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No. 5519: Lyman Flew Over the Lasagna's Nest

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Lyman Flew Over the Lasagna's Nest

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5519

Strip by: SonicLover

{Jon is reading a newspaper. The front page features a photograph of Lyman}
Jon: Today inmates at the mental institution escaped using Italian food
Jon {seeing a photo of Lyman on the front page}: Is that Lyman?
Garfield: He was one of them

The author writes:

Yes, all I did was combine the first panel of #5318 with the last two panels of #1534. But the result speaks for itself.

(And for the sake of maintaining a pattern: the original strip is in book #60, Garfield Cleans His Plate.)

Original strip: 2013-04-02.