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No. 5489: 73 Garfs

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73 Garfs

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5489

Strip by: Manyhills

{Liz is inside the house. Garfield, with an out-of-focus face, is standing some distance in front of Liz}
Jon {off-panel}: That'll be the pizza
Liz: I'll get it
{Liz has opened the door and is holding the pizza, but the pizza delivery person is out of sight. Garfield remains at a constant distance ahead of her, still out-of-focus}
Liz: Wait! I haven't paid you!
Pizza delivery person {off-panel}: ASK HIM!
{Liz glares at Garfield}
Liz: I'm assuming this has something to do with you
Garfield: (eerie whispering)

The author writes:

The Doctor Who strips will continue until morale improves.

Original strip: 2008-01-02.