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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2012 - Puzzle Statistics

4A. Take More Sides

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Teams who have solved:105
Total answer attempts:159
Value if solved now*:0 points

* Point value if solved when this page was loaded. The point value may have decreased since then.

Successful solutions

TeamPts  Attempts  Time
Killer Chicken Bones5  2  2012-10-03 12:13:35
The Crazy Uncle of Tamarkin We Ignore5  1  2012-10-03 12:26:10
HKMN5  1  2012-10-03 12:26:53
And That's The Way It Is5  2  2012-10-03 12:29:11
meddies5  2  2012-10-03 12:29:31
The Illegal Has Landed5  1  2012-10-03 12:30:05
Last Place5  2  2012-10-03 12:31:53
The Judean GNUs5  1  2012-10-03 12:31:54
Just-Us League5  1  2012-10-03 12:32:44
Team Plugh (pronounced plug)5  1  2012-10-03 12:34:13
Team Plugh (pronounced pluff)5  2  2012-10-03 12:35:26
crackerjacks5  1  2012-10-03 12:37:06
Muddlers5  3  2012-10-03 12:40:20
The Elite5  1  2012-10-03 12:55:18
8403 Team5  1  2012-10-03 12:56:18
Team Plugh (pronounced ploog)5  2  2012-10-03 12:57:11
XX-Rated5  1  2012-10-03 13:08:22
Death From Above5  1  2012-10-03 13:10:01
Wild Goldfish: Bowel Induced Inspiration5  1  2012-10-03 13:10:27
HMC Hammer5  2  2012-10-03 13:10:41
Unencrypted5  1  2012-10-03 13:18:46
The Suicidal Rodents5  1  2012-10-03 13:28:14
Professional Cake Eaters5  1  2012-10-03 13:29:01
We're Doomed5  1  2012-10-03 13:38:21
Thorpe Brothers5  1  2012-10-03 13:39:06
Misremembered Apple5  1  2012-10-03 13:44:29
A Kind of Person5  1  2012-10-03 13:51:53
Wedge Tail5  1  2012-10-03 13:55:43
Felonious Ferrets5  1  2012-10-03 13:56:14
Minamo5  1  2012-10-03 13:56:47
[pi]5  3  2012-10-03 14:09:18
17 Random Frosh5  1  2012-10-03 14:16:47
Scum of the Earth5  1  2012-10-03 14:19:55
quarks and gluons5  1  2012-10-03 14:25:37
Victorious Secret5  2  2012-10-03 14:47:02
Crimson Heroes5  1  2012-10-03 15:08:10
Caltech Puzzle Club5  3  2012-10-03 15:11:24
The Ideas Machine!5  1  2012-10-03 15:29:43
Newans5  1  2012-10-03 15:39:08
Compu-Hyper-Global-Mega-Net5  1  2012-10-03 15:42:51
Tweleve Pack5  1  2012-10-03 15:47:57
The PDE Monster5  1  2012-10-03 16:07:06
Puzzletome5  1  2012-10-03 16:30:10
Fo' Quizzle5  1  2012-10-03 16:52:30
Learnalilgivinanlovin5  4  2012-10-03 17:05:34
Don't Google the Question, Moss5  1  2012-10-03 17:14:47
Just Add Ice5  1  2012-10-03 17:27:36
UXN Puzzle Hunt team5  1  2012-10-03 18:07:55
www.puzzlebrains.com5  1  2012-10-03 18:48:01
Rach's Team :L (disqualified)5  2  2012-10-03 18:51:01
ManMaths Pertainingtopickcheeses5  2  2012-10-03 18:55:27
PuzzleBunny5  1  2012-10-03 19:23:25
Time Vultures5  1  2012-10-03 19:26:44
Fifty-nine degrees north5  1  2012-10-03 20:19:41
Scott & Louise5  1  2012-10-03 20:21:21
the inextricable windmills5  2  2012-10-03 20:38:09
AoPS5  1  2012-10-03 20:43:05
Animated Ammenate5  2  2012-10-03 21:11:49
3 baldies and Paul5  1  2012-10-03 22:11:31
FRANK5  2  2012-10-03 22:16:30
Team Kargach5  1  2012-10-03 22:20:26
Solving Cat is Solving5  1  2012-10-03 22:27:37
#mise5  3  2012-10-03 22:51:39
5 Blind Boys5  1  2012-10-04 03:48:19
Daffodil Rangers5  3  2012-10-04 06:47:05
Scenic Travelers5  1  2012-10-04 07:27:03
HRSFA5  1  2012-10-04 07:39:58
Undergrad Overgrad Puzzling Free5  7  2012-10-04 08:21:47
I Don't Know5  1  2012-10-04 09:49:41
Our Other Team Name Was Taken5  1  2012-10-04 09:52:51
gascogne5  1  2012-10-04 10:23:18
Amsterdam Action Theme5  1  2012-10-04 11:12:12
The Chronic Masticators5  2  2012-10-04 11:56:43
Fishtopia4  1  2012-10-04 13:03:58
Galactic Trendsetters4  1  2012-10-04 13:34:01
TheatrePlace4  1  2012-10-04 15:39:56
Where Did You Get The Milk?4  1  2012-10-04 16:26:13
Organized Chaos4  1  2012-10-04 17:14:12
yope4  1  2012-10-04 20:57:06
Electric Cheesecake4  3  2012-10-04 21:40:38
Die Trinkaffeesten4  5  2012-10-04 22:14:20
Kitty!4  2  2012-10-04 22:27:29
Puzun4  4  2012-10-04 22:29:35
The Pommies4  2  2012-10-04 23:43:08
Bugs4  1  2012-10-05 03:52:54
FLAT4  1  2012-10-05 05:20:50
JustBored4  1  2012-10-05 06:14:08
Insane Puzzle Posse3  1  2012-10-05 12:08:36
ook3  1  2012-10-05 12:44:23
Phillips3  1  2012-10-05 13:46:22
Plastic Expletives3  1  2012-10-05 14:41:05
The George Shouse Experience3  6  2012-10-05 16:55:17
LoneMuddler3  1  2012-10-05 17:23:38
Latecomers3  1  2012-10-05 18:55:29
snap3  1  2012-10-05 20:08:05
The Americans Who Can't Solve Puzzles3  1  2012-10-06 00:47:25
P3t free tree3  1  2012-10-06 04:01:21
Sports Racers2  1  2012-10-06 13:08:22
Banjo Lab2  1  2012-10-06 18:44:07
Mojo872  2  2012-10-06 19:45:09
Anemonas2  1  2012-10-06 21:46:19
Pandje2  5  2012-10-06 21:50:20
Maths Past Ten2  1  2012-10-07 09:17:23
I should be doing my thesis2  1  2012-10-07 12:17:07
ThamesValleyTerror2  1  2012-10-08 02:19:06