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No. 5502: Fire the Colourist, Part 6

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Fire the Colourist, Part 6

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5502

Strip by: Nyperold, Charles Montpetit

Garfield {handing Jon a bottle of ketchup}: We're out of ketchup
Jon {looking into the empty bottle}: How did that happen?
Garfield {eating a giant hamburger oozing with melted cheese}: I have no idea
Garfield {handing Jon a bottle of ketchup}: We're out of ketchup
Jon {looking into the empty bottle}: How did that happen?
Garfield {eating a giant hamburger oozing with ketchup}: I have no idea

The author writes:

This is yet another installment in the "Fix the colour" series. In this instance, the colourist had originally decided that the giant hamburger was a cheeseburger, with no trace of ketchup in sight—leaving readers to wonder why Garfield had so artfully hidden his condiment consumption, only to rat himself out by handing the empty bottle to Jon.

[The strip image and annotation above are by Charles Montpetit; Nyperold's similar submission, titled "No Matter How They Mustard Their Strength, They Just Couldn't Ketchup", consisted of the corrected strip only, and had the below transcript, with no annotation. -Ed]

{Garfield approaches Jon, carrying a bottle}
Garfield: We're out of ketchup.
{Jon closes one eye and tilts the bottle's open end toward it}
Jon: How did that happen?
{Garfield is holding and eating a hamburger that's a few times his size, with the patty slathered in ketchup. The plate's diameter is slightly greater than the hamburger's radius, but not by enough}
Garfield: I have no idea

[The version of the strip linked in the archive below is already corrected, but the original can be seen here.]

Original strip: 1995-08-26.