy of Glass Houses
2023-10-30  No. 5277  ga feild
2023-10-31  No. 5278  An exquisite Halloween
2023-11-01  No. 5279  one hundred sixty-three tredecillion three hundred fifty-six duodecillion nine hundred...
2023-11-02  No. 5280  shirt
2023-11-03  No. 5281  Subtle Name Change
2023-11-04  No. 5282  The Really Real #1971
2023-11-05  No. 5283  G for Gendetta
2023-11-06  No. 5284  Garfield minus Garfield plus paranoia
2023-11-07  No. 5285  A Small Aesthetic Change For A Different Audience
2023-11-08  No. 5286  Entirely Original Idea
2023-11-09  No. 5287  Coupjons
2023-11-10  No. 5288  Don Jon
2023-11-11  No. 5289  Garfield Says Trans Rights
2023-11-12  No. 5290  Wrong Jon Silver's
2023-11-13  No. 5291  Big Brother Is Watching
2023-11-14  No. 5292  Cats do strange things
2023-11-15  No. 5293  Garfield in Haiku, 15th Anniversary Edition
2023-11-16  No. 5294  Party Like It's 2008-11-14!
2023-11-17  No. 5295  Unsundayified
2023-11-18  No. 5296  Dirt Cheap
2023-11-19  No. 5297  Gatefield
2023-11-20  No. 5298  What a Relief!
2023-11-21  No. 5299  June 19, 2014 strip but something happens
2023-11-22  No. 5300  Anatomy with Liz
2023-11-23  No. 5301  Gౡrfiⵥld
2023-11-24  No. 5302  Garfward Jonbles
2023-11-25  No. 5303  Lesbian Garfield
2023-11-26  No. 5304  A Mildly Obscure Reference, Done Rather Obtusely
2023-11-27  No. 5305  Square Root of Garfield Plus Artistic Talent
2023-11-28  No. 5306  Garfield minus Garfield plus Tom and Jerry
2023-11-29  No. 5307  Arsonist Garfield
2023-11-30  No. 5308  Ed's Krong Repair
2023-12-01  No. 5309  Garfield plus truly overly accurate calendar
2023-12-02  No. 5310  Garfield Large and In Barge
2023-12-03  No. 5311  Yellow, Yellow, Yellow...
2023-12-04  No. 5312  Garfield Plus Nostalgia
2023-12-05  No. 5313  Gooey Snowman
2023-12-06  No. 5314  Mona Lisa Smirk
2023-12-07  No. 5315  Jon's Christmas Card
2023-12-08  No. 5316  Ask an internet question...
2023-12-09  No. 5317  Containment Breach Log//2521//2023-12-09
2023-12-10  No. 5318  One flew over the lasagna's nest
2023-12-11  No. 5319  GF04F66.mp4
2023-12-12  No. 5320  Garfield in Living Color
2023-12-13  No. 5321  Odie loves Ben
2023-12-14  No. 5322  Moving in circles, won't you dilate
2023-12-15  No. 5323  Garfield Plus Restructure
2023-12-16  No. 5324  Gigafield
2023-12-17  No. 5325  the answer to #768
2023-12-18  No. 5326  Yaaaaaahhhhh
2023-12-19  No. 5327  Christmas
2023-12-20  No. 5328  AI Curio Garfield
2023-12-21  No. 5329  Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka?
2023-12-22  No. 5330  Garfield in The Land (Caer-Caveral)
2023-12-23  No. 5331  A Slightly More Subtle Edit
2023-12-24  No. 5332  A funny way to prepare for Santa
2023-12-25  No. 5333  Garfield Minus Glaring Error
2023-12-26  No. 5334  Garfield's Best Christmas Present
2023-12-27  No. 5335  A guilty pleasure of mine
2023-12-28  No. 5336  Hot pepper eating contest plus milk
2023-12-29  No. 5337  Footlong in Mouth
2023-12-30  No. 5338  Odie's Mind 7, kinda
2023-12-31  No. 5339  Garf Disney
2024-01-01  No. 5340  Spot the Difference with Garfield 16: New Year's Edition
2024-01-02  No. 5341  Making Garfield Slightly Weirder: Garfield the Dog Mechanic
2024-01-03  No. 5342  T-Balloon!
