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No. 747: He drives a Tesla, because the fuel isn't made of dead dinosaurs

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He drives a Tesla, because the fuel isn't made of dead dinosaurs

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=747

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar

T-Rex: A guy tried to tailgate me into the office car park this morning.
T-Rex: No way, dude!
T-Rex: I stopped right after the boom gate to make sure he couldn't get in.
Utahraptor: Nice work, T-Rex!
Utahraptor: Allowing him in would have led inevitably to the total breakdown of civil order and the descent into anarchy.
T-Rex: ... and that's how the Roman Empire fell.

The author writes:

Inspired by an actual attempted tailgating incident when I drove to work this morning (the day I wrote this).

A guy was sitting in a car in front of the boom gate, unable to get through. When he saw me approach in my car, he backed out to let me in. I swiped my security card and the gate opened and I drove through... and he raced to slot in behind me and through the gate before it closed. But given I had no idea who he was, I stopped my car until the gate closed again between us, leaving him outside.

Sure, he may have had a legitimate reason to be there, but I'm not going to be responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire if he didn't.