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No. 944: Scuttlebutt of the Joke

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Scuttlebutt of the Joke

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/owls/?comic=944

Strip by: Ilmo, Kaiju

{scene: a water cooler}
Ambrose: I'm reading a New novel, The Ace of Diamonds. It focuses on a jewel thief who, however, only targets other criminals.
Ambrose: However, he has a peculiar little habit. Before every fight, him and his opponents both place money on the side of the battlefield, which the winner takes.
Samantha: Ah. So he's an ante-hero.

The author writes:

Script by Ilmo, pics by Kaiju. (Kaiju also built the water cooler - it's a really cool model.)

This one was inspired by the IWC Shakespeare theme, in which the characters occasionally chat at the water cooler, often about works of fiction.

Also, as of this strip, every character of LMoO has appeared in my comics!

(And, if you don't know what a scuttlebutt is, DMM certainly does.)