2024-01-04  No. 5343  Jon Minus Sentence Failure
2024-01-05  No. 5344  Show Don't Tell
2024-01-06  No. 5345  Underneath An Idea Moon
2024-01-07  No. 5346  Jon drops his cup
2024-01-08  No. 5347  One Word Garfield P1
2024-01-09  No. 5348  Even more confusing machine
2024-01-10  No. 5349  Newton's Cradlefield
2024-01-11  No. 5350  Thunderstorm
2024-01-12  No. 5351  Words!
2024-01-13  No. 5352  Rec(Garfield, Garfield)
2024-01-14  No. 5353  F to Pay Respects to Stinky
2024-01-15  No. 5354  Spider Abuse Extension
2024-01-16  No. 5355  Finger
2024-01-17  No. 5356  Guzmanfield
2024-01-18  No. 5357  Bullying Lingo
2024-01-19  No. 5358  Garf Runner
2024-01-20  No. 5359  Garf-Plank Galleon
2024-01-21  No. 5360  Garfield Plus A Very Highbrow Cerebral Joke
2024-01-22  No. 5361  cookie clicker
2024-01-23  No. 5362  Pooffield
2024-01-24  No. 5363  Armfield
2024-01-25  No. 5364  Message Machine o' Memories
2024-01-26  No. 5365  Impossible Love
2024-01-27  No. 5366  The Great Glass Elevator
2024-01-28  No. 5367  Polka Pains
2024-01-29  No. 5368  Alternate Sleeping Direction
2024-01-30  No. 5369  Jon Begs to Differ
2024-01-31  No. 5370  Garfate
2024-02-01  No. 5371  Johnny Cash(ew)
2024-02-02  No. 5372  Odie's Answer
2024-02-03  No. 5373  Thorfield Ragnorak
2024-02-04  No. 5374  Italy
2024-02-05  No. 5375  . . .
2024-02-06  No. 5376  Dark Side of Duolingo
2024-02-07  No. 5377  P5L: Persona 5 Lasagna
2024-02-08  No. 5378  "What a wonderful Garf", they'll cry / If you stand too close, you'll die
2024-02-09  No. 5379  The Odiessy, a Journey of Space and Time
2024-02-10  No. 5380  Odie Joins The PAW Patrol
2024-02-11  No. 5381  Garfield Joins The Pawpsicle
2024-02-12  No. 5382  Linguistics With Liz Confusion
2024-02-13  No. 5383  Donut Eat Pierre Instead
2024-02-14  No. 5384  Kissing And Thanking
2024-02-15  No. 5385  There's Always A Dull Moment
2024-02-16  No. 5386  But Yoshi was amused
2024-02-17  No. 5387  Pun Guy Redux
2024-02-18  No. 5388  sitelen ponafield
2024-02-19  No. 5389  Garfield is a Millennial
2024-02-20  No. 5390  Forward Thinking
2024-02-21  No. 5391  BREAKING: Local Italian Food Lover Has Pushed His Luck Too Far
2024-02-22  No. 5392  The Last Action Hero
2024-02-23  No. 5393  The Unauthorized Biography of Bucky Katt
2024-02-24  No. 5394  Who's At The Door?: Not TomSka
2024-02-25  No. 5395  Dog of Two Faces
2024-02-26  No. 5396  Simple Recontextualization 6: Word Order
2024-02-27  No. 5397  Garfield Plus an Actual Pepper that is an actual pepper
2024-02-28  No. 5398  . . .
2024-02-29  No. 5399  Color me Garfield
2024-03-01  No. 5400  Garfield Plus A Black Hole
2024-03-02  No. 5401  Jon the Pessimist
2024-03-03  No. 5402  Censorship
2024-03-04  No. 5403  The Garfocalypse, Or 'Jon Buys Significantly More Than 12 Items'
2024-03-05  No. 5404  Sure it is, Jon.
2024-03-06  No. 5405  The Apathy of Felinekind, Brought About by Injustice, Poverty, and General Dissatisfaction
2024-03-07  No. 5406  Eyeballfield 2
2024-03-08  No. 5407  Rudefield
2024-03-09  No. 5408  Garfield Goes to Willy's Chocolate Experience
2024-03-10  No. 5409  Garfield plus Monstar
2024-03-11  No. 5410  Garfield Minus Garfield: How It Begins
2024-03-12  No. 5411  Itsumono, Friendly!
