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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5759
Strip by: Rusty Ralston
{A stick figure is talking on the phone. Next to him is a cat in the shape of a graph}
Jon: Hi, Liz? Yeah, uh, I accidentally took the Fourier Transform of my cat...
Garfield: Feed me.
The author writes:
I don't think anybody else has done this yet. Maybe there's a strip in the Buffer that has this, I don't know, either way, I had the idea so, why not? It's not like SRoMG, or Garfield itself hasn't reused jokes before. Anyway, was doing the fool's errand of binging all of xkcd (I...gave up at 62. My brain hurty.) and figured a little tinkering of this one would make this strip feel right at home on SRoMG. Especially after I read the "Explain xkcd" wiki's entry about it, which mentioned that it could be a take off of Garfield. I was also trying to look up what a "Fourier transform" was, and the answer was clear as mud to my C- average math grade brain. (Ironic, considering both my parents are civil engineers, and my sister is going to study mechanical engineering next year at UTK.) So, I had to take this simpler explanation from the Parallax Forums:
"A Fourier Transform is a method of detecting what frequencies are present in a sampled waveform."
Which cleared it up immensely... kind of. My brain is weird, I can picture perfect visualizations of characters and stories in my head when reading a fiction book, but I absolutely cannot figure out something like this without having a visual aid. Is there a word for that?
Oh, and one more thing, I would like to officially disown strip #5572: Kellfield, and since I'm lazy and tired, I will just let an edited version of my post on the Irregular Webcomic! forum speak for itself:
It was made on December 22, 2023, when I was pretty tipsy from a Christmas/birthday party I had (my birthday's actually on December 17, incidentally), and I think the joke here was that it made no sense. It was pure drunk dadaism! Of course, nearly anything you say or do when tipsy/drunk will be completely cringe-worthy, and this is no exception. Why would Lindesfarne hit on Garfield? Especially since the K&K strips I pulled had her go to space as some sort of Senior High School project, I think. However, I do understand why Garfield would reject her advances, he's already got Arlene! Although, I can probably attest, Lindesfarne would probably think space suits are sexy... or maybe it's just me projecting? Also, yes, I now know how to pronounce her name, thank you very much! It's LIN-des-farne, incidentally. Hey, it's hard to figure out certian words when you're dyslexic, and doubly hard when you're tipsy!Now, I will say that I actually do have a personal deep love of spacesuits (beyond-anything gutter related!), and I've always had since I was a kid. I know people who build spacesuits, and you do not want to know what I would do to spend a day in Adam Savage's workshop or ILC Dover. That'd be like going to the Wonka Factory for me. But, that's no excuse for this comic being so terrible, and I hereby 100% disown that comic.
Thank you for understanding, and yes I did read some more of Kevin and Kell. I found it to be pretty depressing. Just like my brain was when trying to figure out what a Fourier Transform is!
Original xkcd strip: 2006-01-01.
Original strip: 1978-06-19.