CISRA Puzzle Competition 2008 - Team Statistics

This is the archive of the 2008 Puzzle Competition. Please visit the current competition site for information about the latest Puzzle Competition.

Team name: Puzun

This team has 1 member.

This team has registered with one or more non-Australian-resident or non-student members, and is thus ineligible for prizes.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
A.1, B.1, C.1, D.134    66
A.2, B.2, C.2, D.25    95
A.3, B.3, C.3, D.33    97
A.4, B.4, C.4, D.413    87
A.5, B.5, C.5, D.50    100

Puzzles solved

D.1 Smilies5    2008-03-06 22:21:04
B.1 Boneyard5    2008-03-06 22:54:04
A.1 Wordoku5    2008-03-06 23:09:57
A.2 Gridlook5    2008-04-29 08:19:22
B.2 Rationalist Way4    2008-04-30 01:35:52
C.2 Cranial Anatomy2    2008-05-02 21:37:13
B.3 Flowchart2    2008-05-02 21:53:56
A.4 Maze2    2008-05-03 19:33:20