2024-03-13  No. 5412  limmy comic
2024-03-14  No. 5413  Garfield with Adjectives Replaced With "Fat"
2024-03-15  No. 5414  Cosmic Metal Jon
2024-03-16  No. 5415  GA(rfield) Geijutsuka Art Design Class: English Release Dates Edition
2024-03-17  No. 5416  The Donut (Wars) of Shame
2024-03-18  No. 5417  Garfield Zone Act 1
2024-03-19  No. 5418  Garfield Underground
2024-03-20  No. 5419  if you're reading this, hi
2024-03-21  No. 5420  Rfield
2024-03-22  No. 5421  So, I Won't
2024-03-23  No. 5422  A Strip Down Memory Lane
2024-03-24  No. 5423  Mighty Kongfield
2024-03-25  No. 5424  Darkfield plus explosives (or Darkfield 3)
2024-03-26  No. 5425  Gettin' Nothin' but Garfield
2024-03-27  No. 5426  An Even Uglier Fish
2024-03-28  No. 5427  Garfield Plus Pie
2024-03-29  No. 5428  Kaomojifield
2024-03-30  No. 5429  The Darkest Garfield Story
2024-03-31  No. 5430  The Truth About Jon's Basement
2024-04-01  No. 5431  Linguistics with Prunse
2024-04-02  No. 5432  Jon Arbuckle, but with Removed Cheated Perspective
2024-04-03  No. 5433  When Jon Really Met Liz
2024-04-04  No. 5434  Doomfield
2024-04-05  No. 5435  Jon's Psychic Legacy
2024-04-06  No. 5436  Garf Room
2024-04-07  No. 5437  Garfield traced
2024-04-08  No. 5438  Garfield Plus Updated Astronomy
2024-04-09  No. 5439  Garfield Plus A Better Nightmare
2024-04-10  No. 5440  Confusing Garfield Dream
2024-04-11  No. 5441  Garmfeild
2024-04-12  No. 5442  Garf Help Lovin' That Man
2024-04-13  No. 5443  Dedenne Flowers
2024-04-14  No. 5444  Fry Makes a SRoMG Strip
2024-04-15  No. 5445  Garfield Minus Proper English
2024-04-16  No. 5446  It's Always Sunny in Garfield's House
2024-04-17  No. 5447  Problem Solver
2024-04-18  No. 5448  It's a Pillow, It's a Pet
2024-04-19  No. 5449  . . .
2024-04-20  No. 5450  Playing With Fire
2024-04-21  No. 5451  Garfield from around the world
2024-04-22  No. 5452  Jon Is Nonplussed
2024-04-23  No. 5453  Charliefield the Garficorn
2024-04-24  No. 5454  Garfield Suffers From Success
2024-04-25  No. 5455  Odie reverse function
2024-04-26  No. 5456  Sunday Every Day: Dead Spiders
2024-04-27  No. 5457  Sorry In Advance
2024-04-28  No. 5458  another darn comic
2024-04-29  No. 5459  Garfield plus U.S. Acres
2024-04-30  No. 5460  This One's A Cat
2024-05-01  No. 5461  Square Root of Minus Ourfield
2024-05-02  No. 5462  Expired, 2053 edition
2024-05-03  No. 5463  There Goes the Neighborhood
2024-05-04  No. 5464  The Bark Side
2024-05-05  No. 5465  Psychopathfield
2024-05-06  No. 5466  Fool's Lasagna
2024-05-07  No. 5467  Linguistics with Liz: Zhuang
2024-05-08  No. 5468  How Ol' Gnorm Met His Doom
2024-05-09  No. 5469  Second Garfield in Haiku
2024-05-10  No. 5470  "Without moving the fishbowls..."
2024-05-11  No. 5471  If that muffin tastes great, what does it matter if it's nutritious or whatever?
2024-05-12  No. 5472  Resurrecting a 20-year-old meme
2024-05-13  No. 5473  Garfield did what now?
