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No. 836: "Sorry about that" my eye

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=836

Strip by: Manny

Archie: All right, it's YTP time!
{The words "This video has been copyright striked" appear over the thumbnail for "The SpingeBill Collection"}
Text below the notice: GET BENT
Jughead: {holding up a yellow keep case labeled "The SpingeBill Collection"} Thank goodness I've got a backup!
{Enter two agents slamming down the door"
{One of the agents snatches the backup from a shocked Jughead}
Agent: Backup claimed! Our company's skin is safe once again...

The author writes:

They're coming for Square Root of Minus Garfield next.

Original Bite-Size Archie strip: 2024-05-05.