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No. 835: Bull nonsense

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Bull nonsense

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=835

Strip by: DooMps

{The title card features the 1988-12-11 card with Homestar Runner front and centre}
Homestar: What’s the jowke?
{Orson and the gang are sitting on a field}
Orson: Hey! I have an idea!
Booker: Oh boy
Lanolin: Uh-oh
Roy: This oughta be good
Orson: The name of the game is “follow the leader”. Just do what I do
{Orson and gang start running}
Orson: Now we run
{They’re now running faster}
Orson: YEAHH!!!
{Orson and gang have been replaced by bulls}

The author writes:

What happened to Orson and gang? Did they turn into bulls? WERE THEY DISGUISED AS BULLS? WERE THEY BULLS THE WHOLE TIME? DID THE EVENTS OF LOSS NOT HAPPEN BECAUSE OF THIS???? Or they were just run over by bulls, most likely that last one.

Original U.S. Acres/Orson's Farm/Orson's Place (man, they have so many names for this strip around the world) strips: 1988-11-13, 1988-12-11, 1989-02-19 (via the Garfield Wiki).
Original Garfield strip: 1984-08-12.