CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2010 - Solutions3C. Don't FretEach of the seven diagrams is a guitar fretboard indicating the fingering positions of a number of musical notes, using the standard 6-string guitar tuning. The line of digits next to each fretboard represents a sequence of notes to be played; the dots represent pauses or holding times for the previous note. Playing the sequences reveals the melodies or distinctive bass lines of various songs. The seven songs in order are:
The numbers in parentheses below each note sequence can help narrow down the song titles; in each case, there are as many numbers as there are words in the title. Each number from 1 to 16 appears once here, hinting that the next step is to sort the individual words in the song titles by their corresponding numbers:
The initials of the words reveal a message: "Who wrote Can't Stop?" This refers to the chart-topping 2002 alternative rock song by the RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS; the band name is the credited songwriter and thus the answer to the puzzle. (There are a few other songs by this title, but this is the most popular and successful.)