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No. 943: Delkin's Novel

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Delkin's Novel

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/owls/?comic=943

Strip by: Buster Maruca

Meridien: Hi, Delkin.
Delkin: Hey, Meri.
Meridien: What have you been up to lately?
Delkin: Well, I’ve started writing a novel.
Meridien: Really? I didn’t know that you had any literary inclinations. What’s it about?
Delkin: It’s a traditional fantasy epic of myth and magic, but all the characters are sapient forest critters.
Meridien: Fascinating. And who are the characters?
Delkin: The main characters are a band of adventurers. There’s an owl who’s a weather mage, of course.
Meridien: Of course.
Delkin: And there’s a fierce hedgehog warrior, a sneaky squirrel scoundrel, and a mole.
Meridien: Oh? And what can the mole do?
Delkin: He’s a pious priest of the local forest gods.
Meridien: Holy moley!

The author writes:

As you can see, I've once again flagrantly disregarded the "no lightning, no owls" guideline.

Also, while writing the script for this strip, I looked up the spelling of Meridien's punchline just to make sure that I had it right. Merriam-Webster's online dictionary states that it's spelt holy moly (with no "e"), whilst Wiktionary has the phrase's main definition at holy moley (with an "e") — while holy moly (with no "e") is merely an alternative spelling redirect. I decided to go with holy moley (with an "e"), as that's the spelling that I'm most familiar with, and it works better with the mole pun.