CISRA Puzzle Competition 2008 - Team Statistics

This is the archive of the 2008 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition.

Team name: Panda Pair

  • Smith's Hill High School
  • Australian National University

This team has 2 members.

This team has registered as an Australian-resident student team, and is thus eligible for prizes, pending confirmation.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
A.1, B.1, C.1, D.110    90
A.2, B.2, C.2, D.29    91
A.3, B.3, C.3, D.32    98
A.4, B.4, C.4, D.42    98
A.5, B.5, C.5, D.53    97

Puzzles solved

D.1 Smilies5    2008-03-13 00:01:55
B.1 Boneyard5    2008-03-13 00:03:45
A.1 Wordoku5    2008-04-19 13:25:41
C.1 Tourist2    2008-05-01 20:56:36
C.5 Cognition5    2008-05-02 00:05:06
D.3 Stressed Out3    2008-05-02 01:09:39
B.3 Flowchart2    2008-05-02 23:00:39
A.5 Lexifabricography2    2008-05-04 20:43:36
A.4 Maze2    2008-05-04 21:10:51
D.5 Schrödinger's Wolves2    2008-05-04 22:48:39

Combat Veteran of
The Savage Intercranial Battles
of Group 1