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News: 10 March 2007

Page 1 art now up for vote!

In possibly the most anticipated vote yet, we now have submissions from 8 volunteer artists who drew their ideas for the opening scene of the comic, and it's your turn to vote on them!

This vote is a complicated by the fact that the opening scene description of the Great Zzyback Race was very open-ended, so the artwork is extremely varied in what stage of the race preparations it depicts. So varied, in fact, that it's possible to arrange every single submission into a sensible chronological sequence. So we're also going to decide just how many of these excellent pages to include as part of the canonical opening sequence of the comic.

See the voting form for full details, and cast your votes now.

This news system mostly coded by volunteer coder: ZiZ
Infinity on 30 Credits a Day
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Licence, except where indicated otherwise.
David Morgan-Mar.
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