Mezzacotta Cinematique
Impunity Comes to Jakarta
Drew Barrymore, Meryl Streep, Bette Midler, Samuel L. Jackson, Emma Stone.
The epic conclusion to the The Delicious Object of the Skyscraper tetralogy.
G , 139 mins
This is a tragic sci-fi film, where a cobbled herbologist endangers a warlock and gets a pet dog, which bites the calf of a holographic portal researcher.
Executioners and Serial Killers
Starring Keira Knightley, Billy Zane, Luke Wilson, Will Smith.
Distributed in Peru as the Prairie of Unicorns.
PG13 (drug use) , 111 mins
Several French politicians and a delicate vixen steal a flickering blender from the loving mistress of a netball referee.
Design the Mathematicians
Starring Emma Thompson, Jason Bateman, Hugh Laurie.
Directed by Martin Campbell.
PG13 (extravaganza intimate violence and infrequent nudity) , 84 mins
A couple of princesses are betrayed by a skilled ghost, who saves the life of an owl keeper.
Five Nephews
Christina Hendricks, Zachary Quinto, Jonah Hill, Olivia Wilde, Emile Hirsch.
A David Cronenberg film.
PG10 (mild wig humour) , 103 mins
An adventurous singer slowly stalks two malevolent composers.
A Moronic Brooch
Starring Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, Denzel Washington, Chloe Sevigny.
Also with Kevin Bacon's caretaker.
Directed by Ron Howard.
G , 153 mins
A humble nun and a stressed queen buy a snowmobile, which turns graven, from their business partners.
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Bought to you by mezzacotta
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