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No. 5609: Garf, Interrupted

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Garf, Interrupted

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5609

Strip by: Garlene1987

{AU Bay Area Garfield is contently sitting in the chair watching a brand new episode of his own show on October 8th, 1994)
Penelope {on TV, singing}: With a boyfriend who’s truly courageous / And able to pass any test / And if-
{Garfield's eyes then go wide as the cartoon is cut off}
Announcer {on TV}: This is a CBS News Special Report
{Garfield sits up in rage}
Garfield: How dare they break into my favorite TV show for a special report!
{Garfield hops down from the chair, angrily waving a finger in the air}
Garfield: I'm calling the station to give them a piece of my mind!
{Garfield dials on a rather large rotary telephone}
Garfield: Boy, am I hot!
{Garfield holds the receiver up to his face with both front paws as he is a cat and that is a rather large phone}
Receptionist {on phone}: K-P-I-X, hello?
Garfield: MEOW!
Receptionist: Is this some sort of joke, hello?
{Garfield hangs up off-panel and slumps down on the seriously large phone I mean really look at how big he is in the chair and then look at him compared to the phone... where was I? Oh yeah, Garfield slumps down on the phone, humiliated}
Garfield: Boy, do I feel dumb

The author writes:

Based on a true incident captured on VHS where, on the West Coast anyway, the original broadcast of the Garfield & Friends segment "The Guy of Her Dreams" was interrupted by a CBS News Special Report on the start of Operation Vigilant Warrior, confusing and infuriating every child watching, made worse by the fact that said episode was not syndicated so they would have to wait for the DVDs to come out 11 years later to see the full cartoon. Garfield, of course, would take it personally, having willingly endured Penelope's singing just to watch himself.

Original strips: 1980-04-06, 1985-06-30.