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No. 850: Death? Be not proud

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Death? Be not proud

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=850

Strip by: manyhills

T. Rex: Lots of tragedies feature people dying.
T. Rex: Isn't that cheating?
T. Rex: Death is inherently sad. It hardly takes skill to make me cry at remembering my own mortality.
Dromiceiomimus: Or others'?
T. Rex: Or others', I guess.
Utahraptor: So what, you want... comedies about people dying?
T. Rex: No! I want tragedies about people getting what they want and living long, fulfilling lives. Making THAT tragic... Now that's skill.
Utahraptor: What if it just happens to someone you don't like?
T. Rex {with tears streaming from his eyes}: *ugly sobbing*

The author writes:

Imagine how much sadder Romeo and Juliet would be if they lived.