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No. 867: It is easier to imagine The End of the Affair than The End of Evangelion

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It is easier to imagine The End of the Affair than The End of Evangelion

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=867

Strip by: manyhills

T. Rex: Imagine the end of the world.
T. Rex: Easy, right?
T. Rex: Now try to imagine the end of capitalism. You can't! BOOM! That's capitalist realism, baby!
Utahraptor: But T., I have aphantasia. I can't imagine apples.
T. Rex: Sure. And apples are real. Apple realism! It still works!
Utahraptor: So wait, is there apple surrealism?
{T. Rex is wearing a bowler hat with a large apple floating in front of his face, à la René Magritte's The Son of Man}

The author writes:

The apple is green in the painting, but a green apple didn't show up very well against T. Rex.