2024-05-14  No. 5474  Empress Garblax
2024-05-15  No. 5475  The World's First SRoMG (and Igdoof's Return)
2024-05-16  No. 5476  Total Alphabeticalfield
2024-05-17  No. 5477  Skibidi Garfield
2024-05-18  No. 5478  Just Another Saturday Night
2024-05-19  No. 5479  Nyoom
2024-05-20  No. 5480  Arbuckle '08: Garfield's Nightmare
2024-05-21  No. 5481  Doomgarf
2024-05-22  No. 5482  Callback Cat
2024-05-23  No. 5483  Red Bullfield
2024-05-24  No. 5484  Service with Chris Pratt
2024-05-25  No. 5485  Fixfield
2024-05-26  No. 5486  Elo-dead
2024-05-27  No. 5487  Internet
2024-05-28  No. 5488  Splinxfield
2024-05-29  No. 5489  73 Garfs
2024-05-30  No. 5490  Garfield feat. Arlene (Circles Remix)
2024-05-31  No. 5491  Garfield wuz Here
2024-06-01  No. 5492  Garfield Plus Fake Diploma
2024-06-02  No. 5493  Garfield hates modern memes
2024-06-03  No. 5494  A Dream-Like Delicatcy
2024-06-04  No. 5495  Grossfield
2024-06-05  No. 5496  The Spooge
2024-06-06  No. 5497  Garfield plus awkward
2024-06-07  No. 5498  The Man and The Cat Express a Perpetual Disinterest in One Another
2024-06-08  No. 5499  The Garfield Is Down
2024-06-09  No. 5500  Beamenergyfield
2024-06-10  No. 5501  Oh Boy, A New Pie Strip!
2024-06-11  No. 5502  Fire the Colourist, Part 6
2024-06-12  No. 5503  Yorke
2024-06-13  No. 5504  2020 vision
2024-06-14  No. 5505  Garfield Pudding Garfield
2024-06-15  No. 5506  Go Fish
2024-06-16  No. 5507  Ulyssesfield
2024-06-17  No. 5508  Hungry Eyes
2024-06-18  No. 5509  Full-Panelled Garfield 2
2024-06-19  No. 5510  Consistency
2024-06-20  No. 5511  A Different Minefield
2024-06-21  No. 5512  Done
2024-06-22  No. 5513  Jon's motto
2024-06-23  No. 5514  Garfield in 2053 in 1995
2024-06-24  No. 5515  Please tilt the house
2024-06-25  No. 5516  Scraps Spared
2024-06-26  No. 5517  Origarfield Angel: Welcome to...
2024-06-27  No. 5518  Not *A* Dress, *The* Dress
2024-06-28  No. 5519  Lyman Flew Over the Lasagna's Nest
2024-06-29  No. 5520  Take It To The Limit One More Time
2024-06-30  No. 5521  Taking Laziness Further
2024-07-01  No. 5522  Variations On A Theme
2024-07-02  No. 5523  Freakyfield
2024-07-03  No. 5524  Jonathan Q. Arbuckle VS Orson The Pig
2024-07-04  No. 5525  Sit Down, Jon
2024-07-05  No. 5526  Maybe you shouldn't pick on someone who can learn Body Slam
2024-07-06  No. 5527  Condensed Sunday #1
2024-07-07  No. 5528  Azurafield
2024-07-08  No. 5529  Fluffy Cheese Cat.
2024-07-09  No. 5530  We're Gonna Clock Around the Donut Tonight!
2024-07-10  No. 5531  Look Liz, It's Liz
2024-07-11  No. 5532  Rainbow Garfield
2024-07-12  No. 5533  Garfield Minus Incriminating Evidence
2024-07-13  No. 5534  I firedd that guy after the fifth grade!
2024-07-14  No. 5535  Garfield Times Table
2024-07-15  No. 5536  Garfield Plus Meta
2024-07-16  No. 5537  Caughtfield
2024-07-17  No. 5538  Well, That's Awkward, Jon
2024-07-18  No. 5539  Garfield Gets Swatted
2024-07-19  No. 5540  Garfield's Color Theater
2024-07-20  No. 5541  UB40Field
2024-07-21  No. 5542  Garfield for the Modern Age (A Retrospective on the Cartoon Life of a Thinking Housecat): Act I
2024-07-22  No. 5543  The Elephant in the Graduation Room
2024-07-23  No. 5544  Mysterious Floating Spider
2024-07-24  No. 5545  Odie's List
2024-07-25  No. 5546  Garfield uses the Force in only 2 frames
2024-07-26  No. 5547  Felix as Garfield
2024-07-27  No. 5548  Japanfield v2.5
2024-07-28  No. 5549  SPAMTONfield
2024-07-29  No. 5550  Oversimplifield
2024-07-30  No. 5551  The Prospect of Commitment
2024-07-31  No. 5552  Ashfield
2024-08-01  No. 5553  Fnafield
2024-08-02  No. 5554  Milky Jon
2024-08-03  No. 5555  Garf Sale
2024-08-04  No. 5556  Garfield plus correct positioning
2024-08-05  No. 5557  Disappointingly Realistic
2024-08-06  No. 5558  Rugratsfield
2024-08-07  No. 5559  Moonrise
2024-08-08  No. 5560  Odie's Birthday, Part 1: 1995 to 1978
2024-08-09  No. 5561  Jonocracy Manifest
2024-08-10  No. 5562  CHOCOLATE!
