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No. 5538: Well, That's Awkward, Jon

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Well, That's Awkward, Jon

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5538

Strip by: Linguanaut

Jon {agitated}: What am I going to do, Garfield? My Bobby McGee is visiting from New Orleans
Jon {vexed}: He thinks I live where I think it was
Garfield: "In between dental and regret" is more like it
Jon {defeated}: I don't know what he got my wife
Garfield {holding up an admonishing finger}: You told him you had a brother
{The backgrounds of the panels are a variety of garish colours, and filled with small flying geometric shapes}

The author writes:

I have nothing for this one; I saw SRoMG #5287, and my brain seized on the phrase 'New Orleans'. This is the result. What's the punch line supposed to be?

The punch line is a part of a comedic exchange, routine, or performance; I couldn't find the origins of the phrase, but after searching online, it appears that the earliest attested usages of the phrase to denote a humorous landing or quip date to around the 1920s. Thus, it's possible that it derives from the then-popular magazine Punch, which frequently derived its particular brand of humour from such one-liners being attached to caricatures and short articles - though of course there's no direct evid

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strip: 2023-11-09.

Original strip: 1984-11-20.