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No. 435: Exponential Van Pelt

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Exponential Van Pelt

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/itoons/?comic=435

Strip by: Sloublues

Lucy: I have the feeling that I'm growing more beautiful every day
Lucy: Do you realize what that means?
Lucy: It means that I am 75,153,362,648,762,663,292,463,379,097,258,784,876,021,841,565,066,235,862,633,311,089,030,688,803,667,470,190,838,367,948,312,598,497,021,919,232 times more beautiful today than I was at this time last year....
Lucy: WOW!!

The author writes:

If you crammed 2365 grains of rice onto the last square of a standard-sized chessboard, it would probably collapse into a black hole and then swallow the universe or at least your living room. So maybe don't do that.

Original Peanuts strip: 1973-07-25.