2024-08-11  No. 5563  Once Upon a Lasagna
2024-08-12  No. 5564  Conformal Mapfield
2024-08-13  No. 5565  Cooking with Jon Arbuckle: Recipes that don't Fail
2024-08-14  No. 5566  Firey
2024-08-15  No. 5567  The Bootstrap Mouse
2024-08-16  No. 5568  Garfield Plus Evolutionary Psychological Science
2024-08-17  No. 5569  Awefield
2024-08-18  No. 5570  Your Opinion Doesn't Matter, Amongst the Many Hills to Die Upon
2024-08-19  No. 5571  Gareld
2024-08-20  No. 5572  Kellfield
2024-08-21  No. 5573  Is Cleveland a cutting word or a seasonal reference?
2024-08-22  No. 5574  Garfield Plus You-Have-No-Idea-How-Alone-You-Are-Garfield
2024-08-23  No. 5575  The Uneducated Jon Arbuckle
2024-08-24  No. 5576  Later Stage
2024-08-25  No. 5577  That Game Awards
2024-08-26  No. 5578  Unnecessary Special Format
2024-08-27  No. 5579  Who The Flip Nose
2024-08-28  No. 5580  Garfield grows a beard
2024-08-29  No. 5581  The Logical Conclusion
2024-08-30  No. 5582  \0 Ahead
2024-08-31  No. 5583  Garfield Plus Penultimate Beat Panel Remastered
2024-09-01  No. 5584  Spot the Difference with Garfield, Yet Again
2024-09-02  No. 5585  Another Perfectly Innocent Jon's Socks Strip
2024-09-03  No. 5586  Cymothoa exiguafield
2024-09-04  No. 5587  Rudefield: Bark and Hiss
2024-09-05  No. 5588  Careless
2024-09-06  No. 5589  Nap
2024-09-07  No. 5590  Linguistics with Liz: Hong Kong Fansub
2024-09-08  No. 5591  Hey GoComics, I've given you a corrected coloured strip
2024-09-09  No. 5592  2n Appetite
2024-09-10  No. 5593  Tainted Love (Cover) by Garfield feat. Jon
2024-09-11  No. 5594  Scatman Jon
2024-09-12  No. 5595  Scatman Jon Arbuckle
2024-09-13  No. 5596  Jon Dai
2024-09-14  No. 5597  Licorice Lazy Edit
2024-09-15  No. 5598  Ojamajofield
2024-09-16  No. 5599  That's his SPLUT helmet
2024-09-17  No. 5600  Purrfield
2024-09-18  No. 5601  Pedanticfield
2024-09-19  No. 5602  Lazy Fortune Cookie Edit
2024-09-20  No. 5603  The Tragic End of an Old Friend
2024-09-21  No. 5604  One Rude Butterfly
2024-09-22  No. 5605  Donk!
2024-09-23  No. 5606  Skyefield
2024-09-24  No. 5607  Corner
2024-09-25  No. 5608  Pooky Saw a Bad Movie
2024-09-26  No. 5609  Garf, Interrupted
2024-09-27  No. 5610  Garfield Minus Garfield, but Less Honest
2024-09-28  No. 5611  Magic Bed
2024-09-29  No. 5612  Garfield Plus an Even MORE Spicy Pepper: Live Action Remix
2024-09-30  No. 5613  Nermal through the fabric of space
2024-10-01  No. 5614  Understanding (Yoruba)
2024-10-02  No. 5615  Inflection Point
2024-10-03  No. 5616  Who's At The Door?: OH YEAH!
2024-10-04  No. 5617  How Would You Call South Asian Butter as New Zealand Butter but It's Actually South Asian Butter
2024-10-05  No. 5618  The Dark Side of the Carolina Reaper Looks Good In Red
2024-10-06  No. 5619  The Best Laid Schemes of Toast and Men
2024-10-07  No. 5620  Viridianfield
2024-10-08  No. 5621  There is no Sunday. There is just ice.
