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No. 473: This comic really passes mustard

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This comic really passes mustard

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Permanent URL: https://mezzacotta.net/dinosaur/?comic=473

Strip by: David Morgan-Mar

T-Rex: I just had a nerve wrecking experience, but I nipped it in the butt.
T-Rex: When someone uses an incorrect but similar sounding word in an idiom, that's called an "ache-horn", because it hurts your ears to hear it.
Utahraptor: Um... T-Rex...
Utahraptor: Those are EGGCORNS, not "ache-horns".
T-Rex: Ha ha! Did you hear that funny new ache-horn that Utahraptor just said?

The author writes:

My spellchecker puts an angry red line under "eggcorn" but not under "ache-horn". So yeah, I'm on T-Rex's side.