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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2012 - Team Statistics

Team name: Death From Above

This team has 4 members.

This team has registered with one or more non-Australian-resident or non-student members, and is thus ineligible for prizes.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D46    54
2A, 2B, 2C, 2D26    74
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D34    66
4A, 4B, 4C, 4D10    90
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D62    38
M1    99

Puzzles solved

1A. Follow the Leader5    2012-09-24 13:15:32
1D. Labyrinth5    2012-09-24 16:56:44
1C. The Question of Infinity5    2012-09-25 04:34:15
1B. Who Really Shot First?5    2012-09-27 08:40:27
2B. Joe Nobody5    2012-10-01 12:12:46
2C. Word Sets5    2012-10-01 18:01:40
2A. Relation5    2012-10-01 18:27:59
2D. Danger Looms5    2012-10-02 07:55:40
3B. Take Sides5    2012-10-03 01:01:40
3D. Pyramid Trap5    2012-10-03 08:09:32
4A. Take More Sides5    2012-10-03 13:10:01
3C. Shape Sorter4    2012-10-03 14:41:17
4B. Caverns5    2012-10-03 15:39:15
4C. Blaiseing Sun5    2012-10-03 23:14:13
4D. Fabrication5    2012-10-04 07:09:45
5B. Upper Class Rail5    2012-10-05 07:38:41
5D. Animals5    2012-10-05 07:59:10
3A. Scintillant Sparkler2    2012-10-05 12:10:30
5A. Grid Plan3    2012-10-06 12:34:05

Analytic Cubist
of Group 1

Hanoi Towerer
of Group 2

Labyrinth Runner
of Group 3

Knight's Tourist
of Group 4