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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2010 - Team Statistics

Team name: Fo' Quizzle

  • University of Sydney
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of Adelaide

This team has 4 members.

This team has registered as an Australian-resident student team, and is thus eligible for prizes, pending confirmation.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D13    87
2A, 2B, 2C, 2D5    95
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D7    93
4A, 4B, 4C, 4D32    68
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D25    75

Puzzles solved

1A. The Third Down Below5    2010-04-28 16:32:09
1B. Casino5    2010-04-29 09:01:28
1C. Calculated5    2010-04-29 18:14:17
1D. Latin Pipes5    2010-04-29 22:04:29
2B. All That Jazz5    2010-05-17 12:48:53
2D. The Lay of the Stars5    2010-05-17 15:48:06
2A. Gift Box5    2010-05-17 20:36:32
2C. Dominoes5    2010-05-17 22:30:56
3A. Simple Instructions5    2010-05-18 12:49:52
3B. Reports5    2010-05-18 15:34:47
3C. Don't Fret5    2010-05-18 18:44:09
3D. Art5    2010-05-19 09:22:46
4C. Blockhead5    2010-05-19 12:29:38
4A. Martial Law5    2010-05-19 12:50:27
5B. Blocks5    2010-05-20 23:45:47
5C. Perception5    2010-05-21 00:22:41
4D. The Missing Monkey3    2010-05-21 15:41:07
4B. Chebble3    2010-05-21 16:26:35
5A. Identikit4    2010-05-21 17:31:56
5D. 3d5    2010-05-22 12:23:11

Analytic Cubist
of Group 1

Hanoi Towerer
of Group 2

Labyrinth Runner
of Group 3

Knight's Tourist
of Group 4

Tangram Anagrammer
of Group 5