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No. 946: Owls & Ohms

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Owls & Ohms

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/owls/?comic=946

Strip by: Ilmo, LTDave

{scene: a cave. Delkin's arm lies on the ground}
GM: The goblin sage speaks and asks...
Ambrose: Wait, so the guy has just ripped Delkin's arm off, and thinks he's the one asuin questions?
Delkin: At least he's not GMPC Steve the Almighty.
GM: Well of course not! You killed him! Twice!!
Delkin: {muttering to himself}: ...wouldn't have happened were he not immortal.
NPC Goblin sage: {mysterically} Answer me these questions three...

The author writes:

Yes, even the GM can quote Monty Python. No one's safe from the temptation.

In the universe the players inhabit, Lightning Made of Owls does not exist. That's the premise of this entire comic, after all. But other things that we know and love do, albeit modified by the absence of LMoO: