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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2012 - Puzzle Statistics

3A. Scintillant Sparkler

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Teams who have solved:18
Total answer attempts:834
Value if solved now*:0 points

* Point value if solved when this page was loaded. The point value may have decreased since then.

Successful solutions

TeamPts  Attempts  Time
Puzzletome5  31  2012-10-03 09:25:51
The Judean GNUs5  22  2012-10-03 10:06:10
Killer Chicken Bones5  20  2012-10-03 11:33:18
Felonious Ferrets4  24  2012-10-04 10:34:20
Misremembered Apple3  26  2012-10-05 05:31:28
Death From Above2  29  2012-10-05 12:10:30
Team Plugh (pronounced ploog)2  35  2012-10-05 12:23:50
Last Place2  5  2012-10-05 12:25:10
Thorpe Brothers2  10  2012-10-05 15:08:11
Professional Cake Eaters2  2  2012-10-05 17:47:10
Unencrypted2  1  2012-10-05 18:21:22
quarks and gluons2  77  2012-10-06 08:05:12
5 Blind Boys2  6  2012-10-06 09:26:05
Muddlers2  24  2012-10-06 09:30:17
Fo' Quizzle2  11  2012-10-06 15:39:10
crackerjacks2  33  2012-10-06 15:45:57
Team Plugh (pronounced pluff)2  16  2012-10-06 15:53:38
HMC Hammer2  14  2012-10-06 16:34:06