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No. 199: Equus ferus caballus desiccatus

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Equus ferus caballus desiccatus

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/pomh/?comic=199

Strip by: Ian Boreham

{Two cowboys out in the desert are looking at the skeletons of a man and a horse, by a dried-up pool of water.}
first cowboy: Ah reckon that's ol' Herb Jones and his mare Bessy.
second cowboy: Heh. You ever notice how over time people grow to look more like their pets?

The author writes:

Originally I was hoping to find an image of a lich riding a skeletal dragon from a game or schlock fantasy film, but didn't come across any, so I had to go for good old traditional dead skeletons.

I realised that my attempt to draw a dried-up pool could be mistaken for a pool with actual water in it. But I wasn't able to mistake myself for a person who wanted to re-colour the strip enough to actually do so.

Drawn in Krita and Inkscape.