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No. 583: It's not like his nose is any less weirdly-shaped than the rest of him, or anyone else in Id for that matter

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It's not like his nose is any less weirdly-shaped than the rest of him, or anyone else in Id for that matter

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=583

Strip by: Conor

{Rodney and Gwen are seated at a balcony, observing what is presumably some sort of sports event. A building in the background helpfully says "Arena" to clarify the setting, except for some reason this is placed in the last panel. Odd, since the reveal isn't actually part of the punchline...}
Rodney: Look, Gwen! I got one of those silly foam fingers!
Rodney: What do you think?
{Rodney and Gwen smirk knowingly in anticipation of the punchline. You'd think they were auditioning for Funky Winkerbean or something.}
Gwen: Well, it's in proportion with your anatomy

The author writes:

Get your minds out of the gutter! Clearly Gwen is making fun of the art style!

Original The Wizard of Id strip: 2015-10-26.