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Author Information

Reisen U. Inaba

Comics created: 3271 | 3315 | 3353 | 3385 | 3402 | 3456 | 3485 | 3508 | 3538 | 3574 | 3607 | 3634 | 3679 | 3711 | 3763 | 3793 | 3833 | 3860 | 3869 | 3913 | 3944 | 3975 | 4009 | 4051 | 4081 | 4115 | 4174 | 4186 | 4254 | 4308 | 4343 | 4391 | 4424 | 4447 | 4505 | 4556 | 4605 | 4641 | 4671 | 4713 | 4752 | 4812 | 4849 | 4891 | 4937 | 4981 | 5030 | 5086 | 5124 | 5173 | 5224 | 5284 | 5329 | 5370 | 5410 | 5459 | 5497 | 5536 | and 0 strips in the buffer.*

* This does not include strips submitted but yet to be entered into the database. It can take a week or more for strips to be entered into the buffer (or for Square Root of Minus Garfield, two or three months - yes the backlog is that big). Please don't e-mail us to ask why your "buffered strip" number hasn't increased unless a couple of weeks (months for SRoMG) have passed since you sent in a strip. Thanks.