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No. 453: Spot the Difference with Mutts

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Spot the Difference with Mutts

First | Previous | 2020-10-06 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=453

Strip by: HeadsetGuy

Title: "October 4, 2016:"
{Two men are angrily shouting at each other; one is holding a sign that says "Vote Blue", and the other is holding a sign that says "Vote Red".}
Right Squirrel: "I'm undecided."
Title: "October 7, 2016:"
{Two men are angrily shouting at each other; one is holding a sign that says "Vote Blue", and the other is holding a sign that says "Vote Red".}
Left Squirrel: "You've got my vote."

The author writes:

At the time of my submitting this, the 2020 presidential election in the United States is right around the corner! I figured, "Better late than never", and decided to send in two very similar Mutts strips that really irked me from around the time of our last presidential election, in 2016.

No, you are not mis-reading those dates; these strips were seriously published 3 days apart. I like Mutts, but I really hate those squirrels. And so, imagine my disappointment when the squirrels were sort of funny for once... only for the humor to be ruined when they published the same joke with a different punchline 3 days later.

As an aside, please vote [Ed.: If you're an eligible US voter]. I can't tell you who to vote for, but your vote will definitely make a difference.

Original Mutts strips: 2016-10-04, 2016-10-07.