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No. 98: Also he's not wearing plus-fours

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Also he's not wearing plus-fours

First | Previous | 2015-05-03 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=98

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar

T-Rex: I'm playing a casual round of golf.
T-Rex: FORE!
T-Rex: Awesome. A hole in one!
Dromiceiomimus: That went a fair way.
Utahraptor: Some golf nerds would say that doesn't count...
Utahraptor: as you're not playing in a competition, you're not actually playing golf, but merely something that superficially resembles golf.
T-Rex: Wow! Next thing you'll tell me they use a ball, not a Volkswagen.

The author writes:

This was inspired by an actual conversation with a friend of mine who plays golf, and is actually based on truth. There are indeed, he tells me, golf nerds who insist that if you're not playing in a competition, then you are Not. Actually. Playing. Golf, but merely engaging in an activity that resembles a game of golf - perhaps as a form of practice for playing actual golf.

I think the most astonishing thing about this fact is that there exist such things as golf nerds.