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First | Previous | 2023-10-03 | Next | Latest
Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=728
Strip by: MarioGarfield
{Dear Reader: Due to supply chain issues, there will be no jokes in today's comic, as all of our jokes are currently stuck in shipping containers overseas. Please feel free to fill in your own. Thanks for your patience.}
Rat: Pig, i wanteth to asketh a questioneth, wherefore the $#&@ art we speaking in "old timey" language?
Pig: I knoweth not, but i guesseth we has't to doth this f'r entire day, so embrace t f'r anon
Rat: What the @*!? this is no more brain than stone as #*(&@! receiveth the #*!@^#&%#(@& edit'r on the phoneth so i can screameth mine own lungs out on that gent!
Pig: Broth'r, chill, expecteth to talketh regularly tom'rrow
Rat: Thiseth iseth stupideth. MarioGarfield (idiothead) looks at these old-looking wordeths and goes "haha funny" when it's actuallyeth the most boringeth and most unfunnyeth thing concievableth.
Pig: Cometh on, rodent! showeth gratefulness! this is way bett'r than mod'rn English!
Rat: I've been curs'd to liveth a life of unfunny Mariogarfield edits and to liveth with a pig
Pig: That gent's name, "MarioGarfield" is high-lone funnier thaneth anything he makeths. (haha Chris Pratt haha)
The author writes:
Honestly, if I keep on making these "Rat and Pig Collaborate" comics than it's probably gonna accidentally turn into the iToons version of a "Pudding Pops" strip. Anyway, credit to the "English to Shakespearean" translator on LingoJam (cuz I used it to create this boring comic).
Original Pearls Before Swine strip: 2021-12-16.