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No. 5606: Skyefield

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5606

Strip by: Nikumubeki, Super Nerd

{Garfield stands on top of Jon in his bed, holding his other paw behind Jon's head}
Garfield: I'm tired of the same routine every day.
{Cut to Jon, Garfield and Odie exercising outside in the heat - Jon and Odie look uncomfortable and out of breath while Garfield is merrily sprinting ahead of them}
Garfield: Which is why I'm going to exercise day and night
{At the dinner table, Jon is bringing Garfield a plate containing a hamburger, french fries and a tall glass of ice cream with a cherry on top. Garfield is holding a leaf of kale in his other paw, and holds his other paw in the air as if to say "No, thank you" to Jon}
Garfield: And eat healthy for the rest of my life!!!!!
{Cut to Garfield in his bed at night, having woken up from his nightmare}
Garfield: WHOA!! What a nightmare!!!

The author writes:

It's almost as if Jim Davis/the Garfield staff made a tribute to Skye of their own!

[This comic is by Nikumubeki, but Super Nerd also submitted a similar strip:]

{Garfield gleefully wakes up to an alarm clock}
Garfield {to Jon in bed}: Wake up, Jon Arbuckle! We have running to do!
{Garfield runs enthusiastically with Jon and Garfield limping behind}
Garfield: Keep up, guys! Only five more miles!
{Garfield says no to a burger, fries, and milkshake}
Garfield: No thank you, Jon Arbuckle! I'll have just a sprig of kale!
{Garfield gives Pooky to Odie}
Garfield: You look lonely, Odie, old pal. Here, take Pooky.
{Garfield stands on a scale}
Scale: Congratulations! You've lost another ten pounds!
{Garfield wakes up}
Garfield: Woah!! What a nightmare!
Copyright text: Jim Davis 8ยท6 ft. Skye

Super Nerd writes:
The original comic's actually pretty good. It uses a variety of strip graphics and covers all of Garfield's characteristics. But I couldn't help but notice the similarities to Skye's SRoMG submission.

It's weird to think Skye's 19 now. I hope she's doing well.

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strip: 2014-08-03.

Original strip: 2023-08-06.