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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2013 - Team Statistics

Team name: thefrankler

This team has 2 members.

This team has registered with one or more non-Australian-resident or non-student members, and is thus ineligible for prizes.

Answer attempts

Puzzle groupUsed    Remaining
1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E18    82
2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 2E100    0
3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E3    97
4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, 4E10    90
5A, 5B, 5C, 5D, 5E17    83

Puzzles solved

1A. Old Chairman of the Farm5    2013-07-25 09:20:23
1C. Connected Nodes5    2013-07-28 02:44:28
2C. Sometime5    2013-07-29 22:28:47
2E. Second Rate Suburb5    2013-07-30 06:15:42
2B. On the Right Track5    2013-07-30 06:33:13
1B. Inspired5    2013-07-30 06:53:28
3A. Good Directions5    2013-07-31 08:46:13
1D. Lists4    2013-07-31 08:58:32
3B. Words with Benefits5    2013-07-31 09:00:49
3D. On Reflection5    2013-07-31 09:02:33
4A. Some Assembly Required5    2013-08-01 00:44:04
2D. Look, Ma!2    2013-08-02 09:27:01
4B. Interactions3    2013-08-03 02:18:11
4C. Novel Plots3    2013-08-03 03:32:14
5E. Fly in a Box4    2013-08-03 04:23:47
4D. XYZ-Word2    2013-08-04 08:11:31
4E. Flags2    2013-08-04 09:35:58
5D. Three Colours2    2013-08-05 06:05:43
5A. Anachronism2    2013-08-05 06:06:37

Knight's Tourist
of Group 4