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CiSRA Puzzle Competition 2010 - Solutions

1D. Latin Pipes

The upper grid is a Latin square - that is, each different pipe segment should appear exactly once in each row and column. Adjacent segments should form an unbroken pipe. The ten different pipe segments are all provided in the original puzzle - two straight pieces, four bends, and four T-shaped intersections.

So, the first step is to fill it in. This will take a while. Experience with Sudoku-like puzzles is probably helpful.

The completed grid looks like this:

1D. solution 1

The next step is to copy individual squares into the lower part of the puzzle. The letter in each square indicates the column in the upper grid, from left to right; the number indicates the row, from top to bottom. Copying the corresponding segments produces this:

1D. solution 2

Ceci n'est pas une pipe is the caption to René Magritte's famous painting, LA TRAHISON DES IMAGES, or THE TREACHERY OF IMAGES in the usual English translation. Either of these titles is acceptable as the answer.