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No. 680: It was panthalasstic

First | Previous | 2018-02-12 | Next | Latest

It was panthalasstic

First | Previous | 2018-02-12 | Next | Latest

Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=680

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar, Andrew Coker

T-Rex: I've been away on a cruise. I sailed all the way
T-Rex: around PANGAEA.
T-Rex: It was a pan-Pangaea cruise.
Dromiceiomimus: Neat.
Utahraptor: In Spanish, "pan" is bread.
T-Rex: That was so unexpectedly delightful.
Utahraptor: Gracias.
Caption: THE END.
T-Rex: Are you not entertained?

The author writes:

This is what happens when you reach the punchline in panel 3.