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No. 5542: Garfield for the Modern Age (A Retrospective on the Cartoon Life of a Thinking Housecat): Act I

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Garfield for the Modern Age (A Retrospective on the Cartoon Life of a Thinking Housecat): Act I

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5542

Strip by: Wibi

Jon {a looming ominous threat known only by his voice}: GARFIELD!
{Jon comes into view; he is a man with comically exaggerated proportions}
Jon: Did you eat my licorice?
{Garfield does not respond}
{Garfield does not respond}
{Jon turns around and leaves}
{Garfield sits in place}
{Garfield sits in place}
{Garfield sits in place}
Garfield: Who are you

The author writes:

For those unfamiliar, Garfield is a daily comic strip that started in June 1978 and, at time of writing (January 2023), is still ongoing to this very day. Wow!

Original Square Root of Minus Garfield strip: 2022-12-13.

Original strip: 1992-04-17.