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No. 5338: Odie's Mind 7, kinda

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Odie's Mind 7, kinda

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/garfield/?comic=5338

Strip by: Puppo

Garfield {reading a letter}: "Dear Ask a Dog, if you were a millionaire, what would you do?"
Odie: Drink from a toilet
Odie: A platinum toilet, with gold filagree and diamond inlay

The author writes:

I've always wondered why Odie is unable to communicate by thinking and has to be translated by Garfield. Although this edit doesn't give any new insights into the way Odie thinks, like previous "Odie's Mind" entries, it still allows him to be the one answering the questions. (He still can't read, though.)

Original strip: 2022-07-27.