2024-10-09  No. 5622  Color Blockfield
2024-10-10  No. 5623  Visible Thoughts
2024-10-11  No. 5624  Choose Your Own Garfield Book 4: The Anti-Anti-Humour Equation!
2024-10-12  No. 5625  Sloth
2024-10-13  No. 5626  Dropped a Chair on Him!
2024-10-14  No. 5627  Fencefield
2024-10-15  No. 5628  Et Tu, Puyo Puyo Tetris?
2024-10-16  No. 5629  Average Recontextualization 1: It wasn't a dream
2024-10-17  No. 5630  Price Adjusted Garfield
2024-10-18  No. 5631  The Unresolved Fern Dilemma
2024-10-19  No. 5632  Pentagonal Cause of Negative Garmfield
2024-10-20  No. 5633  The Pipe of 87? Garfield - Part 5
2024-10-21  No. 5634  Shake well
2024-10-22  No. 5635  jon has done something horribly wrong and now the void got him
2024-10-23  No. 5636  Exceeding Up to Beyond Eleven Plus One More
2024-10-24  No. 5637  Lovelyfield, Part 3
2024-10-25  No. 5638  Everything would taste better
2024-10-26  No. 5639  Gen Zfield
2024-10-27  No. 5640  An actually original pudding pops strip
2024-10-28  No. 5641  Garfield minus Jon
2024-10-29  No. 5642  Spooky Fortnite Dance
2024-10-30  No. 5643  Ghost Monsters
2024-10-31  No. 5644  Garfield's Longevity Explained
2024-11-01  No. 5645  Frayed Fibers in Glass
2024-11-02  No. 5646  Classic Blunders
2024-11-03  No. 5647  Two-Downmanship
2024-11-04  No. 5648  Stringtrap
2024-11-05  No. 5649  Farfield
2024-11-06  No. 5650  SRB2field
2024-11-07  No. 5651  Garfield + Comic = love for cats
2024-11-08  No. 5652  Temperate
2024-11-09  No. 5653  Obvious Take That (Bayformers)
2024-11-10  No. 5654  Garfield versus Odie's Darker Abyss of a Soul
2024-11-11  No. 5655  3:16, Five Years Later, Three Years Later
2024-11-12  No. 5656  It's a small world after all
2024-11-13  No. 5657  Plastic Dog
2024-11-14  No. 5658  The Infinite Wisdom of Garfield... Or Seven Seasons' Worth, At Least
2024-11-15  No. 5659  Circle of Punchlines
2024-11-16  No. 5660  Testfield
2024-11-17  No. 5661  Krabfield
2024-11-18  No. 5662  soweli Kapi
2024-11-19  No. 5663  Orson Calling Garfield
2024-11-20  No. 5664  Garfield Madlibs
2024-11-21  No. 5665  . . .
2024-11-22  No. 5666  Where were you?
2024-11-23  No. 5667  Snoopyfield
2024-11-24  No. 5668  Ketchup Gets Up
2024-11-25  No. 5669  Garfield Ichinose's Slow Start
2024-11-26  No. 5670  Garfield Minus Punchine (or, Garfield à la Stinkoman)
2024-11-27  No. 5671  America's Pastime
2024-11-28  No. 5672  Jon's cooked, or, ol' lightning wit strikes again
2024-11-29  No. 5673  It's Since Been a Long Time Ago
2024-11-30  No. 5674  A Joke 17 Years in the Making
2024-12-01  No. 5675  Tree fiddy
2024-12-02  No. 5676  Gnawshers Have Eaten the Fabric of Reality
2024-12-03  No. 5677  Anxietybuckle
2024-12-04  No. 5678  Comedy minus time
2024-12-05  No. 5679  The World Revolves Around Garfield, better version
2024-12-06  No. 5680  Meta Mid-Point 2
2024-12-07  No. 5681  Garfield Plus Patience
2024-12-08  No. 5682  Jon's having a wonderful Christmas time
2024-12-09  No. 5683  Merry Seasons
2024-12-10  No. 5684  Garfield 2.0 – Special Origin Issue
2024-12-11  No. 5685  Middle of the Night: An Alternative Solution
2024-12-12  No. 5686  Consistency
2024-12-13  No. 5687  Garfield Landing on His Least Favorite TV Show
2024-12-14  No. 5688  Tale of a Baked Potato
2024-12-15  No. 5689  Piece of Pipes
2024-12-16  No. 5690  Prize Reversal
2024-12-17  No. 5691  Used to it
2024-12-18  No. 5692  Garfield minus Odie plus Yoshi
2024-12-19  No. 5693  That Game Awards 2
2024-12-20  No. 5694  And It's Mutual, Apparently
2024-12-21  No. 5695  An Even More OCD Christmas
2024-12-22  No. 5696  Christmas Eve 2023: Corrections
2024-12-23  No. 5697  Garfield Plus Aftermath: Christmas Card
2024-12-24  No. 5698  My True Jon Gave to Me...
