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No. 61: Ice Cream Negotiation and Phases

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Ice Cream Negotiation and Phases

First | Previous | 2016-02-02 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=61

Strip by: JohnGames

[June and Ralph are in a kitchen, Ralph is getting out a tub of ice cream holding a large bowl.]
Ralph: I could use a big bowl of ice cream!
June: I’d be happier if you’d make it a small bowl!
[Ralph has a medium sized bowl.]
Ralph: How about this one?
June: Smaller.
[Ralph is angry, and has a small bowl.]
Ralph: How about this one!?
June: Smaller.
[Ralph has a tiny bowl, he looks sad.]
Ralph: This one?
June: Smaller.
[Ralph is happy, holding an entire tub of ice cream.]
Ralph: I’ll make you ecstatic. I won't use any bowl!

The author writes:

When it comes to negotiation, I find people have a few phases.

Phase 1: Anticipation, the moment of big dreams.. the big bowl! Phase 2: Rational Compromising, a good size bowl. Phase 3: Anger, going to a small bowl. Phase 4: Depression, realizing all you can get is a tiny bowl. Phase 5: Denial, doing the irrational and spending more than even in phase 1.

Source strip: Drabble, 2016-01-19