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No. 650: Making xkcd Slightly Worse Again: Paradise City

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Making xkcd Slightly Worse Again: Paradise City

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=650

Strip by: Xindaris

Cueball (singing): Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.
Cueball (singing): Take me down to the paradise city where the girls are green and the grass is pretty.
Cueball (singing): Take me down to the green green city where the grass paradise is green and pretty
Cueball (singing): Take me down to the city city city where the girls are girls and they are pretty
Cueball (singing): Take me down to the Windows 7 beta where a picture of Hitler is better than Vista.
Cueball (singing, with feeling): Ohh, won't you please take me hooome...

The author writes:

When it comes to predecessors to iToons, and even Square Root of Minus Garfield (by a few months anyway, as far as I can tell), Making xkcd Slightly Worse (content/language warning for some of the comics) certainly bears mentioning. I'm pretty sure the website is an archive of edits originally posted in a thread on the (as far as I know) now-defunct xkcd forums. Anyway, I find myself making lyrical mutations similar to the middle 3 panels when I'm actually listening to the song the original strip was based on, and the "better than Vista" thing is a persistent meme seemingly throughout all of xkcdsw, so it only seemed right to pay homage to it as a sort of punchline at the end.

Original xkcd strips: #528, #805.