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No. 69: There once was a leak in the hab...

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There once was a leak in the hab...

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/pomh/?comic=69

Strip by: Ian Boreham

{Mark Watney is lying damaged in the Martian dirt.}

The rest of the Ares 3 crew
Saw him die, took the "MAV", and shot through
He got back to the hab
And he stitched up the stab
And then grew some potatoes in poo

{Mark Watney is loading the rover.}

This Martian, a pirate from Earth
Had to science for all he was worth
He trekked in his rover
(Which one time rolled over)
And he gave Martian dust storms wide berth

{The Hermes spacecraft has blown off a hatch while flying by Mars.}

The crew of the Hermes agreed
To save their poor crewmate in need
To enable the catch
They blew off a hatch
Thus reducing their intercept speed

The author writes:

I don't normally find myself writing poetry, but I do enjoy writing limericks. In particular, I find it fun to tell book and movie plots in limerick form. Trying to get them to scan well and to condense important plot points into such a constrained form is like solving a puzzle.

Assembled in Inkscape using screencaps from the movie.