2024-12-25  No. 5699  Garfield plus middle name
2024-12-26  No. 5700  Garfield explains why Jon is angry
2024-12-27  No. 5701  Garfield Immunise Garfield
2024-12-28  No. 5702  Ceeffo
2024-12-29  No. 5703  A Blow For Good Animation
2024-12-30  No. 5704  sromg submission
2024-12-31  No. 5705  Everything, Everywhere
2025-01-01  No. 5706  Galgranize
2025-01-02  No. 5707  Regular Chixie Adventure
2025-01-03  No. 5708  Voices in the Void
2025-01-04  No. 5709  Just One Snowball
2025-01-05  No. 5710  Jarrefield
2025-01-06  No. 5711  Garf of Fortune
2025-01-07  No. 5712  Death by Lawnmower
2025-01-08  No. 5713  Some hostile readings
2025-01-09  No. 5714  Ohio
2025-01-10  No. 5715  Praise the Dog
2025-01-11  No. 5716  Not *A* Lick, *The* Lick
2025-01-12  No. 5717  Garfic Phone
2025-01-13  No. 5718  Garfield does something unthinkable
2025-01-14  No. 5719  Jon's Temper: The Aftermath
2025-01-15  No. 5720  Garfield Montanas Garfield
2025-01-16  No. 5721  Love and Affection
2025-01-17  No. 5722  Garfield and Jon's thoughts on classic video games
2025-01-18  No. 5723  Garfield Odie, Jon Spot
2025-01-19  No. 5724  Screen Capture, Screen Captured, Screen Captured, Screen Captured, Screen Captured
2025-01-20  No. 5725  Touch Grass
2025-01-21  No. 5726  Antifield Minus Containment (For Real This Time)
2025-01-22  No. 5727  Well Past Atlantic City
2025-01-23  No. 5728  Get Down Off My Knees For Me
2025-01-24  No. 5729  Famous Last Words
2025-01-25  No. 5730  Menagerie
2025-01-26  No. 5731  The Pipe Strip but it's a crossover
2025-01-27  No. 5732  Gonna be a long night, it's gonna be all right
2025-01-28  No. 5733  Better than anyone I know.
2025-01-29  No. 5734  Yup
2025-01-30  No. 5735  Unprovoked
2025-01-31  No. 5736  Dakota
2025-02-01  No. 5737  Jio Buckle
2025-02-02  No. 5738  How it Feels Some Days (Show of Hands)
2025-02-03  No. 5739  Gapftflb - remorxed, relooted, resorted adn reseividete
2025-02-04  No. 5740 
2025-02-05  No. 5741  Garfield minus Pooky plus Pouka Plush
2025-02-06  No. 5742  SRoMG is banned in Russia
2025-02-07  No. 5743  Attempted Murderfield
2025-02-08  No. 5744  An actual happy ending
2025-02-09  No. 5745  The Real Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, I Think
2025-02-10  No. 5746  Linoleum!
2025-02-11  No. 5747  Floral Hug! -Garfield Mines Garfield 2-
2025-02-12  No. 5748  Garfield plus a laser
2025-02-13  No. 5749  Soup Rice Big Not
2025-02-14  No. 5750  Mesmerizing
2025-02-15  No. 5751  A Week in a Day #3: Literally 1984
2025-02-16  No. 5752  And you say the world goes rushing by, but it seems so slow to me
2025-02-17  No. 5753  Garfield as a Metaphor for the Atom Bomb
2025-02-18  No. 5754  Special Direction
2025-02-19  No. 5755  Garfield Minus Third Panel Text
2025-02-20  No. 5756  Gradientfield
2025-02-21  No. 5757  Jar of Parts