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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/owls/?comic=875
Strip by: Cody
Professor Ambrose: I am distraught by the current world situation. I must do something about it in a way that's not only ethical, but also doesn't cost me my status quo as a professional, Nobel Peace Prize winning scientist.
Professor Ambrose: {now sitting in front of a laptop, clearly enraged before he begins typing} I SHALL WRITE AN ANGRY TWEET ABOUT IT!!!!
The author writes:
He'd best be careful, or else #CancelAmbrose will be top trending.
*checks the date of when I last submitted a Lightning Made of Owls comic* My goodness, has it been a while.
Yeah, so my old LMoO comics crossed my mind the night I sketched this out, and after taking a peek through my now ancient submissions, what was I thinking? The art was horrible, the gags made no sense whatsoever, and zero thought and effort was put forth into a single damn one of them. Fast forward six years later and I've since studied art and character design and have strived to become a better writer and artist.
While this is by no means my best work, I think this very much sums up the majority of social media. Looking at you, blue check marks!
If you're at all curious about what comics I've been working on for the past five years or so, feel free to check out my DeviantArt page. Yes, my content's tailor-made for bronies, but at this point I have no shame in it whatsoever.
Also, just as I write this I realize Ambrose isn't suppose to wear glasses. That error's on me for not checking the cast page.