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No. 5518: Not *A* Dress, *The* Dress

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Not *A* Dress, *The* Dress

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5518

Strip by: Super Nerd

Jon: Whoa!
Jon: Garfield! Check it out!
Jon {wearing The Dress}: This dress is white and gold!
Garfield: It's not even under that stupid lighting

The author writes:

While browsing the archives, I came across a SRoMG strip with a very familiar dress.

There have been a few The Dress-related strips around already, but I wanted to make a strip based on the fact that The Dress was blue and black, and the color confusion really just came down to the way the photo was taken (for more info on "that stupid lighting", see this video by Captain Disillusion). Thus, Jon's remark seems to be caused by his house's lighting, his perception of color, and/or his general cloudcuckoolanderishness [try saying that 5 times fast].

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strip: 2022-01-05.

Original strips: 2010-08-25, 2021-07-27.