That's What I Call Spiced Ham: Volume One

The webcomic that uses the proleptic Gregorian calendar.

Welcome to the mezzacotta Café
Wine List
Lazy Farm Breidecker, 1998 (Languedoc-Roussillon, France). A French botrytis wine, with compact undertones of violets, toast, and prune and tightly knit with citrus and vibrant sawdust, coarse ripeness and reflective ripeness
Bishop Reef Viognier, 1986 (Central Otago, New Zealand). An amusingly concentrated retsina, vibrant yellow-white in colour, with a core of bergamot and hazelnut, savoury scent and residual, closed weight
Granite Balthazar Meander Traminer Riesling, 2003 (Sonoma Valley, California). A wild vin mousseux, glowing lemon in colour, with a whiff of coconut, alluring rhubarb, and gooseberry and tart palate
Lumpy Entrance Malbec, 1993 (Setúbal Peninsula, Portugal). A somewhat robust vin nouveaux, magenta in colour, with the odour of smooth lemon sherbet, foxy blackberry, and fully old toast, prepostorously creamy elegance, seductive nose and imposing, subtle tannin
Large Hovel Viognier, 2019 (Crete, Greece). A honestly harmonious dessert wine, crystal umber in colour, causing one to think of nuts and creamy cocoa, firm ripeness and prickly, earthy flavour