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No. 862: Bunnie Unleashes Her Inner Ariel

First | Previous | 2024-09-26 | Latest

Bunnie Unleashes Her Inner Ariel

First | Previous | 2024-09-26 | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=862

Strip by: Max

{Bunnie and Toby are at the beach}
{Bunnie sees a large rock and turns to Toby}
{Bunnie pleads to Toby} Toby (thinking): Really, again???
Bunnie: Hurry hurry, it's coming!!! {Toby facepalms}
Bunnie: Get ready!!! It's coming!
Bunnie: ♪Part of your...♪
Bunnie: ♪Worldddddd!!!♪ {Toby takes the pic}
Bunnie: Did you get it? Was it epic? {Toby gives a thumbs-up}
{A CG image of Bunnie posing}

The author writes:

Bunnie is similar to Ariel because they both have red hair and wear green.

Original Blogicomics strip: "Ariel's Challenge".