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No. 848: A day is concluded but the fooling is irreversible

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A day is concluded but the fooling is irreversible

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=848

Strip by: manyhills

T. Rex: Today is... APRIL FOOLS' DAY!
Title: Japes and Jocularity with T. Rex
Dromiceiomimus: Are you going to perform some hilarious pranks today, T. Rex?
T. Rex: I was thinking I'll probably just lie about stuff.
Utahraptor: But once 1st April is over, your mendacity is preserved!
Utahraptor: The misinformation remains online, without the temporal context by which to interpret it!
T. Rex: Hmm. There's only one solution...
T. Rex: ...Time to start lying ALL YEAR!

The author writes:

I wrote this on April Fools' Day trying to think of a comic that it would make sense to write on April Fools' Day to go up a couple of days after April Fools' Day. Maybe I succeeded; maybe I am the fool.