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No. 5539: Garfield Gets Swatted

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Garfield Gets Swatted

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5539

Strip by: Jason Tank

{Garfield is sitting at a computer, typing}
SFX: tic tic tic
Computer input: >ban katzsuck42069
Computer response: katzsuck42069 has been banned
{Garfield is now using the mouse}
Garfield: No racist spamming in my Twitch stream, thanks. Now, watch me get this victory royale!
{Garfield is startled by a loud noise behind him}
{Two police officers have entered the house, guns drawn}
Officer 1: POLICE!
Officer 2: Release the puppy hostages!

The author writes:

I read SRoMG #5298 and thought the joke would be Garfield getting swatted. Instead, it was a government surveillance joke. So I decided to turn it into the swatting I imagined, with Garfield as a boring, run-of-the-mill Fortnite streamer.

Original Garfield comic: Issue 6 (October 2012) published by Kaboom!.

Original strips: 2000-09-07, 2000-11-02.