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No. 871: It's why the state can tell you to Go Directly to Jail

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It's why the state can tell you to Go Directly to Jail

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=871

Strip by: manyhills

T. Rex: I'm so bored! I think I may...
T. Rex: ...establish a monopoly on legitimate violence in a defined geographical area!
Dromiceiomimus: So you're going to become a state?
T. Rex: Huh? No, that sounds like it would be a whole thing. Ugh.
Utahraptor: T., having a "monopoly on violence" is literally the definition of a state.
T. Rex: Well, I didn't know that!
Utahraptor: You're saying you came up with a near-verbatim quotation of Weber by sheer coincidence?
T. Rex: Yeah!
T. Rex: And if you don't like it, argue with my FISTS!
T. Rex: No, seriously, you can, I've legitimised it.

The author writes:

Royal FloraHolland isn't a state, but it does have a monopoly on violets.