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News: 20 April 2007

Rival results, and new art!

Sorry things have been a bit quiet lately - I'm busily preparing for my trip to Europe tomorrow(!). But just before I leave, there are a few things to report:

  1. The vote to pick some rival race crews has been decided, with the top 3 crews being the Nefteu Representation (by teddy), Jean M. Rousseau and the crew of the Noblesse Oblige (by Selden), and Miss M, Newton, Dúr, and Kiddo (by bloodedrose). Thanks to all the writers who designed characters - we can still recycle some of the others as minor rivals later on. Full results are here.
  2. We have new art to vote on! There are three versions of page 6 to check out and pick your favourite. See the voting form for details.
  3. I've finally tasked art for pages 4 and 5, based on the winning dialogues. I've placed a lot of artists on each page, and they have three weeks to do it (while I'm on vacation), so I'm looking forward to some great submissions when I get home. :-)
Finally, I'll be halfway to Europe by this time tomorrow, so until I get back, have fun!

This news system mostly coded by volunteer coder: ZiZ
Infinity on 30 Credits a Day
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David Morgan-Mar.
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