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No. 95: Big Nate as Gaston

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Big Nate as Gaston

First | Previous | 2016-05-12 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=95

Strip by: Mr. Skullhead

Mr. Galvin: A ukulele?
Nate: My bean plant is sort of puny, so I'm going to serenade it!
Nate: (singing) No one plots like Gaston! Takes cheap shots like Gaston! Likes to persecute harmless crackpots like Gaston!
(Nate and Mr. Galvin hear a strange noise from off panel)
Mr. Galvin: No one kills bean plants quite like Gaston" Random Boy: "Mr. Galvin? My plant just died.

The author writes:

No one mashes up overused memes and Big Nate strips quite like Gaston!

Original Big Nate Strip: 11/20/10